View Full Version : CO2, Expansion Chamber, and Nitro questions.

12-03-2003, 01:04 PM
My situation is this:

I play paintball at two spots. Back home at my parents house with my friends. We have no access to Nitro so I need to be able to run CO2. I have a remote, but I'd like to get an Expansion Chamber as well to help with the liquid problem. The second place I play is up at school, 200 miles away from the other location. They have nitro fills here so that's no problem. My question though, does an Expansion chamber work alright with Nitro so I don't have to rerun my Macroline each time? Also, do I need the High Pressure Piston to run Nitro, and if so, do I have to take it out when I switch back to CO2?

This is just to highlight if you don't want to read it all.

1. Does HPA require the High Pressure Piston?
2. Do I need to remove the High Pressure Piston when I run CO2?
3. Can Nitro be ran through an expansion chamber or do I need to re-route the Macroline when I switch to Nitro to bypass the X-chamber?

Thanks in advance.

12-03-2003, 01:46 PM
1) Depends on how old your marker is.
2) See #1. If you DO need to replace it, then no. You don't have to change it every time.
3) Sure it's fine. Expansion chamber is a hollow chamber with lots of internal surface area to expand the liquid to gas. Since Nitro is always a gas, it just flows right through.

12-04-2003, 01:55 AM
Dayspring answered you right all the way down. Personally I would just get a cheap, spare HPA tank. That way, you get them both filled, and then go play at home. Have enough air to back you up for a few more games. OR look into a scuba refill setup. That way you can refill your own HPA tank(s). If you are that far out in the boonies, then the scuba would probably be the way to go. Cheap to set up, and can get several refills off one tank. Just dont overfill your own tank, and its all good.
