View Full Version : You gotta see this Bunkering video

12-08-2003, 11:34 PM
Check out this clip from IAO. Look closely and you'll see the second guy try to bunker the player, and neither one wants to call themselves out. So what do you do but keep pulling the trigger.
Look at the guy's head after it's all said and done. A nice shade of pink.


OK, so you don't have to look that close to see it happen.


12-08-2003, 11:38 PM
wow! they didn't even flinch!

It's usually hard to tell who's hit first but thats rediculous. Anyhow, thats what the moron gets for bunkering a guy on the same side of the bunker that hes shooting from..

12-08-2003, 11:43 PM
didn't someone get in trouble for that?

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-09-2003, 12:07 AM
it just shows a blank white screen for me. then something pops up and sais i need a compressor

12-09-2003, 12:12 AM
Hahaha, hilarity.

12-09-2003, 12:39 AM
Usually when you are bunkering someone its hard to tell if your hittin em or not becouse your adrenaline is running through your blood:D

12-09-2003, 12:58 AM
man I woulda given someone so much money if they would of gotten a clip of the ntn hopper decapitation

12-09-2003, 01:31 AM
hahah sweet man, good ole bunkerin

12-09-2003, 05:59 AM
anyone still asking the question why paintball in never going to be an olympic event?

12-09-2003, 06:10 AM
he's watched chris lasoya play too much, didn't he knock some dude out for over shooting them in the head like that?

12-09-2003, 09:13 AM
No, as I recall Lasloya bunkered a novice with turbo mode, 12 balls in the head guy got sent to a hospital...

****, maybe Lasloya and Salm should play togheter...

12-09-2003, 10:22 AM
eh! bob! You talk to nick yet about picking me up?

Load SM5
12-09-2003, 10:27 AM
Lasoya was banned for life from PanAm for shooting a guy point blank in the head 12 times. The guy was knocked out and taken to the hosptial and treated for a concussion. Chris claimed he only pulled the trigger 6 times. If true, he had an illegal gun anyway on top of blasting the poor schmuck way too many times. 6 point blank, is still gross overshooting in my book.

12-09-2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Lasoya was banned for life from PanAm for shooting a guy point blank in the head 12 times. The guy was knocked out and taken to the hosptial and treated for a concussion. Chris claimed he only pulled the trigger 6 times. If true, he had an illegal gun anyway on top of blasting the poor schmuck way too many times. 6 point blank, is still gross overshooting in my book. I heard about that but wasnt aware he was banned for life?? Bizarro, but still, after watching the jawwbraker 1 episode, just the way he talks creeps me out... :eek:

12-09-2003, 03:53 PM
What are players doing making the calls of who won? "Blue won, Blue won!" Maybe a Ref should decide that........ :rolleyes:

I agree with Heat. In that vid clip, all I really saw were losers :mad:

12-09-2003, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Halliday
What are players doing making the calls of who won? "Blue won, Blue won!" Maybe a Ref should decide that........ :rolleyes:

I agree with Heat. In that vid clip, all I really saw were losers :mad:

could always be code talk.

12-09-2003, 04:12 PM
^^^Agreed. No idea Lasoya did that. Such a stupid thing to do.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-09-2003, 05:39 PM
lol someone please tell me why the video isnt working for me!!!

12-09-2003, 06:34 PM
how can you knock someone out from paintball hits? I think that is total bs. you get knocked out from whip lash.

and those people in the movie really suck. that was by far the worst attempt at bunkering I have ever seen, and him yelling random words isn't making him look professional nor skilled. no wonder pro paintball players get bad rap, because they are arrogant duesch bags. at least the ones I know.

12-09-2003, 06:41 PM
you need quicktime :o

12-09-2003, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by fancynapkin
how can you knock someone out from paintball hits? I think that is total bs. you get knocked out from whip lash.

It's true, paintball hits to the head can knock you out.

I'm the head ref at Blackrain Paintball, and while I was out on the field, a player moved up and bunkered another. He accidently hit him 3 times in the head and nearly knocked him out. Of course, the player being bunkered was wearing a hat, and the shots hit the button on the top.

Still, it's pretty scarry when a player is laying on the floor motionless.

12-09-2003, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by fancynapkin
how can you knock someone out from paintball hits? I think that is total bs. you get knocked out from whip lash.

and those people in the movie really suck. that was by far the worst attempt at bunkering I have ever seen, and him yelling random words isn't making him look professional nor skilled. no wonder pro paintball players get bad rap, because they are arrogant duesch bags. at least the ones I know.

whiplash? you don't get a concussion from whiplash... you get back injuries from that. Consusions come from blows to the head... ie head trauma....

12-09-2003, 07:10 PM
You, can get knocked out from punches to the head, so why not balls goin 300 fps to the head

12-09-2003, 07:23 PM
i tried that before but i didnt get too much luck on my side.

12-09-2003, 10:05 PM
i tried bunkering ONCE.... i tripped, and slid past them, they laughed, and shot me once on the bottom of the shoe to be nice:eek: thx god they didnt unload, or my WHOLE right side would of gotten hit

12-09-2003, 10:25 PM
i shot 1 guy out in a back stand up and decided to run the tape(yea i ran even though its hard to believe for those who know me) but neways as i was running i was took 2 players out and decided to use the side of the stand up and didn't notice there was a guy behind it(beacuse i thought i had him, but there was 2 people behind it) and the guy shot my head about 6 times at point blank. that did not feel good at all. but i was nowhere near being dizzy or being knocked out so those balls must have been going too fast.

12-09-2003, 11:02 PM
i dont think he was saying "BLUE WON"

i'm pretty sure he was calling for a 1for1 penalty "PULL ONE"

12-10-2003, 03:10 AM
Were those guys in the video even pro? That move was kind of retarded.

12-10-2003, 08:26 AM
woulda been a fist fight i recon

12-10-2003, 09:02 AM
That was crazy, and whats a 1 for 1 penalty?

12-10-2003, 10:18 AM
ugh...I was playing a tourney in KC, and a guy came to bunker me (I shot him way first, but thats another story) and as he came by, his barrel went under my mask and shot me in the mouth. I ended up with a bloody lip, a bloody nose, and a fat lip. Own3d.

12-10-2003, 01:52 PM
Personally I see both those players as idiots. Whatever happened to playing fair? If you get hit call yourself out. That is the one huge gripe I have with tourny ball. Most players will sit in til the ref comes and pulls them. By that time they could have shot another 5+ shoots easily. If your hit get out. Show some class and not be an @ss.

12-10-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by RoadDawg
Personally I see both those players as idiots. Whatever happened to playing fair? If you get hit call yourself out. That is the one huge gripe I have with tourny ball. Most players will sit in til the ref comes and pulls them. By that time they could have shot another 5+ shoots easily. If your hit get out. Show some class and not be an @ss.

If it's an obvious hit you call yourself out. If you have been shoot somewhere that you can't feel that is the refs job to call you out.

If like in the situation in the video, the players shouldn't have to make the calls, the ref should be right in the middle of that whole thing. Instead the only ref that I see is running to check the player in the back dorito. It's not not have class, it's playing the game to win. It's the refs job to make calls like that. They should be in position.

12-10-2003, 02:31 PM
For the people with probs seen the movie you need to get the updates and it should work....

12-10-2003, 02:34 PM
My paintball veteran friend told me of a guy once who played a tournie, got shot at point blank range, got knocked out, went home feeling wierd and later died. So yeah paintballs at close range can hurt alot.

12-10-2003, 02:35 PM
so in a 5 man game your saying there should be 10 refs out to make the call on each player. Somehow I don't see that happening just due to the crowds you'd have to fire through. Anyways it's hard to tell who shot first but why oh why did they keep pulling the trigger. It's obvious that the guys mask is going pink and there both out. I for one think that there should be harsher penalties for over shooting. Something that would actually disicpline players. Like a suspension or fine. Now I for one can tell when I've been hit except on the pack. In which case if I feel I've been hit I call for a paint check. That brings up another part of the game I don't like. Everytime a player shoots he says check the player even when it was no where close to hitting. Sometimes I see it but every 3rd shot come on.

12-10-2003, 04:55 PM
at the end the guy with all the paint on his head is asking to get it wiped off:D

12-11-2003, 04:00 PM
There's a full trailer of the IAO if you go to www.1shotprod.com. It's on the top of the Home Page.



12-11-2003, 04:38 PM
^its also on the bar above the video in the first link:rolleyes:

12-11-2003, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by RoadDawg
so in a 5 man game your saying there should be 10 refs out to make the call on each player. Somehow I don't see that happening just due to the crowds you'd have to fire through.

I'm saying there should be refs there. There are 4 players in that immediate area, and two are doing run throughs, at least one ref should be following them. I mean they could be behind the camera, but they need to be making the call a whole lot sooner than that.

Originally posted by RoadDawg
Anyways it's hard to tell who shot first but why oh why did they keep pulling the trigger. It's obvious that the guys mask is going pink and there both out. I for one think that there should be harsher penalties for over shooting. Something that would actually disicpline players. Like a suspension or fine. Now I for one can tell when I've been hit except on the pack. In which case if I feel I've been hit I call for a paint check. That brings up another part of the game I don't like. Everytime a player shoots he says check the player even when it was no where close to hitting. Sometimes I see it but every 3rd shot come on.

I don't think you should even consider suspending somebody for overshooting unless it is incredible flagrant. When I play in a tournament I will continue to shoot someone until they put their hand up or get off the field. I don't need to waste my time deciding whether someone is out our not. If your on the field your alive to me.

12-11-2003, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Bolter
My paintball veteran friend told me of a guy once who played a tournie, got shot at point blank range, got knocked out, went home feeling wierd and later died. So yeah paintballs at close range can hurt alot.

Hmmm....personally, I've NEVER heard of ANY paintball related deaths EVER. I'm sure if this story was true, we all would have heard about it.

Trust me, death and paintball would cause quite a ruckus online and elsewhere.

12-11-2003, 05:51 PM
Few things.

Thre have been deaths in paintball, but so far none have been related to being impacted with a ball. One guy was struck by lightning while on the field. I know of another who had a heart attack or the like and died in the staging area (But that's another story, no autopsy, by widow's request...)

The other thing is... why don't we institute a rule, just for the audience's sake. If someone hits you more than 3 times from less than 10 feet away, you get 30 seconds to drop your guns and just beat the snot out of each other with your fists. I watched that video with memories of derider's "300 FPS" video in mind, and the fistfight they showed there.

Actually, I'm surprised we don't see more fistfights. Either that or, like all the other problems, it's been swept under the rug with the policy of "If we ignore it, it might go away"

-Tyger (VERY jaded today...)

12-11-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Matt_mg
No, as I recall Lasloya bunkered a novice with turbo mode, 12 balls in the head guy got sent to a hospital...

****, maybe Lasloya and Salm should play togheter...

dude they Did, you retard untill jeremy got busted.

and chris wasnt useing turbo. he just had a sick trigger pull that bounced. this was before the bounce rule came into play.

Originally posted by Load SM5
Lasoya was banned for life from PanAm for shooting a guy point blank in the head 12 times. The guy was knocked out and taken to the hosptial and treated for a concussion. Chris claimed he only pulled the trigger 6 times. If true, he had an illegal gun anyway on top of blasting the poor schmuck way too many times. 6 point blank, is still gross overshooting in my book.

now how much sence does that make. "he was banned from pan am" the 12 balls in the head head didnt happen at a pan am event. it happened at the msts masters of the mountain. i was there. and if u think 6 balls is over shooting then i dont recomend playing against anybody better than rookie

Originally posted by -=Squid=-
I heard about that but wasnt aware he was banned for life?? Bizarro, but still, after watching the jawwbraker 1 episode, just the way he talks creeps me out... :eek:
im pretty sure he wasnt banned for life from anything. certly not the msts.

12-12-2003, 03:07 AM
I got bunkered like that once by someone that I clearly hit before he even left his bunker, but he kept shooting anyway, so I just kind of was sitting there dumb founded when he proceeded to run at me and then I got shot all over the back of my head and neck. After that I went w/ Tyger's idea and laid the guy out and broke two of my fingers in the process. After that was over I later was arrested and charged w/ assault and was banned from the field for a year while the guy who played on and shot me didn't even get so much as a dirty look, either way two wrongs don't make a right and if it ever happens to me again I will handle it differently, but people need to stop playing like that or more guys or girls will get arrested for doing what I did.

12-12-2003, 03:51 AM
I remember back in the days before wings (ear protection flaps) on masks, I saw a dude get shot in the temple with a paintball (that's right, not six but one). He dropped right there and his eyes rolled back in his head. He was out for a good couple minutes. That's was one of the few real "oh ****" moments I've ever seen on the paintball field. Never seen anyone else come close to going out since then, espcially with how protective masks are these days.

I later was arrested and charged w/ assault and was banned from the field for a year

That sucks. seems a little excessive though, unless he ended up needing reconstructive surgery. Good thing they aren't that strict in the NHL.

12-12-2003, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by AGDFlash
I got bunkered like that once by someone that I clearly hit before he even left his bunker, but he kept shooting anyway, so I just kind of was sitting there dumb founded

That is when you just keep shooting. If he is obviously out and still playing. Teach him a lesson, and keep shooting him until you he calls himself out, why would you just sit there. The point of the game is to stay alive.:confused:

12-12-2003, 02:12 PM
This whole thing maybe took about 30 seconds from me getting bunkered to me laying him out.

12-12-2003, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by AGDFlash
This whole thing maybe took about 30 seconds from me getting bunkered to me laying him out.


If your shooting him, you see him hit, and he is still coming, keep shooting. Make it obvious. If he keeps going even though you have shot him multiply times, it's obvious he is trying to cheat. Thats when the ref will pull a 1 for 1 or possibly more.

12-12-2003, 04:48 PM
First of all, I didn't see any sportsmen in that video - a bunch of *******s yelling at each other. Paintball shouldn't come to blows - that's retarded.

Does anyone really give a crap about Lasoya? He's just a guy who plays paintball. Yowee.

12-12-2003, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by tyrion2323
Does anyone really give a crap about Lasoya? He's just a guy who plays paintball. Yowee.

yeah just a guy who gets like 6 mill in sponsorships and gets paind 100 grand a year