View Full Version : Don't Cash your paycheck and then visit tourney vendors..

12-08-2003, 04:32 PM
The temptation to forget about car payments, rent, food... you know the trival things, is very huge. Especialy when you have things like a nice featherlight Viking in your hands..... or some of those super hacked up raceguns... very nice. You can just hear em.... take me home ... I'm lonely and nobody loves me.

Fortunantly I was able to restrain myself and only pick up one of those new CP feednecks with the Quicklock. Very cool gadget, definantly the best feedneck I have used.

12-08-2003, 04:41 PM
Ya I hear ya. There were some neat looking items at the PanAm. I was tempted to get a stiffi freak tip. My fiance wanted one of the trophies. :D

12-12-2003, 08:20 PM
Since I'm looking to buy a clamping feedneck you got my attention. Do you have pics of the CP neck or can you tell me where I can find them. By the way where do you play in Vegas?

12-13-2003, 12:18 AM

Its nice, once you got the collar all nice and snug the hopper isnt going anyplace. The cool thing though is that it just pops off and on.. no messing around. It literaly takes a second to put your hopper securly on the gun .. and you know its locked in place.

Here is a pic of the ring on the halo,

and a beauty shot. ;)


12-13-2003, 08:41 AM
Yeah, I jus go a $900 check from college, and man, I can find all sorts of things I need for paintball. But I guess I'm going for PC upgrades. Should have the new stuff tonight.

12-13-2003, 04:06 PM
hey Officer Goat! you have the same exact mouse as i do! :)