View Full Version : Good Xmag vs. Viking thread over at PBN...

12-03-2003, 09:24 AM
Came across one of the fairest and best "versus" threads I've seen over at PBN.


I think we should all take it as a compliment that the new up and coming marker (which I expect to dethrone the Timmy) is already being debated in with the X.

If you get a chance go on over a weigh in, but keep the following in mind. The AKA owners are far and away at the top of the PBN food chain. They are just behind us in respect, questioning things, and general intelligence. In fact, many of us (me included) ARE AKA owners also. If you go over post respectfully and reasonably. For us to be able to keep the two markers in the same peoples frame of consideration is very important (IMHO) to the future of AGD.

As an aside, Tom has said many times that the X will always be a special (and not a "full") production marker. Maybe the ULE Emag needs to be cleaned up a little, renamed, and priced to compete with these Vikings - it might be a great match up.


12-03-2003, 09:55 AM
This is all I know about Vikings Calvin.... Should I just stay out of it?

The World of the Vikings

In the year AD 789, three strange ships arrived at Portland on the southern coast of England and Beaduheard, the reeve of the King of Wessex, rode out to meet them. He took with him only a small blind of men under the mistaken impression that the strangers were traders: "and they slew him...” records the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle tersely. It adds, with over a century of grim hindsight, "those were the first ships [of Northmen] which came to the land of the English".

In June of the vear 793 "the ravages of heathen men miserably destroyed God's church on Lindisfarne with plunder and slaughter". The Christian monastic sites of Jarrow and Iona, lying on Britain's exposed northern coasts, were looted in the vears immediately afterwards. In 795 raiders were recorded near Dublin, and in 799 on the coast of south west France. As far as we know this was all the work of Norwegian Vikings. The first raids by Danes in the west were on Frisia and, in 834, the thriving and populous trading centre of Dorestad on the Rhine estuary was attacked.

This was the beginning of period of history known to us as the Viking Age, normally dated to around AD 800 - 1050, when Scandinavian peoples from the modern countries of Denmark, Norway and Sweden influenced much of northern Europe and beyond. They travelled further than Europeans had ever gone before and established a network of communications over great distances. They exploited the riches of the East and explored the uncharted waters of the North Atlantic. They settled as farmers in the barren western lands of Greenland and discovered America five hundred years before Columbus. They served as mercenaries at the court of Byzatium.

They ravaged Christian Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, and they penetrated to the very heart of the Carolingian empire and deep into Russia. They stole and extorted massive quantities of silver and gold from their victims. And yet they also took an active part in the development of successful commercial centres from York to Kiev, colonised lands in the North Atlantic and formed powerful states.

To be a Viking was strictly to be a pirate (from the Old Norse vikingr, a pirate or raider) but it is misleading to describe more than three centuries of northern history as an age of raiders. Scandinavians were undoubtedly responsible for great changes during the Viking Age, many of which were beneficial. By colonising the North Atlantic islands they extended the frontiers of Europe, while elsewhere they played a significant part in reshaping political structures. As traders they made a positive contribution, not least by stimulating commerce and encouraging the growth of towns.


12-03-2003, 10:06 AM
Well, actually if you remember the big flame up I had last year about AKA and Vikings you know more then you care to remember :)

The Viking is a good gun, the company is so-so and getting better, and the sales are shooting through the roof. The good thing for us is that their buyers are pretty savy also. I think that what appeals one owner to one of the 2 companies is the same things that would attract them to the other. So it might be good for us to stay tight with them.


12-03-2003, 10:09 AM
Oh all right... we make nicey nicey with em and what will you give us? :D

12-03-2003, 10:15 AM
A posibility of the Viking vs. Emag wars? :) If we can get something like the old mag vs. cocker thing going again the markers will fly out the door...


12-03-2003, 10:23 AM
HEY! I like the sound of that.

Someone want to give me a Viking so I can try it and comment about them. I so hate having to trash something with so little knowledge of it. ;)

12-03-2003, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
HEY! I like the sound of that.

Someone want to give me a Viking so I can try it and comment about them. I so hate having to trash something with so little knowledge of it. ;)

Your a little late CP, there where at least two at AO-SE II, mine and KB's. True mine shot ropes all day, while KB's sat in is gear bag(he playes with a bowl of cereal), but there were at least two.

12-03-2003, 12:35 PM
Cledford made an AWESOME post a few posts down about the pros and cons of the mag and viking.

12-03-2003, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by headcase
(he playes with a bowl of cereal)
Wow, can he teach me?

12-03-2003, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by SSMercury

Wow, can he teach me?

Don't know, takes a special kind of silly rabbit to play with a bowl of cereal

Jack & Coke
12-03-2003, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by cledford

A posibility of the Viking vs. Emag wars?


:) want some "fighting words"?

Remember this thread?


AKA wrote this on their old web page:

"A u t o M a g

The AutoMag is a good rec. play gun. Made from stainless it will last a long time without heavy maintenance. However the design has a few flaws, one of which is the on-off. Being a blow forward gun it is a short to medium range gun. It's a good beginners gun."

That was last year. They've since re-designed their web site and the automag section is now "under construction".

Calvin, good post on the PBN thread.:)

12-03-2003, 02:03 PM
Dang it headcase... I shoulda asked to shoot one. Next time brotha!

12-03-2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Dang it headcase... I shoulda asked to shoot one. Next time brotha!

Yeah, if I still have it :) That being dependent on if/when my E-mag project is finished. Of course the rumor is the next time (AO-SE III) is right around the corner.

12-03-2003, 02:26 PM
Sorry, I would take a Viking over an xmag anyday... not an owner of either :(


12-03-2003, 02:34 PM
Someone want to give me a Viking so I can try it and comment about them. I so hate having to trash something with so little knowledge of it.

Sure I'll send you one. Just throw an all ULE Emag or X my way.

I sold my emag for a viking a couple months back and am regretting it. I wanted to try something new, and had read nothing but positive reviews on the viking.

I love the effeciency, and the gun is fast but I would much prefer to have kept my mag. A lot of the reason would have to be that the viking is rough on paint. Even with eyes I will sometimes pull out the bolt and see paint on the face. I might be able to lower the pressure of the LPR to make it more gentle, but to do that I would have to buy their tool kit. I hate the idea of having to give them more money to preform basic maintnence on my gun. The gun came with a sticky ram. FSDO is something that most seem to have. If you look on the PBNation forum you will see a lot of threads asking about that. Mine also has more kick then I feel is acceptable.
The efficiency is awesome though. I played back man at our last three man tournament with a 47/3000 tank.

12-03-2003, 02:35 PM
I've owned both, and I believe the Viking is the superior marker, though the X ain't half bad. And the X is the clear winner in the looks category. Thats why I have the X now, and am going to get another viking; best of both worlds.

12-03-2003, 02:44 PM
I have a vikinig right now that I am trading for an e or x. It is a seriously sweet gun. Trading becuase I have never played with an e/x however I currently own about 4 mags.

Its not really fair to comapre the X to the vik. Maybe a good comparo is E v Viking and X v Excal. they are about the same price class and the X v. Excal is just Gucci versions of the other two.


12-03-2003, 02:45 PM
I'll trade my WASed Viking for an Xmag!


12-03-2003, 03:10 PM
Thats exactly what I did :D

12-03-2003, 03:35 PM
mhm...look at the first person to back up the X:D