View Full Version : ToBe2Be X-Mag Nightmare

12-03-2003, 01:03 AM
Let me tell you how my day went. First i was waiting all day for Tunaman to get home so i can finally pic up my gun. i call him to verify that he was home. i leave my house get stuck in traffic. after about 1 1/2 hours of traffic i finally get to tuna's. Tuna and I converse for about 5-10 minutes and i tell him i have to leave cuz im going to a feild afterwards to try it out. so i leave. i get to the indoor feild at 9 and they close at 10 so i was pretty upset that i was only gonna play for about an hour. Anyways i take a macro fitting and put it on the valve and take my datapimp drop and install it aswell. after i do the finishing touches on the air fittings i trow on my tank. i also realized that their was 34K shots on my marker so i was like WTF. Anyways i take a shot and NO FULL AUTO. so i continue trying to get this gun to go full auto and it just wouldnt. i get myself all set up and i go to the feild and i didnt realize that the gun might have needed the level ten to be tuned so i was like fudge it. i get on the feild and just start laying paint all over the place and the gun wouldnt malfunction. i end the day and i couldnt get the gun to mess up. so i call tuna at about 11 he doesnt pick up. i call AGDJon at 11:20 he wouldnt pick up. i called AGD and they didnt pick up.AGD has the WORST customer service. I swear it was a nightmare. my gun just wouldnt go bad on me. :) and you all thought the circle would have started again SHAME ON YOU GUYS. i will have pictures posted up in the morning of the whole gun set up.

12-03-2003, 01:08 AM

until about 1/2 way through I thought you were serious. I was about to flame you mightily... Funny stuff though

12-03-2003, 01:13 AM
see..the problem is that he can't sound like me...good try tho...

12-03-2003, 01:14 AM
You sir are good.

12-03-2003, 01:16 AM
Thanks DB but as you can see im not you "THANK GOD". i wasnt trying to type like you.i was just copying your title THATS IT.

12-03-2003, 01:32 AM
eh..no harm no foul..i wasn't offended or anything...i'd still bunker you..

12-03-2003, 01:37 AM
Tobe- congrats on the new X! Welcome to the cool kids' table. :D

12-03-2003, 01:40 AM

12-03-2003, 01:40 AM
Oh man and my heart was going on this one... I don't think I can take much more of this.


12-03-2003, 01:41 AM
Thanks Dayspring. And DB not trying to be rude or anything but didnt you say you wasnt gonna post on this forums anymore. like Adam Shannon said we sure are gonna miss you

12-03-2003, 01:43 AM
Dont worry Tom i know that if there was a problem with this gun all i would have to do is contact Grandpa Tuna, Unka Phil, Jeck my junk Jon, or yourself. i was trying to bring some life to this forums. Also i would like to say what an amazing Anodizing job are done to these SEAO X mag. IT IS AWESOME.

12-03-2003, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by Tobe2be
Thanks Dayspring. And DB not trying to be rude or anything but didnt you say you wasnt gonna post on this forums anymore. like Adam Shannon said we sure are gonna miss you

Nah...i just letting Adam think that just like Disneyland, wishes can come true...but not this time..

12-03-2003, 02:03 AM
As much as I like mags and am happy to see posts praising the mag for it's performance...it's possible that sometimes, there are bad apples that come out of AGD. DB's Xmag happened to be one of them. Although probably a simple fix, I'm sure DB was patient enough for it and the expectations were high. It was DB's high expectation that probably ruined it for him when he had numerous problems during his wait for his Xmag.

For those of you who knows DB..you know he's a gun whore. But above all the guns he's ever owned, the Xmag was up there on his list. He's not a newb when it comes to the mag family either. But I guess after all the hassles, he reached his limit and got tired of it.

I have a sense of humor...but this seemed like a cheap shot at someone who wasn't satisfied with an AGD product. Personally, I found it rather immature and low. But who am I to you right? Nobody...just like I don't care much for threads like these.

Like I said, as much as I love my mags, I admire TK for what he's done for the community and for me, I'm not going to act like this is a cult thing where you're either accepted or not...but oh well.:rolleyes:

adam shannon
12-03-2003, 02:07 AM
so i hear you want a piece of me DB. so much for your shutting up and leaving. i was actually surprised when you first said you were going....after all what would AO be without its "#1 hater in sheeps clothing"...put that in your sig. for a guy that wants credit for inventing the letter "X", you sure manage to come to every AGD and Tom flame fest with your little buddies squid, the little wet queef, and stalerat...er um i mean oh nevermind. i sure hope you dont go...a little backbiting and backstabbing is always fun around here, we need you...so im glad you just cant seem to leave a forum run by the "worst company in PB".

12-03-2003, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by gibby
As much as I like mags and am happy to see posts praising the mag for it's performance...it's possible that sometimes, there are bad apples that come out of AGD. DB's Xmag happened to be one of them. Although probably a simple fix, I'm sure DB was patient enough for it and the expectations were high. It was DB's high expectation that probably ruined it for him when he had numerous problems during his wait for his Xmag.

For those of you who knows DB..you know he's a gun whore. But above all the guns he's ever owned, the Xmag was up there on his list. He's not a newb when it comes to the mag family either. But I guess after all the hassles, he reached his limit and got tired of it.

I have a sense of humor...but this seemed like a cheap shot at someone who wasn't satisfied with an AGD product. Personally, I found it rather immature and low. But who am I to you right? Nobody...just like I don't care much for threads like these.

Like I said, as much as I love my mags, I admire TK for what he's done for the community and for me, I'm not going to act like this is a cult thing where you're either accepted or not...but oh well.:rolleyes:

funny how i didnt mention any names. nor have i posted in DB's thread about his marker. i respect you for your opinion and i respect DB for his opinion. this thread was just to bring some humor into the situation. there are many AO'ers that know me and know that this is the type of person i am. you either love me or hate me. i will speak whats on my mind and this is the way i do so. AGD is AWESOME and i will express it in this way.


12-03-2003, 02:30 AM
There's Adam Shannon, attacking me for no reason, and still thinking his schtick as the "angry guy who tells it like it is" is truly original. News flash: Theres one or two people exactly like you on every forum. Try and come up with something truly original.

12-03-2003, 02:45 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
see..the problem is that he can't sound like me...good try tho...

Oh he sounds just like you, trying to make a huge problem out of nothing. :rolleyes: Just shut up, your a whiney little man, and it gets annoying.

Congrats on the gun ToBe2Be, can't wait to see the pictures.:D

12-03-2003, 06:33 AM
That was 3.4K shots when I handed it to you. It had 957 when i first opened it up.;) :D

12-03-2003, 06:59 AM
Stop the flames - cphilip

12-03-2003, 07:07 AM
haha, good form!

I, personally, have a sense of humor.

... and a really sexy new ULE X valve mag.

*is really happy with AGD at the moment*


Wc Keep
12-03-2003, 08:13 AM
congrats on the xmag tobe2be, its about damn time. did you notice if tuna broke any paint in that gun during those extra 2 k shots?

12-03-2003, 08:30 AM
man i came in here ready to start reading another internet fight.

congrats on the X

12-03-2003, 08:56 AM
Lets be fair here. Tuna did go back through that marker before you got there to pick it up and he did so based on the reported problems here over the last few days and fixed some of them. He was tipped off to look for them by DB's posted problems and subsequent posts. And he got a lot of this issue out of it with set up changes. But the issue does exist in some of them. I can assure you of that.

Good luck Tobe... Your gonna love that Marker.

12-03-2003, 09:06 AM
i swear the gun is freaking amazing i just put the drop and some macro fittings and it was all ready to go. i was having minor but i mean minor problem with the level ten but i understand why. and no tuna did not break any paint inside the barrel

12-03-2003, 09:11 AM
Congrats on the X ToBe, good luck with it, I never had any problems with mine.

12-03-2003, 09:18 AM
*Bolter slaps everyone around a bit with a wet herring*

stop flaming you lot. Who cares? Funny story though!!

12-03-2003, 09:31 AM
First let me say I went with him to get this particualr marker. We promptly went to play with it and he was like a kid with new candy! Then I let him use my expensive digital camera to take some pics and they suck! I mean they are blurry and badly shot, so even though I am posting them, it is my camera don't blame me for the poor quality. I will persoanlly try to take a few better ones on the future. I did get chance to play one game with the X and let me tell you, AGD did a horriible job! I mean no chops, no missfires, no ball breaks!! WHAT KIND OF TOURNAMENT GRADE MARKER IS THIS WHEN I WASN'T TWEAKING IT BETWEEN EVERY GAME LIKE ALL THE OTHER COOL GUYS! Sorry for the caps, just tryin to put a little sarcasm in as well. Was that childish, I am sorry! Here's the pics!

OK its not letting me post them. Let me see if I can upload them to my website here at work. Sorry forthe delay.

12-03-2003, 11:01 AM
I put them in my Yahoo photo album. Try looking there.


12-03-2003, 11:18 AM
nice but damn i really wish they would start annoing the triggers to match.

GA Devil
12-03-2003, 11:22 AM

12-03-2003, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by fire1811
nice but damn i really wish they would start annoing the triggers to match.

I completely disagree, I don't like the anno'd to match triggers. I also don't like barrels that are completely matched, and I'm glad that the valves don't either. There has to be some contrast, especially with anno like that, it would look awful completely one anno pattern.

12-03-2003, 12:01 PM
sorry your wrong :p

12-03-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by fire1811
sorry your wrong :p


12-03-2003, 12:35 PM
Tobe: That was a great parody! When I first opened it I was thinking "oh please not again!" Enjoy the X and welcome to the club!


12-03-2003, 12:59 PM
http://www.fallingaway.com/ao_upload/xmag1.jpg http://www.fallingaway.com/ao_upload/xmag2.jpg

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
12-03-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by gibby
As much as I like mags and am happy to see posts praising the mag for it's performance...it's possible that sometimes, there are bad apples that come out of AGD. DB's Xmag happened to be one of them. Although probably a simple fix, I'm sure DB was patient enough for it and the expectations were high. It was DB's high expectation that probably ruined it for him when he had numerous problems during his wait for his Xmag.

For those of you who knows DB..you know he's a gun whore. But above all the guns he's ever owned, the Xmag was up there on his list. He's not a newb when it comes to the mag family either. But I guess after all the hassles, he reached his limit and got tired of it.

I have a sense of humor...but this seemed like a cheap shot at someone who wasn't satisfied with an AGD product. Personally, I found it rather immature and low. But who am I to you right? Nobody...just like I don't care much for threads like these.

Like I said, as much as I love my mags, I admire TK for what he's done for the community and for me, I'm not going to act like this is a cult thing where you're either accepted or not...but oh well.:rolleyes:

After reading both of these "nightmare" posts....I'd have to say...who needs abc daytime television when we have AO?

Seriously...I agree with Gibby on this one...this is getting ridiculous. Does Dirty have a reason to be upset? Yes. He chose to handle it in a manner that he felt was right for him. I would have handled it differently myself, but hey...that's just me. We are all different individuals here and think differently. I, and I'm sure Mr Kaye agrees with this, think this flaming back and forth is uterly futile. We all play the same sport, so lets put the flame throwers down and come on in for some beers and good times =)

12-03-2003, 04:45 PM
nice x!! i had to read your first post twice just to make sure you were being sarcastic, im kinda slow :rolleyes:

12-03-2003, 04:48 PM
pff noone likes DB... i actually always thought he was cool and liked him ever since i came to these boards :o

tobe - hella SWEET anno and :eek:

12-03-2003, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Oh man and my heart was going on this one... I don't think I can take much more of this.

AGD HAHA! I made SURE it didnt happen again!;) :D

12-03-2003, 05:21 PM
That really is a sweet ano job!

I do agree however that it would be better (and only a little better at that) if the trigger was the same ano or at least black like the valve.

12-03-2003, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by TheTramp
...it would be better (and only a little better at that) if the trigger was the same ano or at least black like the valve.

This is why they invented the "Sharpie" :D

I agree with whomever it was that said they liked a little contrast. You can easily over do a good thing. Too much of it is...well... too much.

12-03-2003, 09:54 PM
well when i get all my extra scraps to get anoed the same color of the gun such as breech and barrel i will send my tl 63 trigger that tuna said he would kill me if i installed it so you guys can see how it looks. but the gun is amazing.
Sidenote this wasnt to flame DB and those who are in favor of his ideas. this thread was just to shine some light in what was becoming a very dark and evil forum. sorry to say it like this but if you dont like it im sorry but dont waste your precious time reading my stupid post.

Wc Keep
12-03-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Tobe2be
dont waste your precious time reading my stupid post.

now you tell us that!!!!!! wth i want my precious time back!!!!!!!!!!!

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-03-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep

now you tell us that!!!!!! wth i want my precious time back!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry no refunds :p

12-03-2003, 10:56 PM
usaf did u say beer?:D i could go for some.DB is driving me to drink. congrats on the x-mag tobe:D. i almost stop reading after i realized where this thread was going.(figured it would be like db's thead) but since it was you i kept reading and it turned out that this was a good thread on the x-mag

12-03-2003, 11:05 PM
WC you should have read the REALLY REALLY REALLY fine print. no refunds available at the present time. also GET YOUR DAMN EMAG ALREADY.

12-03-2003, 11:33 PM
I love that anno. Congrats!

Wc Keep
12-04-2003, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by Tobe2be
WC you should have read the REALLY REALLY REALLY fine print. no refunds available at the present time. also GET YOUR DAMN EMAG ALREADY.

oh dude i gotta talk to you about the emag. you know how to contact me.

12-04-2003, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
This is why they invented the "Sharpie" :D

Now that would be classy!! ;)

12-04-2003, 12:13 PM
yea it would be imagine a x mag with a shapied trigger. it would look so awesome .:)

12-04-2003, 12:53 PM
it would be REALLY sweet if there were foreign objects being used on paintball guns.

like a paperclip trigger, a pencil bolt, pvc barrel..

those would suck really bad, but just the thought

12-04-2003, 04:42 PM
Tobe2be nice gun! I assume you sold the ULE E-mag then?

Damn, congrats!!

12-04-2003, 04:51 PM
yea i sold it the same day that i went. i think i got something a lil better. ;)

A5 Capo
12-04-2003, 05:04 PM
VERY nice gun, Tobe, and congrats! That was sweet when you just played then sold your ULE E-Mag for cash on the spot. My dad still can't understand why someone would spend $800+ for a paintball gun, but then again, he's not truly one of us (not yet), at least). Anyway, I havn't played since that time, so I'm getting edgy to get out. :eek: Hopefully I get to see that sweet mofo soon.

BTW, a Sharpie "anno" job...that IS a classy idea.:p

12-04-2003, 05:14 PM
very nice, and isn't that the x sneaky was going to get?

12-04-2003, 05:16 PM
sneaky... well i have had my reserved since SEAO thanks to AGDJon tuna and cphil. and a5 when are you going to abc? i want to head over on sunday but the weather seems to be toooooooo cold. pm me to let me know

12-04-2003, 08:21 PM
Well nice looking X. I for one see the humor but the hating on DB should stop. He was entitled to his feelings and emotions. Many may not agree with his expressions but hey tough luck. I'd be pissed to if I waited even 3 months to get a Xmag and have it go full auto and have 1300+ shoots on the counter and not get an explanation why. It's a problem that is going on and DB brought it to the front line. He is a great guy once you know him (in person) and is a damn good back player with a unbelievable to watch when walking even a ULT mag. Anyways. I'm done.

Tobe- Enjoy the X and it looks very sweet.

12-04-2003, 08:39 PM
Well Dawg DB didnt tell me it upseted him and im not trying to be rude but i dont think it should have upseted you but everyone is entitled to an opinion but thanks and i might be at the sorcal orcal meet.

12-04-2003, 08:46 PM
Tobe- looking forward to seeing this in person then. I actually live to the south east of Burbank so SLO is on my way. Depending on the situation on might have a huge van and could possibly offer a ride.

12-04-2003, 08:53 PM
woo hoo now i need my aunt to hel pay for my flight.

12-05-2003, 12:14 AM
WOW!! The Shark Attack looks awesome all hooked up!;) Congrats on the new X, Tobe! It is fiiiiine!! What a cute and funny story! A good sense of humor is ALWAYS welcomed!! :D

12-05-2003, 12:48 AM
Thank you very much trina. it wasnt the greatest picture mind you i took those right after i got shot in my junk so excuse me if i couldnt hold a camera steady madmatt lol

12-05-2003, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by RoadDawg
I for one see the humor but the hating on DB should stop. I'm not trying to flame you but I think if read this whole thread you'd see that it has (at least here)

[i]Tobe- Enjoy the X and it looks very sweet. I'm with you here! A sweet Ano job on what must be a sweet marker! (of course my E-Mag is just as good ;) ;) ;) )