View Full Version : Attention - if you're on the Xmag preorder list

12-03-2003, 02:24 PM
We've been asking all along for your *daytime* phone number. However, lately when we've been calling, we've been having a very hard time getting hold of many retail customers. So NOW HEAR THIS!

We will call you ONCE at the phone number we have on file for you in the preorder list. If you don't answer, we will leave a message only if we get an answering machine that clearly identifies you or your family name. If we leave a message, you will have till noon central time the following day to call us. If you do not answer, if you have an answering machine, or if you do not respond to the message we leave, your name will be moved to the bottom of the list.

What does this mean? It means if you're on the list and you are not sure whether you've given us a true daytime phone number, email me to update your record! Send your first and last name, daytime phone number, and, if possible, the color and configuration of the Xmag you preordered (this does not commit you to that color/configuration).

If we absolutely cannot call you during the day, can we email you and have you call us? Send me an email telling me that, giving the other information spelled out above.

Please understand that when we get ready to move on a batch of Xmags, we need to move *fast*. This is why a way to contact you in the daytime is critical.

My email is:


AGD Dragon Lady

12-03-2003, 06:18 PM
Guess I better cancel my Christmas vacation.

12-03-2003, 06:34 PM
i sense that a lot of people wont be happy as a result of this :(

12-03-2003, 07:28 PM
you snooze ya lose i guess

12-03-2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by sps16
i sense that a lot of people wont be happy as a result of this :(

Well I dont think its a bad thing. Other people having to wait a week or 2 longer just because of one or two people isnt fair.

12-04-2003, 10:34 AM
So basically, what it means is that if you arent home (work anyone?) And dont have an answering machine, your scrooged? This seems kinda cheezed if you ask me...

12-04-2003, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
So basically, what it means is that if you arent home (work anyone?) And dont have an answering machine, your scrooged? This seems kinda cheezed if you ask me...

Lets see, what if they are trying to get a hold of you for over a week? 2weeks? 3weeks? That holds up the ENTIRE batch... is that fair to others, or AGD? That will just hold up everyone on the list.

12-04-2003, 10:52 AM
Squid, I see your point but AGD-gal is saying to give her a phone number at work for during the day. They can't call you at night because they don't work then and they will only call you during the working day. You can always give the number of someone else with detailed instruction for them, ie. girl friend, wife or buddy. Just my 2 cents but think out of the box and find a solution for yourself individually.:D

12-04-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
So basically, what it means is that if you arent home (work anyone?) And dont have an answering machine, your scrooged? This seems kinda cheezed if you ask me...

Did you read the entire post? She gave another option:

Originally posted by AGD-OfficeGal
If we absolutely cannot call you during the day, can we email you and have you call us? Send me an email telling me that, giving the other information spelled out above.

12-04-2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by headcase

Did you read the entire post? She gave another option:

This is assuming they are all on AO in the first place :)

12-04-2003, 12:27 PM
anyone ever think of a cell # to use??

12-04-2003, 01:40 PM
No kidding, this is the 21st century, people. If you happen to somehow not be able to be reached in a 24 hour period by home phone, work phone, cell phone, friend's phone, answering machine/voice mail or email, you really don't deserve an Xmag ;)

12-04-2003, 04:13 PM
We've been asking all along for your *daytime* phone number.

if im not mistaken daytime means where your going to be in the day.. such as work? cell? etc.

12-05-2003, 06:02 PM
Oh geez you guys! I know I talk too much ... guys stop reading after about two sentences. Bottom line - if you're on the preorder list, and the phone you gave us isn't your current daytime phone, email me and give me your current daytime phone or your current email address if you can't give out your current daytime phone!!

Mother of Dragons

12-05-2003, 06:49 PM
Man, some of you guys are the biggest bunch of whining fools. Nothing makes you happy. I KNEW as soon as I was done reading OfficeGal's post, the usual suspects would have a complaint or something negative.

"You mean we ordered this gun, and we actually have to be available when they're ready to ship it to us!!!" "How inconsiderate of AGD" :rolleyes:

12-05-2003, 10:14 PM
Some people may not be able to be reached even if they supply a cellphone number.

Take highschool students for example: the studious ones will be in school and won't be able to answer a phonecall right in the middle of class. ;)

Great idea with the email idea though--my only suggestion would be to increase the grace period to maybe 2 weeks since if they are out of the country on vacation, they probably wouldn't have their cellphone with them and/or be able to access email frequently.

12-06-2003, 10:00 AM
Any more than a day and you're holding up EVERYONE'S orders a whole lot more than you should. As someone else said, if you can't be reached by e-mail, or phone, in a 24 hour period, you aren't organized enough to deserve an X-Mag, no matter how much cash you have.

12-06-2003, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Pariel
Any more than a day and you're holding up EVERYONE'S orders a whole lot more than you should. As someone else said, if you can't be reached by e-mail, or phone, in a 24 hour period, you aren't organized enough to deserve an X-Mag, no matter how much cash you have.

Uh ok, so just because some drunk decides to DUI and totals my car leaving me in the hospital for 2 days or so to repair a broken jaw means it's my fault I wasn't able to get back to some company in 24 hours? They're called extenuating circumstances bud; how are we supposed to control them?

And like I said earlier, supposing you and your family are going on Christmas vacation to London or Paris. Obviously, your cellphone will not work there, so why would you have it with you? Yes, sure it will be easy for people like you to say "well don't go on vacation then." How about if tickets were booked 6 months in advance--well before AGD decided this new policy? Gee wiz, I guess that means I better cancel my trip. :rolleyes:

Maybe AGD should instead make whatever color wanted be specified at time of order.

EDIT: Or maybe a dropdead date by which all data must be received by the customer. Like you could even submit that data MONTHS in advance. Hopefully you also took note of Viral's smiley after his post. :rolleyes:

12-07-2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by rdb123
Some people may not be able to be reached even if they supply a cellphone number.

Take highschool students for example: the studious ones will be in school and won't be able to answer a phonecall right in the middle of class. ;)

If your a highschool student like myself...Call them during lunch if u wanna be all independent... or Let your parent know what to order..lol

Or skip a class.. no big deal there either.

12-07-2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Elop

If your a highschool student like myself...Call them during lunch if u wanna be all independent... or Let your parent know what to order..lol

Or skip a class.. no big deal there either.

Skip class here and you've got 2 saturday detentions. ;)

12-07-2003, 11:40 AM
well i can write myself a note in January.. and as long as my marks are 80+ i feel i can do whatever the hell i want.. if i don't wanna goto English.. then boom. i am gone..lol

12-07-2003, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Elop
well i can write myself a note in January.. and as long as my marks are 80+ i feel i can do whatever the hell i want.. if i don't wanna goto English.. then boom. i am gone..lol

Hehe, but I hope you understood the point I was trying to make in my first post.

12-07-2003, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by rdb123

Uh ok, so just because some drunk decides to DUI and totals my car leaving me in the hospital for 2 days or so to repair a broken jaw means it's my fault I wasn't able to get back to some company in 24 hours? They're called extenuating circumstances bud; how are we supposed to control them?

And like I said earlier, supposing you and your family are going on Christmas vacation to London or Paris. Obviously, your cellphone will not work there, so why would you have it with you? Yes, sure it will be easy for people like you to say "well don't go on vacation then." How about if tickets were booked 6 months in advance--well before AGD decided this new policy? Gee wiz, I guess that means I better cancel my trip. :rolleyes:

Maybe AGD should instead make whatever color wanted be specified at time of order.

EDIT: Or maybe a dropdead date by which all data must be received by the customer. Like you could even submit that data MONTHS in advance. Hopefully you also took note of Viral's smiley after his post. :rolleyes:

If ur car was totalled and u were in the hospital for 2 days, i dont think ur gonna be needing an xmag anytime soon. And bad accidents like that usually end up costing a lot, which might take up the money for the xmag. And if you were in an accident, AGD is a very understanding company, and would probably do anything in their power to get it to you as soon as they can if you explain what happened.

If your going to be gone on vacation out of the country, leave someone elses number with instructions on what you want, or email them, she did say that was an option.

12-07-2003, 05:41 PM
Thanks angelboy, somebody needed to inject sense into this post.

12-08-2003, 01:39 AM
welcome to rediculous make-up-a-scenario thread.

12-08-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by AngelBoy

If ur car was totalled and u were in the hospital for 2 days, i dont think ur gonna be needing an xmag anytime soon. And bad accidents like that usually end up costing a lot, which might take up the money for the xmag. And if you were in an accident, AGD is a very understanding company, and would probably do anything in their power to get it to you as soon as they can if you explain what happened.

If your going to be gone on vacation out of the country, leave someone elses number with instructions on what you want, or email them, she did say that was an option.

Wouldn't think I would need an X-mag anytime soon if that car accident happened? Try again. I know two people who totalled their cars. One person was able to walk away, the other person had a mild concussion and was out of the hospital in a few days.

As far as the money being gone from that accident, the keyword would be "might." Plus, I'd be surprised if a person would immediately clean out their banking account as soon as they got the asking amount for an X-Mag.

Pariel: I hope you don't end up in the hospital when it's time for your X-Mag order call. (If you ever get on that waiting list)

Restola: The idea of vacation is ridiculous? Also, another person I know missed a cruise because their kid ran over a mailbox.

Stuff happens people.