View Full Version : Ollie Lang at Country Club Paintball

12-07-2003, 08:50 PM
Okay, here it is...Oliver Lang will be signing autographs on Monday December 29th at Tinley Park Warped Sportz from 1pm till 4pm. At 5pm he will be playing at Country Club Paintball.

On Tuesday December 30th he will be signing autographs at the Merrillville Warped Sportz from 1pm till 4pm. At 5pm he will be playing at Country Club.

12-07-2003, 09:28 PM

12-07-2003, 09:30 PM
Cool, I might stop by to see him play just for fun

12-08-2003, 02:14 AM
i had the (mis)fortune of playing against a couple of the guys from dynasty over the years ....

poor rec players ..they are going to get chewed up!

12-08-2003, 02:17 AM
Id only go to make a pathetic attempt to bunker him EVERY single round.... After I eventually get the job done, Ill go to disney world!.... or go home and have a cookie cuz I couldnt afford to go to disney world. :rolleyes: The next day when Im drunk and someone mentions Lang/dynasty Ill ramble on about how he sucks cuz I bunkered him. :eek: (of course ignoring the 20ish times that he lights me up on the way) :) It should be fun...

adam shannon
12-08-2003, 02:18 AM
will the refs let him stuff extra pods under bunkers before the game at country club? if not he may be in trouble.

12-08-2003, 03:04 AM
Originally posted by demonguy8
Id only go to make a pathetic attempt to bunker him EVERY single round.... After I eventually get the job done, Ill go to disney world!.... or go home and have a cookie cuz I couldnt afford to go to disney world. :rolleyes: The next day when Im drunk and someone mentions Lang/dynasty Ill ramble on about how he sucks cuz I bunkered him. :eek: (of course ignoring the 20ish times that he lights me up on the way) :) It should be fun...
ehh i dont think youll be able to bunker him... PERIOD... he is a pro. and thats why cause he is one of the best paintballers out there. i think you will get lit up every attempt and never bunker him.although im sure he will bunker everyone a few times.

12-08-2003, 03:52 AM
LOL I dont know... if he cant stuff pods under the bunkers he may run out of paint and get bunkered cuz he cant shoot back... :D :rolleyes:

12-08-2003, 05:22 AM
Originally posted by maglover52

ehh i dont think youll be able to bunker him... PERIOD... he is a pro. and thats why cause he is one of the best paintballers out there. i think you will get lit up every attempt and never bunker him.although im sure he will bunker everyone a few times.

Well despite the sarcastic/comedic tone of my prev post, the fact that CC doesnt allow bunkering (stupid "knock" rule which by the way I aint following if Im gunning for him), and the fact I vowed never to play non private game recball again.... Im very tempted to go just to see if I can do it... It shouldnt be TOOO hard, I mean he'll have no back players actually covering him,no team communication, and its not like he can see EVERY ANGLE ALL THE TIME (especially when he doesnt get to walk the fields)...

Worse case scenario is I get rocked 8billion times, and ask him for some critique on things I could do better on the field (which may end up getting annoying as Ill prob be the 500000000000000th person there to ask that):rolleyes: My great debate is wether I want to go blow $125 on CCP recball :rolleyes:

12-08-2003, 06:24 AM
Playing in Chicago is way too much freaking money.

Only place I can think of that allows BYOP is Badlandz.

Anyhoo, have fun with Ollie.

12-08-2003, 09:41 PM
Its to my knowledge..that your allowed to stuff pods on pregame? Im not sure on NPPL..yes I play in it..but I dun know the rules, I shoot people they shoot me, I get free apples. Anyways a lot of practice fields letcha do this, I was reffing Redz and Bad Company once ...well a few times and I sorta picked up their pods and asked whose they were? Nobodys? Tossed em aside..boy were they mad, its k though, the head ref said they could do it at our field but who knows. Anyways, I think a buncha people could take Ollie, watch out though, his snap shooting is crazy fast...ever play Time Crisis? Yeh..its sorta like that, :D

adam shannon
12-08-2003, 10:03 PM
wobbles were you at the megameet, redhead? if so i saw you playing at nppl nj...never got the chance to say hi though. some guy on the sidelines said wow that dudes timmy is rocking...i got to lean over and inject "nope, thats an e-mag"