View Full Version : Axiom FX10

12-04-2003, 10:13 PM
anyone have one or wore one? is it nice?

tell me about it i might just buy one, jt is a good company when it comes to masks

12-04-2003, 10:23 PM
If you like the looks of it sure its a decent mask. I personally dont find it very appealing.

12-04-2003, 10:33 PM
its pretty damn ugly if you ask me, and i believe you did :D

12-04-2003, 10:38 PM
I am looking at one for the ability to clean easily. I take my JT lens out all the time and the mylar inside cracks thus losing antifog ability. Have you seen one in person, ugly huh?


12-04-2003, 11:14 PM
If you are looking for a good mask that is easy to clean, look no further than the Vforce morph or profiler. Very easy to take the lens out, and they are great masks.

12-05-2003, 09:49 AM
I have the V-Force Morph and I have trouble with it fogging in the winter. I love that mask but
summer is the only time that I can wear it.


12-05-2003, 10:20 AM
we got 10 of them at our shop just the other day. They are a bit heavy for me but fit my noggin well. The lense retension system is fast to let you remove the lense and looks secure.

I might pick up a pair since my old goggles are on their last leg...

My $.02

12-05-2003, 03:07 PM
Yeah, got them. I like mine. Lens removal is this...

The two red knobs on the side. You twist them 180* and pull the lens out of either side's locking device. One out of those 2 parts... just pull it straight out!

It's not easier, but at least just as easy as a Vforce mask lens removal.

The foam is thick enough that it'll cover my whole face. Not like some Vforce masks where the foam is too thick and half your face is untouched leaving it open to heat and humidity (aka Fog-City!).

Though the thing with it is that even when on largest adjustment for the strap... it fits VERY snug. Though I do like that, no need to adjust. But I do have a big noggin so for you eh probably different. Might require some.

And as soon as I find my fan I'm going to see if it fits. This makes the 3rd time I've lost that damn fan! Whenever I need to switch batteries I always misplace it for a month.