View Full Version : x-valve, need help!!

12-05-2003, 02:06 PM
i have had my x-valve for awhile now and i have run into a problem. my x-valve wont shoot when i gas it up. it ether leaks alot down the barrel alot and it doesent shoot. it makes the noise like it is short stroking but its not shooing at all. i put my clasic valve in the same set up (with the other sear) and it shot fine so its something with the valve. if any one has some ideas lmk or if some one has had the same problem please lmk.


12-05-2003, 02:13 PM
You probably need to turn up the pressure on the back of the valve. The spring that you use with the LVL 10 bolt determines how much pressure you need and if it's not high enough, you get nada!

12-05-2003, 02:17 PM
im using the lighest spring and it worked fine a week ago and it was shooing about 260. i aired up my gun again and now it wont leak and it wont shoot ehter. hmmmm i dont know what is wrong. ill mess with it and see what i can do.

i also changes the carriers and when i aur it up sometimes it shoots with one carrier and when i put a slightly smaller one it it wont shoot and it doesent even leak.

another thing i thought i would share it sometimes when i air up th egun it doesent leak or shoot. then when i take the carrier out and put the SAME one in and take teh on/off pin out and out that back in and air up the gun it will shoot and leak. just thought that might help to find out why sometimes it wont work

12-05-2003, 03:21 PM
i think i fixed it. i messed with the on/off pin and put a different carrier in and turned up the velocity a little. im playing on sat and that will be the real test. it it workd ill delete teh thread if not ill let you all know what it was doing.