View Full Version : Need Some Help w/ draining air out of Valve// have flatline tank...

12-03-2003, 03:29 AM
I have a Flatline system and I can never seem to drain enough Air out of the line after I shut the air on my flatline off to my Emag to get the Quick disconnect to pop... Anyway I want to set up a drain on the line.... I thought of one way by putting a T coming off the valve w/ an on/off on the opposite side of the T than the Input air and when you would shut off your input air (turn flatline off) then all you would have to do is open the other end of the T and drain out the air... But I have never been able to find a T piece in 1/8 threading... If anyone Knows where I could get one I would be most appreciative...

12-03-2003, 06:39 AM
A slide check would do the same job, be easier to find, and may even cost less in the long run;) :D

12-03-2003, 04:11 PM
I have the same issue, and would like to get away from using a Proconnect. Cooper-T makes a little gizmo that might do the trick - I just ordered one:


Lousy pic, but it is threaded 1/8NPT and has an oring seal inside it. Turning the knob on the end will vent pressure. Also ordered a t fitting. We'll see how it works.

12-03-2003, 10:33 PM
where did you find the T fitting? Cuz I would like to order one...
And I know slide checks work but my little problem is that I have knocked it open several times sliding into bunkers and had to take it off cuz I was dropping alot of air outta my tank every time I accidently hit it open... The on/off would be up by my valve and would have a harder time accidentally hitting it open and would be quicker to shut off if it did...

12-11-2003, 07:17 PM
Palmer Pursuit has the fittings, and also a bleed off... http://www.palmer-pursuit.com/CATALOG/fittings.htm