View Full Version : A little US Marine humor....

12-06-2003, 01:16 PM
Thought you guys might enjoy reading this, this is what happens to marines who dont get to go on leave (vacation) during christmas, and are stuck in the barracks.

> Twas the night before Christmas the night filled with gloom
> Stuck in the barracks, three people shoved in a room.
> No Christmas tree, Egg nog, Christmas music playing proud..
> All because I live in the barracks and its not allowed.
> No Christmas ham, potatoes or holiday roast.....
> No fortified wine to make a holiday toast.
> No friends staying up late sharing holiday cheer...
> Cause 2200 is the curfew for people who live here.
> No Apple pie, no pie ala'mode
> Cause we're allowed only a micro....what we need is a stove.
> No toaster, crock pot, or electric grill....
> They won't start a fire, but they're not allowed still.
> No stockings hung on the wall with care...
> I'll get hit with gear adrift if I dare leave them there!
> Strict rules with no freedom, their afraid I'll go wild.
> I'm a US Marine, but treated like a child.
> So I'll sit in my room, the tv my guest.
> Heat up a frozen dinner, The Hungryman's Best!
> Drink non-alcoholic Eggnog, and sit all alone
> Sing carols in my head and dream of memories back home.
> There's a knock on my door! Oh who could it be.....
> I rush from my chair so I can see...
> Its the barracks duty who greets me with a grin,
> He says, "the laundry room needs cleaning, and your the only one in."
> Christmas day in the laundry room, Cleaning driers and walls...
> Instead of Christmas lights ..I have Christmas lint balls.
> I'll just go back to my room and just go to bed....
> While thoughts of another Barracks Christmas Dance in my head.
> I'll give warm wishes to all as I turn out the light......
> Merry Christmas barracks Marines, and to all a lame night.

Unfortunately im stuck in Uzbekistan right now, and will be in Afghanistan during christmas, so ill have to make my own fun, probably by picking on the army and airforce, they seem to hate us :D

12-06-2003, 06:12 PM
Dont pick on the Fly boys or Army to much.
Thanks to you and all our troops for keeping U.S.A. Safe

GodSpeed DevilDog

12-06-2003, 07:47 PM
that just makes me sad knowing how sucky your guys' christmas is gonna be :(

12-07-2003, 06:51 AM
eh, its not as bad as it sounds. that little poem is kind of pushing what its really like, i dont know about the other services, but we marines manage to make fun, if there is a curfew, we just sneak out, we hide things we are not supposed to have, we manage to get by ;)

12-07-2003, 06:38 PM
I salute you, thank you for all you give to our country

12-07-2003, 06:41 PM
watching the army navy game reaffirmed my love of the marines. 0 and 13 and these guys are defending a huge country.

12-07-2003, 07:52 PM
Devildog, I am there with you man. In GTMO...well, I'll be working. My christmas will consist of turkey, then guard duties or patrols. Lots of fun...but, we do what we can. Digi_gyrl started a thread for me...we decorated a cactus. Make do with what ya go, you know? Good luck bro, keep the faith.

12-08-2003, 05:29 AM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
Devildog, I am there with you man. In GTMO...well, I'll be working. My christmas will consist of turkey, then guard duties or patrols. Lots of fun...but, we do what we can. Digi_gyrl started a thread for me...we decorated a cactus. Make do with what ya go, you know? Good luck bro, keep the faith.

right on big man. how is gtmo this time of year? its starting to get pretty cold out here, i had to break out my cold weather gear. anyway, ticks me off cause i just bought a new xmag, and i wont be able to even see it in person for another 8 months or so. i least i have internet access out here, good thing its mission essential ;)

12-08-2003, 09:49 AM
We'll always pick on each other. It's sibling rivalry. Marines are convinced that they are better than the Army, Navy , and the Air Force. The Army is convinced that they are better than the Marines, Navy, and the Air Force. The Navy is convinced that they are better than the Marines, Army, and the Air Force. The Air Force is convinved that we are better than the Marines, Amry, and the Navy. And, there no telling any of us otherwise. It's always been like that always will be like that.

I could drop a few shots in your honor, since you are not able.

But, just remember that people are thinking of you even though you are not at home. I know my Mom had a daily hear attack every day I was deployed.

But, just remember, you could always have Christmas when you get home. Hell, you could have a week long new years celebration...

12-08-2003, 10:44 AM
I was stuck in the barracks in '88. A local retired MSGT happened to be driving by while we were sweeping the parking lot, and invited all 4 of us to his house for dinner....chow never tasted so good!

HOOAH baby! Watch your backside bro, Asscanistan ain't no place for civil people...OR Marines!