View Full Version : Qloader.com

12-05-2003, 11:37 PM
Q-Loader site (http://www.qloader.com/)

Sooooo, apparently the pods DO fit into standard packs..... according to them.

I still wish it was more than 100 balls in one pod. But all those mounting locations is sweet.

What do you guys think on this "30+ bps loader"?

12-05-2003, 11:44 PM
There have been many threads on the same question :)


My opinion, I think certain people will latch onto them. It wont be for everyone for sure, but it looks very polished and commericial. At first it didnt, and I didnt think it would really succede, but now it looks good and a finished product :)

12-05-2003, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
There have been many threads on the same question :)


My opinion, I think certain people will latch onto them. It wont be for everyone for sure, but it looks very polished and commericial. At first it didnt, and I didnt think it would really succede, but now it looks good and a finished product :)

It will have as much success but no more then the warp feed.

12-05-2003, 11:56 PM
Wow I actually just now looked at all the mounting positions

12-06-2003, 12:06 AM
Little quick to judgement, ehh?

You have to remember these guys are gonna be able to market Q-loaders and advertise them much better then AGD did with Warps.

I am sure they will contiunue with full page ads, better site, and pictures of EVERY mounting position imaganable(sp?).

And I am almost sure they will be more popular then Warps. There will be several people to fall to the ads, almost pressured into the purchase. No batteries, 30+ bps, mount it anywhere, sounds great, huh?

They don't cover too much about the 100 pballs, the fact that one pods will cost you like 20-40 bux. You want to toss that kind of plastic onto the field and mud? I don't think so.

But still, it is something new, innovative, interesting, and damn cool. I wish they had made it out of CarbonFiber and maybe 200 round capacity for the hell of it, but we can't all be satisfied.

12-06-2003, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by ubooze
Little quick to judgement, ehh?

You have to remember these guys are gonna be able to market Q-loaders and advertise them much better then AGD did with Warps.

I am sure they will contiunue with full page ads, better site, and pictures of EVERY mounting position imaganable(sp?).

And I am almost sure they will be more popular then Warps. There will be several people to fall to the ads, almost pressured into the purchase. No batteries, 30+ bps, mount it anywhere, sounds great, huh?

They don't cover too much about the 100 pballs, the fact that one pods will cost you like 20-40 bux. You want to toss that kind of plastic onto the field and mud? I don't think so.

But still, it is something new, innovative, interesting, and damn cool. I wish they had made it out of CarbonFiber and maybe 200 round capacity for the hell of it, but we can't all be satisfied.

More popular, no... not the way I see it.

Warps are popular with the recreational player whereas the tournament player really doesnt use it. However the qloader will maybe be just the opposite since its geared towards the tournament player almost exclusively. I just dont see a lot of rec players forking over the money for them. So with that being said, I just dont see them being bigger then warps.

Carbonfiber? sure maybe it would be 100 per tube then.... not worth thecost...

12-06-2003, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by LaW

More popular, no... not the way I see it.

Warps are popular with the recreational player whereas the tournament player really doesnt use it.

Bob Long swears by a warp feed.

12-06-2003, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by ERut

Bob Long swears by a warp feed.

And your point? Did I say that NO tournament players use them? No I did not :) I know Bob Long loves his, and a good number of AGD players use theirs. And then if you see them they are few here and there..... I would say they are mostly used by loyal AGD customers :) But of course we dont have exact numbers so its all speculation.

12-06-2003, 03:10 AM
its 3 am and i'm tired and having a hard time searching. But what were the $$$ fingers tossed around before for the full setup with 5 pods? 150-200 bucks, something like that?

This is the type of thing that I hope doesn't come out the day I get a paycheck :)

12-06-2003, 03:44 AM
Im debating on what kind of setup I would use for it... (assuming I tried it and liked it enough to buy)... The vertical seems to be the least obtrusive... but then again its only 100 rounds!... Thats ALOT of reloading in a game..

I dunno whats your guys' take on positioning?

12-06-2003, 03:45 AM
Might be good for a front player. Not worth it for a back player. Imagine having to buy 9-11 of those pods...and plus 100 balls!

12-06-2003, 03:52 AM
Originally posted by LeatherPants
Might be good for a front player. Not worth it for a back player. Imagine having to buy 9-11 of those pods...and plus 100 balls!

Thats a lot of money :).....

As far as positioning, I would just take the horizontal one under the barrel because it would play more like my old vm68 years back.... However only 100balls and like mentioned that is A LOT of reloading :) ...sure you can argue its only like a 50-75 ball difference but still

Just that much more paint you have to take out on the field in very expensive pods.

12-06-2003, 03:53 AM
looks like a warp made out of a pod. no thanks didnt like the warp dont like this. ill just stick with vertical feeding my guns with my halo.

12-06-2003, 09:17 AM
i think this will hit the market pretty well..maybe better then the warp feed. you will be able to play even tighter, it feeds faster, and even get some crazy angels i bet

i may get one next year when i build my cocker and test it out

12-06-2003, 10:17 AM
IMO, won't be a hit. Too expensive, maybe some tourney players will buy em, but in general, few people will buy them because of A)cost and B)they don't seem that great. Yeah, they feed 30+ BPS, but still, they are hard to reload due to positioning, will be expensive to get it equally sized balls-wise to a normal hopper (they DO have a double mount, 200 round version), and if you put them in a place where they balance your gun you make it almost impossible to reload. So you're stuck with an unbalanced gun, or a gun that can't be reloaded without getting hit. Thanks, I'll stick with my eVoII and Halo.

12-06-2003, 01:15 PM
those dont seem that bad. If they had a version that was 200 balls and not so BIG having 2 100 pods, that would be better or a stubbier version. I'll just stick to if anyone has it at my feild, ill ask if i can shoot some, if i give them a pod of paint

12-06-2003, 01:52 PM
at first it looked like a flop

but now after seeing that site it looks really cool. the whole package deal doesn't seem to bad either. but isn't it still 250$? or did i miss something?

those are interesting mounting positions... and that double setup is really sweet.

still... i dont see a movement away from warps and such :o

12-06-2003, 01:56 PM
and on the comment made about a lot of reloading, did anyone notice the dual setup?

thats 200 balls. once one is empty, the other starts to get used. and reloading is easy as unclicking the pod, and snapping on another :)

yet, its all about the monetary usage twards all the pods...

12-06-2003, 03:49 PM
well they told me in an email that last week they were going to release the price and be shipping next week... hopefully that means sometime soon because im interested in buying it and i highly doubt its gunna cost as much as they first suspect

12-06-2003, 05:21 PM
So what, now I have to get even MORE money? First its my triggernomics trigger, now im forced to buy this for my angel? Main reason being is that I swear by WDP, and proudly support everything they do or make...much like most people here with AGD. I plan on buying the gloves and stuff as well...

12-06-2003, 05:32 PM
Well, after reading up on it, I will be buying one. However, I have some concerns. I will NEED an AGD elbow, they basically have a regular elbow thats bent...ugly. Also, it appears you need some ghetto looking thing to put the pod on your tank???

02-09-2004, 04:09 AM
I think that all of you who are saying it will be a toy for tourney players only, and rec players won't want them, are dead wrong. I have never played in a trouney and never will, and I'm gonna get one as soon as I can raise the money.

I plan on shooting maybe 100-200 balls a game. I want it not for RoF but because of the ergonomics. The hopper is one of the most annoying aspects of a paintball gun, sticking up in the way, presenting a nice target. I see many serious rec ball players buying this because of the ergonomics and coolness factor. Tucking the hopper away to the side of the gun or below the gun is an excellent idea, probably the best selling point of the Warp feed. Now you can get that same benefit without nearly as much hardware attached to your gun, and no electronics.

Just my opinion.

Kaiser Bob
02-09-2004, 04:20 AM
just one little comment, aside from the inital hopperful, realoding iscreduced by 20-40 balls, unless some of you have 175rd tubes somewhere... plus ive found most 140's hold more like 130 anyway

02-09-2004, 04:32 AM
I think it's an innovative idea... and pretty neat.

However, these are disadvantages I see with it:

100 ball max = you have to reload a lot.
You cannot carry as much paint with you in the same amount of space.
You cannot fire while reloading.
You cannot top it off. It will be common to not fire all 100 balls, and end up reloading before you go empty so you have enough for a string.
You wouldn't want to throw it to get it out of the way like you would a cheap pod.
You lose a pod, you're out a couple bucks. You lose a QLoader pod or it's stolen... $$$
Cannot refill them as quickly or easily as a regular pod.
There are other loaders that don't have these problems, however they use batteries.

Kaiser Bob
02-09-2004, 04:39 AM
regarding the reloading, im thinking theres a way to fashon a slot in the part where you crank to fit a power driver/drill to speed up reloading dramatically :)

02-09-2004, 04:41 AM
I guess. I think what will happen is, people will buy them... and then they will realize how inconvenient they are and go back to a different loader. We're going to see a lot of people trying to sell off their QLoader pods.

02-09-2004, 08:37 AM
Everyone is saying it to expensive yet you don’t mind paying $120 for a loader?
I think the pros and the cons of the system even themselves out.
I would like to try to mount it to the side of my marker using the site rail mounting holes and have it feed directly into the Warp body. This will make it compact with very little feed hose.

02-09-2004, 05:39 PM
well, im one of th few whom have tested it, and i will say, it was a cool design. would i give up my halo for it? no.

more reloading, carrying more pods, when i could carry much less and get the same volume of paint, and hell, i cant outshoot my halo, so what is the point?

trains are bad
02-09-2004, 07:20 PM
I really think the killer app for the Qloader is in the woods where you don't shoot or carry much paint, but you want to shoot at weird angles and not have your paint rattle in the hopper, or your electric hopper kick on like they sometimes do. Plus you do have the ability to rip if you have a fast marker.

I want!

02-09-2004, 07:23 PM
These are alot of disadvantages as Miscue has pointed out, which basicly changed my mind about buying one of these.But with a warp you have the best of both worlds :D

02-09-2004, 08:41 PM
I think it would appeal to more and more people if they made various speeds on these. For a tounry player 30 bps is alittle over kill but not too bad. But for a rec player, it is like running into a brick wall on a motorcycle. If they made a slower version for rec players more people would buy them. But that would only make sense if slower speeds ment lower costs. And b/c of it's design I am not sure if that would happen. I think in the future they will make a special loader to load the pods and maybe a kit to convert normal pods into Qpods. Just a thought, but its worth a shot aint it?


02-09-2004, 08:41 PM
I'll enjoy watching the otehr players loading their pods in the staging area while i'm able to realx between games and cool down a bit. They definitely are innovative and I won't knock the new ideas coming out but I value playing time not set up time. I'll see how this plays out in the end.