View Full Version : AGD Advertisement Where?

12-06-2003, 10:06 PM
Why doesn't AGD advertise new products as aggresively as they used to? Back in the mid and late 90's the public new about any new product, now you find out 2 weeks after it came out. What is the problem? The products AGD makes are the best that is why I've used nothing but since 95 but where I'm from everyone shoots impies and cockers, 2 guns I don't really like. Everyone is always amazed at how fast, accurate, and consistent my EMag is. I think the problem is that AGD advertisements in magazines is rare, it is all about timmies, angels, and pretty much anything to do with smart parts, and this is sad because none of of the guns or companies mentioned above have impressed me yet.

12-06-2003, 10:13 PM
intelligence from the dark...

i agree! :D

today i asked this shop "hey how come you dont sell mags??"

their response: we used to have them as rentals, but they just didn't sell. noone wanted one because they used a lot of air and really we'ren't too great at all

WOW!! just as i was to smack him, my friend said something and the subject dropped :mad:

12-06-2003, 11:32 PM
You should have smacked the guy. Especially if he runs a shop and said that. Like I said I play around a lot of guys w/ cockers and impies, especially impies. It is pretty funny at the fields in my area, the guys w/ the smart parts guns and cockers are at the fill stations after every other game and they don't even shoot that much. Not only that, their guns are running on anywhere from 150-400psi nowhere near a mags operating pressure. I get more shots out of a 68/45 than they are getting out of 88or 91 45Ks or some 3Ks for that matter. I don't know what some people are thinking when they buy these LP air hogs.

12-07-2003, 12:57 AM
Also none of the other guns on the market do not have the manual override feature. So I do not know why anybody would want some of these other guns. An EMag is an awesome deal b/c it is like an RTP and EMag combined.

12-07-2003, 01:27 AM
an e-mag is a mag with a solenoid to push the sear... thats about it

and one reason AGD doesn't advertise very much is because of their shortage of funds right now

12-07-2003, 01:33 AM
Why the hell would a store carry a gun that doesn't sell?

12-07-2003, 01:40 AM
Stores don't carry many 'Mags because they don't sell.
'Mags don't sell that well because AGD doesn't advertise.
AGD has a shortage of funds because they don't sell.

Advertise = Sell more = Stores carry 'Mags = More 'Mags for everyone!

S.S Bandit1
12-07-2003, 02:16 AM
I kinda like the fact that AGD isn’t this huge mainstream company that rules the paintball industry.

Just imagine if AGD sponsored a team like dynasty. Every kid would run out to by an emag or xmag. It's all hype when companies sell there product because of proteams.

AGD sells their product right now because it is simply quality...

The last thing I would want to see when I walk out on the field is every little rich kid playin with an xmag because some cool proteam uses them. I love when some person comes up to me at the field and asks what kind of gun that is, and i reply, "an xmag".

AGD products speak for themselves! Call it bad advertising if you want...

12-07-2003, 03:12 AM
I do agree w/ most of these posts, but doesn't everyone think an awesome company like AGD deserves better than what they are getting right now? They should not have low funding w/ the quality products they sell. I could see having that if they sold crap. All of the products that AGD sells are far from crap. All that I'm trying to say is that a company that has proved the test of time deserves way more recognition than what their getting.

12-07-2003, 05:56 AM
HAha... YOu know why most store dont carry mags? Because they dont break... How are they going to make money off of a gun that they sell, and NEVER have to tech? Look at impulses, EVERY month/week/day/hour something new breaks. That is why most store carry so many Impulse parts. Also, get off of AGD's back about advertising. People are going to do what the "pro's" are doing. It is the cool thing to do. Anyways, mags are the best markers in my opinion and many others'. AGD has the BEST customer service out of any company, be happy with that. They spend their money on making the consumer happy, rather than advertising to make themselves more money.

12-07-2003, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by AGDFlash
You should have smacked the guy. Especially if he runs a shop and said that. Like I said I play around a lot of guys w/ cockers and impies, especially impies. It is pretty funny at the fields in my area, the guys w/ the smart parts guns and cockers are at the fill stations after every other game and they don't even shoot that much. Not only that, their guns are running on anywhere from 150-400psi nowhere near a mags operating pressure. I get more shots out of a 68/45 than they are getting out of 88or 91 45Ks or some 3Ks for that matter. I don't know what some people are thinking when they buy these LP air hogs.

No, sorry, your mag isn't as efficent as my imp or my cocker, I owned a mag for a while, and it was great except for the efficency factor, mags are gas hogs compared to most other guns.

12-07-2003, 10:51 PM
Taht is a good point Wrathchild. I never really thought of it like that. Your are right though mags hardly break and if they do its usually minor. Either way I still think AGD should advertise more, their products are just to good to not be hot sellers. And Tony3 for the input pressure used to power a mag, they are not gas hogs. AN imp that only gets 500 shots off of a 68/3K while running at 150psi is a gas hog.

12-07-2003, 11:34 PM
I think I would know, I currently own an imp, most of my team uses imps and I just sold my classic rt which i had for 8 months, with my mag I got 650 about, my imp running at 180 gets about 750-800

12-08-2003, 12:42 AM
Tony 3 are the imps you and your team using mostly stock or are they pretty tricked out? Because most of the ones I play around aren't too bad but it seems like they should get more shots at the pressures they are running at.

12-08-2003, 01:12 AM
sure, it would be great for AGD to advertise more and sponsor some pro teams and blah blah blah...

But Grasshopper said it best:

Stores don't carry many 'Mags because they don't sell.
'Mags don't sell that well because AGD doesn't advertise.
AGD has a shortage of funds because they don't sell.

simple enough.

12-08-2003, 01:28 AM
Kevmaster, I agree w/ the quote. You kind of answered AGD problem w/ your picture in your post, when AGD does advertise the advertisements are usually pretty bland. Maybe they should include some fine young women in their advertisements, like promotional posters or something w/ a model holding the X-Mag w/ a warp feed or something of the sort.

12-08-2003, 11:08 AM
such as:


or maybe..

but the kapp girls ain't workin too well for them with me anyways...i dont own one thing kapp..lol..

12-08-2003, 11:27 PM
one problem kev, i don't think i've ever seen one of those posters anywhere besides AO... only AGD post i've seen is the one of Manny himself at Manny's field.

12-09-2003, 01:59 AM
Are those posters new? I've seen the one w/ the lion, but the other one I've never seen. Maybe I'm just wrong about this whole thing. I just think AGD should as big or bigger than they were when I started playing, the days when you were nothin without a mag.

12-09-2003, 11:28 AM
reason you don't see those posters is because dearlers who sell NPS get NPS posters about every week of the new timmy to put up--free. AGD doesnt h ave nearly the dealers, and, so, no dealers get the posters

12-09-2003, 11:39 AM
Those posters are at almost every AGD event. And no, not AO related. I'm talking IAO, PSP- that kind of stuff.

We happen to have one in our shop, and I know the Evil Inc. guys- a rec team- have 2 in their trailer.

12-09-2003, 04:26 PM
again day, we're talking about places or people who have no affiliation to ao... they just don't have a reason to put them up...

12-09-2003, 04:58 PM
Tell that to Clare who signed them all day long at IAO. :)

12-09-2003, 05:24 PM
Dude, she's hot! Any chance I can get a date?

AGD deffinately needs to start selling more mags, they aren't really sold anywhere. I can't get one near me, I gotta drive 3-4 hours to find a place with one. I can order one online easily enough, though. I also NEVER see people with mags, or mag posters...anywhere. Although I did see 3 players w/ mags, warps, and revvy's the other day, 4 or 5 of em. I got 3 of them out with my Spyder Imagine. Guess what THAT says? Yeah, I need better people to play with! :D

I personally love 'mags, that look and the feel is great, and they're fast enough for me. Then again, a lot of people now seem to just be putting out paint, whereas I have a backround in firearms, where I was taught to put each shot into the target as fast as I could, but first and foremost to make sure I was hitting, not firing fast.

12-09-2003, 05:51 PM
You're new. I'll fill you in.

No. :D

Not only would you have to get past her boyfriend Havoc, you'll have to beat your way past MANY other members on this board with the same idea in mind.

Originally posted by Pariel
Dude, she's hot! Any chance I can get a date?

12-09-2003, 09:44 PM
OK, I'm going back to my closet.

12-09-2003, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Wrathchild
HAha... YOu know why most store dont carry mags? Because they dont break... How are they going to make money off of a gun that they sell, and NEVER have to tech? Look at impulses, EVERY month/week/day/hour something new breaks. That is why most store carry so many Impulse parts.

ah ha.. that explains it...

same thing for bushies. i mean i see some ads in pb mags, but there's no big time advertising. thats the #1 reason this guy said they dont sell them: no marketing. meaning noone notices them blah blah blah.

what if each agd marker came with a poster, and a few stickers? it'd be a start :-\

as for the banners here on AO... no offense but what good are they here? we already know that mags are like the best thing since sliced bread, but what good is that if the other people that dont know that.