View Full Version : Most Underated and Overated Bands In the Past 10 Years

12-03-2003, 12:29 AM
Kinda self explainitory.

Underated-Marvelous 3 or At The Drive In

Overated-Nirvana or Linkin Park

If you want to add some reasons go right ahead.

12-03-2003, 01:09 AM

You do not mess with nirvana, nirvana kicks!

most overrated band is the white stripes, or if they qualify, backstreet boys and N-sync.

12-03-2003, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by Lopy-slopy

You do not mess with nirvana, nirvana kicks!


Overrated: Every new artist in the last 5-10 years.

Underrated: "New 'Tallica"

12-03-2003, 03:15 AM
any boy band or girl band is heavily overrated, britney spears major overrated

definitely disagree with nirvana being overrated

underrated - heck if i know anymore, everytime i think an artist is underrated they go on to win a grammy

land hurricane
12-03-2003, 12:57 PM
Overated-Nirvana or Linkin Park

12-03-2003, 01:06 PM

To me, trying to judge art (in this case music) is like trying to say that one color is better than another.

Blue is better than red. It just doesn't make sense to me. Whenever someone says that a band sucks, I have to wonder if the band really sucks, or just to that person. Am I wrong if I think that the band doesn't suck?

I don't know.

Overated: Snoop Dogg
Underated: Demon Hunter

12-03-2003, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by MaChu

Underated? Soulfly, Flaming lips

12-03-2003, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by MaChu

no band in the history of music is more overrated than nirvana.

underrated, hmm, i guess coldplay. not because i think they are really underrated but because not everyone realizes just how great they really are.

oh, and who can forget Orleans!!!

12-03-2003, 03:38 PM
underrated- Queens of The Stone Age. they get some recognition and everything, but the stuff theyre putting out and have put out in their last 3 albums should be getting A LOT of attention from anyone who loves rock.

overrated- gotta agree with Linkin Park. they suck. period. i dont want to hear you whine. shut up.

you take it back that Nirvana is overrated! take it back! now!!!

12-03-2003, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by MaChu

12-03-2003, 03:46 PM
Underrated: Flogging Molly.
Seriously... I freaking love their sound, yet nobody has heard of them... :(

12-03-2003, 03:54 PM
underrated- old afi

overrated- new afi

12-03-2003, 03:56 PM
Around here "Live", because at least one song or another of theirs gets played on practically any 90's radio station I've heard of in Texas, but no one knows that I've ever spoken to.

12-03-2003, 04:04 PM
I agree with Lopy Slopy. The Hives, the Vines, the White Stripes, etc. etc. all suck major balls. I do not get the big deal. I also think the Red Hot Chili Peppers are overrated. I'm not saying I don't like them, I kind of do, they're just overrated.
For underrated, there's Killldozer, Pimp Daddy Welfare. I'l think of some more, later.

12-03-2003, 04:06 PM
underated: to alot of people around here tool, and just about any band that doesnt play on mtv.

overrated: definantly nirvana while they did do something new, etc, etc they shouldnt win every damn award in existance regarding music.

12-03-2003, 04:55 PM
Beam, its not that its a professional verdict from the artists of the world, I just want to see people's opinions:p

As for everybody saying "Nirvana is God", no they weren't they were just lucky because they were discovered first. The grunge scene was in Seatle a while before they were so it wasn't ALL their credit to "revolutionize" music. Now its just been blown way out of proportion especially when Kurt Cobain killed himself. But this is just my opinion, if you don't like it, well get over it:D

12-03-2003, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Lopy-slopy

most overrated band is the white stripes, or if they qualify, backstreet boys and N-sync.

i completely disagree. they are the only band in popular music that sound different from the rest.

12-03-2003, 06:35 PM
Over-rated: Blink 182, Red Hot Chilly Peppers, ANY "artist" who only signs and doesn't write his lyrics (Celine Dion first, damn I hate here)

Under-Rated: Rob Zombie, Nightwish, Dimmu Borgir, Bland Guardian (see a trend here?)

12-03-2003, 06:42 PM
Overrated-NFG, Simple Plan, Linkin Park, all rap, Godsmack

Underrated-Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, old afi, Dk's, The Get up Kids, Yellowcard, Lucky Boys Confusion

12-03-2003, 06:42 PM
overrated- DEF. Nirvana although i do like them

underated- i think mtv and vh1 underrate Sublime for some reason i think they are scared to do shows about them bc of the way Brad died... but Sublime def deserves some of these awards from shows like "best 22 albums from the last decade" etc

and the rest of the bands i think are underated noone has prob heard of..

bands like

catch 22
cant hang
meat puppets
bargain music
relative ash

12-03-2003, 07:09 PM
Ive heard of catch 22, but haven't actually HEARD them lol:D

Another Underated-
Oh yeah one of my favorite artists and located in Atlanta is Butch Walker. Who? Well this guy friggin rocks! I mean before you started hearing these 80's guitar solos lately he and his band(Marvelous 3) were the pioneers to bring back that 80's rock without the leatards and crazy hair and before everyone else, just ahead of everyone else. Not to mention he is amazing live and is hella funny. Writes all his lyrics, produces all his own stuff. Plus he is one of the few true artists who can play piano, guitar, drums and sing.*rant over :)*

Another Overrated-
Hmmm....oh god yeah. Three Doors Down, Its just so bland and gets overplayed like no other on radio stations. Seems like they have sold out to the pop culture and are the next Matchbox 20 or Goo Goo Dolls(Both way overplayed, but Matchbox 20 is ok I guess). Not to mention the lead singer looks between a cross of a human with a pug.:D

12-03-2003, 08:15 PM
Overated-Nirvana or Linkin Park

Agreed, Nirvana is the most overrated band ever. Its not like i think theyre bad, just overrated.

I disagree with the White Stripes comment.

12-03-2003, 08:24 PM
underrated: jet...they may get popular, but they aren't yet.

overrated: Nirvana yes, not saying i don't like them, but they are overrated.

About the white stripes comment, they may be popular but they aren't overrated. They have a unique sound and a kickin guitar player. The drummer may not be the greatest, but she gets the job done and it sounds good.

just my 2 cents.

12-03-2003, 08:38 PM
Overrated: Metallica

12-03-2003, 10:28 PM
Nirvan is not freaken over rated. They became the #1 band in america without much backing from their record company, they didn't think nevermind would sell well so they didn't print many cpoies of their CD and booked them on a tour where they were openers! The Cd exploded and rocketed up the charts and beat out Michle jackson for #1 spot on the billboard. Not many bands have gotton to #1 on the billboard, at least not many bands that arnt pop and have a huge backing from their record company. The reason they are remember so well today is that they went out with a bang(literaly), they were still on top and never went through the "fading out of the spotlight" faze.

12-03-2003, 11:26 PM
This thread doesn't work because it's opinion.

Like all the emo kids putting their crappy bands as underated, in my opinion that music makes me sick and nobody should listen to it. How about some real punk? Exploited or something...

But anyway,

Overated: AFI

Underated: Sublime

12-03-2003, 11:30 PM
Underrated: Evergreen Terrace.

Overrated: NOFX.

12-03-2003, 11:40 PM
Overrated: Britney Spears, Eminem, Sean Paul.

Underrated: Mudvayne, Pantera, Rammstein.

12-04-2003, 12:04 AM
Overated- anything from Seattle. Hell anything from the entire Northwest. Grunge. That is NOT music people. That's NOISE.

Underated- Blues Traveller

12-04-2003, 01:00 AM
underrated- at the drive in, turbonegro, RU36
Overrated- korn, metallica, green day, linkin park and pretty much any main stream band that becomes retarded like the above mentioned

12-04-2003, 04:34 AM
overated: nirvana, korn, limp bizkit, creed

underated: otep, nonpoint, stone sour

12-04-2003, 08:19 AM
Overrated: Whiny ***ed bands like Staind, Likin Park

Underrated: At the Drive In, Sparta, The Mars Volta, The Unseen.

12-04-2003, 10:18 AM
Underated - INXS. These guys, if still together today, would have been BIGGER than U2. They had better songs, Michael was a better singer than Bono IMO, and the band was more talented. Their music is so similar you can easily compare the two bands. If they hadn't broken up, and Michael hadn't "accidentally" killed himself shortly after, this band would have been immense, I'm convinced. Today, everyone is just like "INXS? Aren't they one of those forgotten 80's bands?"

Overrated - The Rolling Stones or Linkin Park. The Rolling Stones are hailed as the greatest rock band ever blah blah and all this crap, personally I think tons of bands from their era are better. The Stones are talented, but not as much as some other bands. They deserve to be famous, but nowhere near at the level they have become. Linkin Park is just totally overrated, they aren't very talented and their songs are "ok" at best, yet they are treated like the new gods of music.

Oh, and as for those who are calling bands such as the White Stripes and the Strokes overrated, get back to your roots. These bands are a throwback to blues-based rock and roll, and I think its great that its making a comeback. For a while it looked like Nu-metal and its clones were killing the rock scene, and now old-school rock and roll is getting to shine again, I love it.

12-04-2003, 03:11 PM
underated-Dream Theater

12-04-2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by MaChu
Kinda self explainitory.

Underated-Marvelous 3 or At The Drive In

Overated-Nirvana or Linkin Park

If you want to add some reasons go right ahead.

u say nirvana is overrated but have u listen to them, i mean like really listen to them. they have alot of good songs,

but i think all pop bands r basicly over rated

12-04-2003, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by SSMercury
Around here "Live", because at least one song or another of theirs gets played on practically any 90's radio station I've heard of in Texas, but no one knows that I've ever spoken to.

dude secret samahdi has to be one of the better rock albums in the 90's even the follow up with dolphins cry wasnt that bad

but overrated - good charlotte
underrated - simon says

12-04-2003, 04:25 PM
OMFG Overrated: Good Charlotte. I mean WTF? How the hell did these tools get their own damned show on MTV? They look like transvestites on Halloween (not dogging the look, just *their* look) and their songs sound like a 12 year old girl wrote them. Pathetic.

Next, the Stones. Like Thordic said, they are one of the classics, but sweet jeebus, have you actually seen them in the last 15 years? Back then, rock on. Now, run & Hide.

Underrated: Again, White Stripes. All in the roots baby.

12-04-2003, 05:11 PM
First off, nirvana is not overrated. They changed the style and sound of music in the early 90's. Think about what was popular in 1990 (Poision, Montley Crew, Great White). Then comes a long a band that was so different it took the music industry by supprise. This is not overrated, this is revolutionary. Before Nirvana, the last band to have as much influance on music was the Beatles.

Overrated: Rage Against the Machine
Underrated: They Might be Giants ;)

12-04-2003, 06:06 PM
Yes, I have listened to Nirvana, yes I think they are good, but they are getting more credit than they deserve. Like I said before, grunge was in the Seattle area before them and MTV and all these groups make it sound like they started it. Yes the record company had alot to do with Nirvana getting popular because they are the ones who put them on MTV. People were bored with all the crazy hair and nut cracking voices being played over and over for the past decade, so of course they would embrace a new sound. My opinion.(Again)

12-04-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
First off, nirvana is not overrated. They changed the style and sound of music in the early 90's. Think about what was popular in 1990 (Poision, Montley Crew, Great White). Then comes a long a band that was so different it took the music industry by supprise. This is not overrated, this is revolutionary. Before Nirvana, the last band to have as much influance on music was the Beatles.

Overrated: Rage Against the Machine
Underrated: They Might be Giants ;)

How can you not like Rage Against The Machine?

12-04-2003, 07:55 PM
I thought everybody liked Rage, they were like the best band of the 90's.

Thats like saying Zepplin was overrated.

12-04-2003, 08:40 PM
under-rated: Ben Folds Five/ Ben Folds, Coldplay, Moby, NOFX, Me First and the Gimme Gimme's

over-rated: Almost every top 20's band of the last however long mtvs been on the air

(ben folds five and coldplay and nofx are pretty popular but i dont think anyone realizes how talented they are)


Underrated Cont'd

Floggin' Molly
Pinhead Gunpowder
Dillenger Four

12-04-2003, 08:43 PM
Overated: metal-lica

Underated: the clash

12-04-2003, 08:44 PM
Oh and heres my rant about Nirvana...

they didnt do anything radical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they were just the first band to get on mtv with that underground genre sound!!! just like greenday!!!!!!!

12-04-2003, 09:23 PM
over-rated: Good charolette,likin park, creed, any other carppy a$$ MTV fake punk band.
under rated: Beck(Flaming Lips) Spoon, crystal method, foo fighters, smashing pumpkins, voo doo glow skulls. OSKER

12-05-2003, 01:05 AM
overrated: Coldplay, Moby
underrated: Bid Dumb Face, Wesley Willis

12-05-2003, 01:17 AM
Breaking Benjamin is underrated, they have some awesome songs.

12-05-2003, 01:23 AM
You know, I find it funny how everyone says that Good Charlotte is over rated. Now, let me give my point. In one of their songs, can't remember which, the words go something like, "All these kids try to tell me what punk is, but when I see them on the streets, they got nothing to say". I believe that's how it goes. They're a different type of music that most people here obviously don't like, but they're ok in my oppinion. Unless you've got better words, don't complain.

As for this entire thread, I think it's kind of dumb, because music is all about oppinion. There is no "better" kind of music. Go ahead though, especially with the underrated bands. I like to hear new stuff. :)

12-05-2003, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by p8ntball1016
underrated- old afi

overrated- new afi
Couldn't agree more.

Overrated: All nu metal

Underrated: Anything on Saddle Creek Records

12-05-2003, 03:23 AM
Personally, I think that Nirvana is both underrated and overrated.

Underrated because after Nirvana came out of no where to make some of the best music of all time they had to rethink the way that they marketed and found new music.

Overrtaed because Kurt was just a man, and not some prophet of the youth cutlure. He just wanted to make music. He didn't want o be placed on a pedestal amd made out to be something that he never wanted to be.

And Rage Against the Machine, yes, they were a good band. They had some really compentent musicians. But, I got bored with Zach's constant theme of anti government lyrics. It just got old.

AFI, I liked thier older stuff. But, since Davey Havoc can't deciede if he wants to be Glenn Danzig or Robert Smith, I just don't listen to the new stuff.

As far as the the MTV Generation crap goes, I really can't stand any of it. Some of it is ok, but I don't know how much longer I can listen to bands that whine about highschool four or five years after highschool. Talk about something else fer chrissakes!

As far as the rest goes, I really can't stand a lot of hip hop. I just get tired of hearing about bling-bling or 20 inch rims or how bad ***ed that person is. Some of it I like, like that song Hey Ya, it's just catchy and upbeat. Or some of the stuff by the Black Eyed Peas.

I've go on long enough

12-05-2003, 03:38 AM
overated - Dead Poetic
underrated - nelly

woops thats backwards

12-05-2003, 08:16 AM
underappreciated - NOFX

12-05-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by DJBacon06
underated-Dream Theater
I was going to say that:mad: They are the best instermentaly(sp), hands down.

12-05-2003, 07:52 PM
most overrated stuff is rap even though it sucks and always will

underated stuff would be oldies

12-05-2003, 08:02 PM
Most Underrated: Dave Matthews Band.

12-05-2003, 09:14 PM
Linkin Park is easily the most overrated band around right now. Only one good (Rock) station comes in on the radio in my room, and I'm lucky If Linkin Park doesn't get one of their whiny songs played once every HOUR.

Rage Against the Machine did the smartest thing that they could have possibly done (don't know the story, maybe this isn't how it went down, but..), they got rid of de la Rocha and got somebody who could actually sing. Zach sounded like a pissed-off-pinko version of Mike-D. Which is to say, he had a terrible, grating voice, but didn't have the humor thing going for him like the Beastie Boys at least tried to have. The musicians in the band, on the other hand, were VERY good, and deserved a better singer. Although I'm not sure it's worth the loss of Soundgarden. :(

As for underrated, although I wouldn't have thought of them, I can agree with the people who mentioned Live. VERY good band.

I disagree that Tool is underrated. Very, very good, true, but not underrated. Everyone knows that they rule, it's just that they're not MTV-friendly, THANK GOD! :cool:

Blonde Bomber
12-05-2003, 11:31 PM
Most overrated: Any band that calls themselves death metal, doom metal, nu-metal etc etc YOUR EITHER METAL OR YOUR NOT!

Most underrated band in the history of music: DiamondHead \../

12-05-2003, 11:32 PM
Over-rated: Nirvana, Good Charolette, Rage Against the Machine

Under-rated: Megadeath. Dave Mustain and crew were nearly as good as Metallica, and never got the recognition. And then they didn't sell out.

12-05-2003, 11:59 PM
Underrated: Primus, The Crystal Method, Beasty Boyz(he he, can't wait to here the replies to that one)

12-06-2003, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by davidb
Rage Against the Machine did the smartest thing that they could have possibly done (don't know the story, maybe this isn't how it went down, but..), they got rid of de la Rocha and got somebody who could actually sing. Zach sounded like a pissed-off-pinko version of Mike-D. Which is to say, he had a terrible, grating voice, but didn't have the humor thing going for him like the Beastie Boys at least tried to have. The musicians in the band, on the other hand, were VERY good, and deserved a better singer. Although I'm not sure it's worth the loss of Soundgarden. :(

Zack left the band. They didn't get rid of him.

And don't get me wrong, I love Cornell an all...but RATM was better than Audioslave will EVER be.

12-06-2003, 05:38 PM
Overrated-Every bit of punk rock. It has to be the worst kind of music ever invented other then country.

Underrated-Mudvayne, American Head Charge, Kotton Mouth Kings, Ill Nino.

12-06-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants
Overrated-Every bit of punk rock. It has to be the worst kind of music ever invented other then country.

Underrated-Mudvayne, American Head Charge, Kotton Mouth Kings, Ill Nino.
That post made me want to kill puppies. Punk helped introduce a new level of innovation to music in the 70s. How you can compare any numetal band to The Clash or The Ramones scares me.

12-06-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind

That post made me want to kill puppies. Punk helped introduce a new level of innovation to music in the 70s. How you can compare any numetal band to The Clash or The Ramones scares me.

Simple. The bands I listed were all underrated. I bet you have only listend to maybe one, two at the most of them. You think they are stupied because they yell? Well if you know anything about any of those bands* and have ever heard there lyrics (yes they are there and can pick them out) its alot better form of music then punk could ever be. Sorry thats just the way I feel.

*Those bands do not include Kotton Mouth Kings, there just a bunch of white guys who talk about pot. Either way its hilarious. :D

12-06-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants
Simple. The bands I listed were all overrated. I bet you have only listend to maybe one, two at the most of them. You think they are stupied because they yell? Well if you know anything about any of those bands* and have ever heard there lyrics (yes they are there and can pick them out) its alot better form of music then punk could ever be. Sorry thats just the way I feel.
Bands that are all over MTV and the radio are in no way underrated, seeing as how they are getting tons of attention. I've heard all of them except for American Head Charge. Yelling has nothing to do with it, I listen to bands with plenty of yelling/screaming (listen to Converge for an example). The lyrics are actually what bother me. They are all overly generic, and many make an attempt to sympathize with goths or teenagers in general (=$$$). If you want an example of good lyrics, read up on Cursive, The Blood Brothers, Tool, or AFI's more recent stuff.

12-06-2003, 07:30 PM
Rage Against the Machine did the smartest thing that they could have possibly done (don't know the story, maybe this isn't how it went down, but..), they got rid of de la Rocha and got somebody who could actually sing. Zach sounded like a pissed-off-pinko version of Mike-D. Which is to say, he had a terrible, grating voice, but didn't have the humor thing going for him like the Beastie Boys at least tried to have. The musicians in the band, on the other hand, were VERY good, and deserved a better singer. Although I'm not sure it's worth the loss of Soundgarden.

Zach left the band, they didnt boot him out, and did you happen to notice that since he left the lyrics blow?

Audioslave sucks, I think that they have an incredible band, such as Morrello who is one of the best guitar players in the world, but they cant produce anything.

12-06-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants
Overrated-Every bit of punk rock. It has to be the worst kind of music ever invented other then country.

Underrated-Mudvayne, American Head Charge, Kotton Mouth Kings, Ill Nino. God help you.

12-06-2003, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by BobTheCow63
Underrated: Flogging Molly.
Seriously... I freaking love their sound, yet nobody has heard of them... :(
Your not hanging out with the right people

Overrated- Nirvana/new AFI
Underrated- Radiohead

As aforementioned, noone really has the right to judge music.

12-06-2003, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by p8ntball1016
underrated- old afi

overrated- new afi

12-07-2003, 02:50 AM
Jesus did you just say nobody has heard of Flogging Molly?! HAHAHAHA! TONS of people listen to Flogging Molly. Heck they even got stuff in Hot Topic(the store I hate, but sometimes I pop in to laugh at the people and prices) has merchandise.

Who ever said punk was horrible needs to be slapped. If it wasn't for punk we could still be in Saturday Night Fever every day of the week. Punk had political messages which were dying out near the end of the late 70s, trying to restablish that rebeliousness WITH a cause in the late 60s. But I have to agree punk did have its drawbacks...it spawned New Wave, the 80's music everyone hated. Those were indeed dark times:( :D

Overated-All American Rejects, Weezer
Underated-American HiFi, Cake

12-07-2003, 04:58 PM
the Clash - got almost no recognition until recently when Joe Strummer died
Flogging Molly - they're like the second coming of the Pogues (another underrated band)only better, if that's possible
the Pixies - Kurt Cobain himself has said Nirvana was just a Pixies cover band, although he was obviously selling himself short
Steve Earle - may save the world one day

Sonic Youth
most of what's on the radio

EDIT: I saw Tom Morello recently at Berklee on the Tell Us the Truth tour, which also included Billy Bragg, Steve Earle, Boots Riley from the Coup, Lester Chambers, and Jill Sobule. Morello played solo acoustically and sounded like an even more pissed off Leonard Cohen. It was pretty awesome. Zack was far from the only "pinko" member of Rage.

12-07-2003, 05:30 PM
Wow, there have been like 5 people on AO now talking about the greatness of Flogging Molly... Espo you're right, I DO hang out with the wrong people!! :eek:

12-07-2003, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Kai

How can you not like Rage Against The Machine?

12-07-2003, 11:53 PM
Omg, The Pogues are old skool Flogging Molly, they were around the late 80s early 90s right? I think I saw them on SNL once and I was just in awe of the distinct Irish folk with a modern sound. Wow this thread has gotten really big. Go me:p :o :cool:

12-08-2003, 04:23 PM
Yeah, the Pogues sort of grew out of the British punk scene in the late 70s/early 80s. I believe when Shane McGowan left, Joe Strummer was their vocalist for a while.

05-13-2008, 08:40 PM
underrated- clutch, flogging molly, dropkick murphys

overrated- lots of poppy punk bands, nirvana was extremely overrated,

05-14-2008, 06:02 AM
underrated- clutch, flogging molly, dropkick murphys

overrated- lots of poppy punk bands, nirvana was extremely overrated,

Underrated: Old DKM.

Overrated: New DKM.

They've gained popularity, and they now suck, go figure.

Eatem Alive
05-14-2008, 08:46 AM
This is at least the second time in a week that a new user has brought up an old thread and mentioned "euro club hits". What gives?

Trying to slip in some spam and be subtle about it?

05-14-2008, 02:03 PM
... i started reading this thread thinking it was new... then noticed people from like, 5 years ago posting in it that I KNOW aren't on AO anymore... lol... memories...

Nirvana wasn't overrated until the devilwoman killed Kurt...

05-14-2008, 02:16 PM
This is at least the second time in a week that a new user has brought up an old thread and mentioned "euro club hits". What gives?

Trying to slip in some spam and be subtle about it?

ive seen it in 4 threads now :) all necro post to.

05-14-2008, 03:20 PM
Overated- anything from Seattle. Hell anything from the entire Northwest. Grunge. That is NOT music people. That's NOISE.

Underated- Blues Traveller
You do know that John Popper lives about 30 minutes from Seattle right?

p.s. Blues Traveler is overrated. ;)

05-14-2008, 05:45 PM
You do know that John Popper lives about 30 minutes from Seattle right?

p.s. Blues Traveler is overrated. ;)

Sister Hazel - Underrated

rifleman wi
05-14-2008, 07:36 PM
Rush- Underrated

Eatem Alive
05-14-2008, 08:18 PM
Rush- Underrated
Saw them a week ago. 2-1/2 hours of pure goodness.

Coheed & Cambria - Underrated

rifleman wi
05-15-2008, 06:01 AM
Saw them a week ago. 2-1/2 hours of pure goodness.

Coheed & Cambria - Underrated
yea, i saw them in Oklahoma city, it rocked :headbang: hope to see them in Milwaukee too.

05-15-2008, 11:39 AM
Underated- Between the Buried and Me, Sikth, Meshuggah, Tori Amos, Tool, Nine Inch Nails, Job for a Cowboy, The Black Dahlia Murder, Sworn Enemy, A Perfect Circle, Primus, Uriah Heep, Prong, Yes, classical music and Jazz as a whole.

05-16-2008, 11:33 AM
Underrated-Lucky Boys Confusion

Underated- Blues Traveller