View Full Version : playing sick

12-09-2003, 09:36 AM
I know it is very wrong... but today i'm playing sick. I'm so happy too, this week has been horrible, and i just wanted a day off. My parents are so gullable, I said that my eyes hurt, and i'm dizzy when i walk. I want to hear some sick days gone bad, where your parents come home and you're not sick at all. I swear, my parents spoil me so much, that if they did come home and I was dribbling a basketball in my basement they wouldn't think another thing of it. I also would like to hear some tips on playing sick. It is so easy for me, but i'd like to know what some of u do. I know there are some people that play sick, I'm one of them, and i am a specialist in that field. :D

12-09-2003, 10:00 AM

12-09-2003, 10:52 AM

12-09-2003, 12:35 PM
well I am sick, a little and i'm staying home. I came home half day yesterday and slept until 9:00. Woke up this morning and am a little dizzy.
no school... I'll take it

12-09-2003, 01:05 PM
sounds like a "your grounded" should come in handy here.
I don't like theifs, but to me a liar is worse.

12-09-2003, 01:08 PM
Meh. He's only hurting himself.

12-09-2003, 01:51 PM
not really, our school was cut out early, because of snow. Anyway i am somewhat sick (probably could have gone to school) anyway i'm doing some very educational things. I am reading, and writing. Wow does that sound wierd coming from a 14 year old boy who got the day off. Anyway, so technically i didn't lie. I just exaderated how sick i was. My eyes did hurt, and so did my head. I may have made it out to be much more then it is, and i did get a tad bit dizzy when i walked. I to do hate liars, but i'd rather stay home write books, and read then go to math class, because i would rather have a book published then to learn eight grade math. (Like i said before, I am a very different 14 year old boy who actuall somewhat understands what is going on in the world today) Yes i am arrogant, and yes I am boastful. So hopefully no one will say anything about that, because I already know that i am very very boastful and very very arrogant, but i like it that way

12-09-2003, 02:05 PM
I just called off on my last day at a job I wasn't making any money at (like $400/month working 4 days a week).

My final instrument oral and flight are tomorrow. I'm not going to spend 6 hours sitting around making $20 when I could be studying. My boss was mad and said "lets just say you're done" and I said "ok sweet, see ya".

Back to making 3x more money at my old job starting thursday.

12-09-2003, 03:02 PM
wake up in the morning .... go to the bathroom .... flush the toilet .... tell mom you puked ... go back to bed :)

12-09-2003, 03:08 PM
that one is a very reliable scheme... but afte doing it maybe 10 times your mom and dad begin to wonder if ur actually throwing up. Then they say "Next time you throw up.Leave it in the toilet, or ur going to school" Happened to me, can never do it again, although one time i tried meshing a bunch of food together, and dropped it in the toilet.

12-09-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by trevorjk
wake up in the morning .... go to the bathroom .... flush the toilet .... tell mom you puked ... go back to bed :)
lol I've done that 3 times this year... (shhh FalconGuy don't tell) :p

12-09-2003, 03:15 PM
For the past 4 years "mom, I don't feel good, i'm not going to school today" worked fine. Now I just wake up, look at my clock say screw it and sleep through my classes. I need to get a new alarm clock that works all the time :)

12-09-2003, 03:19 PM
lol. My dream job would be something like that... I can wake up whenever i want. I can skip days of work without people higher then me being mad, and i still make 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollars a day. Yep not that high of expectations I know. I wish i was Bill Gates

12-09-2003, 03:21 PM
Skipping class is not exactly the best thing to do. I know I've done it here in college quite a bit, but I was always able to tell when would be a good day to skip, b/c I'd know ahead of time what was being covered. HOWEVER, I do not skip regularly OR often.

I also hate missing class when I'm sick, it's no fun. You feel like crap, and when you finally get over the illness, you go back to class and feel like an idiot b/c you missed a good amount of material that the teacher now just skims over and everone else is following alone fine, except for you b/c you weren't in class b/c you were sick.

12-09-2003, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by illshowumyramrod
lol. My dream job would be something like that... I can wake up whenever i want. I can skip days of work without people higher then me being mad, and i still make 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollars a day. Yep not that high of expectations I know. I wish i was Bill Gates
My job is sorta like that...my coworker and I invented the term R.D.O. (Random Day Off)...as long as we notify them through email, it's fine. However, when we get back into work, I do make sure I meet all the deadlines. I only do this when I know I can handle the load when I get back. If we're going to be late, we just email everyone what time we expect to come in and it's all good. I don't make the ga-bizillion dollars though. Maybe my attendance performance has something to do with it? LOL! :p

But if I had a wish to be someone else..hrm...I wish...I wish...I WISH I WAS HUGH HEFNER!!! :D

12-09-2003, 03:38 PM
I really don't understand how Hugh does it. He is a millionaire. Women adore him (and do a little bit more). He is like 84 too. I really don't understand how an 84 year old man can have 100 hot super models crawling around him, and i barely can get one. He may be a millionaire, and if he were 30 years old i could believe him having that many women around, but he's like 84! He'll probably be having sex as he is about to die.

12-09-2003, 03:41 PM
It's called having lots and lots and LOTS of MONEY!!! He's living proof that with lots of money comes women!

12-09-2003, 04:03 PM
I wouldn't lie to my parents about being sick, if I don't feel like going to school I just tell them the truth. They usually let me stay home due to the fact that I've always had good grades and can usually afford to miss a day or two. If my parent's say that I must go to school I either go to school or skip and bear the consequences. It's not too often that I don't feel like going to school either. All my friends are at school and staying home by yourself is boring.

12-09-2003, 04:10 PM
I don't lie to my parents either (except for sick days of course) and i also get good grades, but our teachers are very very stupid, and if we talk in class they're very mean. So i normally don't talk to my friends during school, except at lunch, but our lunch system is stupid as well. Listen to this... our lunch rules are you get assigned to a table with eight people. You have to raise your hand, and a teacher will let you dump your trays. Our food sucks! A teacher will dismiss you by one table at a time(and that normally means the last table out is the table that is late for class) and we get cheese pizza every single day for our second choice. This is school pizza by the way, and it is basically cardboard with melted cheese on it. By telling you the way our lunch system works you will hopefully get the picture on why i choose to stay home.

12-09-2003, 04:35 PM
I think the funniest thing is that you think your parents don't know. LOL. They know.

12-09-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by illshowumyramrod
lol. My dream job would be something like that... I can wake up whenever i want. I can skip days of work without people higher then me being mad, and i still make 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollars a day. Yep not that high of expectations I know. I wish i was Bill Gates

Caddy, $150-200 a day, you can show when you want and skip days with no complains exept a couple days when they have big tournements. Doesn't carrying golf bags sound like a great job :)

12-09-2003, 04:41 PM
I know skipping class is bad, I hate doing it. Its hard to get up at 7 in the morning though when your roomates who don't have class untill 12 keep you up to 3 or 4 in the morning :(

12-09-2003, 04:44 PM
"I think the funniest thing is that you think your parents don't know. LOL. They know." quote by Beam

yeah ur probably right. They do spoil me. I kind of have suspected it, but they probably just don't care. I do get straight A's, and never have problems on my homework. But they might be afraid, because once i got sick, and they didn't believe me (sheep who cried wolf, i think) and i got this very wierd disease called the Kawisakies Disease, and it basically is a bunch of viruses that eat at your heart (or something) luckily it wasn't a perminent disease. It was kind of cool though, because at one point i had thrown up so much that i was throwing up spit and things that i hadn't eaten, and a lot of blood vessels in my eyes popped. My eyes were red for about a year, and finally it turned yellow, and now they are white. It was cool though, and I scared a lot of younger kids. Fun... fun... so now i bet my parents think if i am really sick and they send me to school ill probably die, so that is probably why they basically let me stay home on sick days. Anyhoo this is my 100th post!

12-09-2003, 05:17 PM
for every unexcused absence at our school, we get 4 30-minute detentions

and for every detention we don't serve within 3 days, we get a 1-day in-school suspension

so i dont skip school, i may sleep in class or get baked at lunch (off-campus lunch :p)... but never skip school all together unless i am truly sick

12-09-2003, 05:41 PM
illshowumyramrod- What school do you go to? I think I live about 20 minutes away from you, but you've left me guessing as to what school that might be!

12-09-2003, 05:44 PM
I'm sure it's not twenty minutes. I'm guessing an hour since u live in minneapolis. I go to Clearwater Middle School

12-09-2003, 05:47 PM
We got 4 2 hours detentions for unexcuses abscenses. God don't you people know how to sign your parents name yet?

12-09-2003, 06:29 PM
oatmeal is the perfect fake puke ( i knew this before it was on viva la bam) just take out all the kernals and the powder is like supreme puke. it helps to mix it with a little spit in the toilet or sink and mix some parmesian cheese. my skool stinks. its a "intermediate school" which basically means we dont get to go to high skool untill 10'th grade. anyways a little while ago i was mad about something i cant remember right now, and i was bein a really annoying little creep to the teacher, like mocking her and stuff and shouting at my friend cause he kept laughing at me. and she sent me to the dean and i got after skool but i didnt go to it and nothing happened so just go around all willy-nilly gettin reffered and bein late and stuff. i mean i got a 34.7 in my history class. yea i gotta get crackin on my white history hw. (get it? get CRACKIN... WHITE history. im white by the way) man do i need to get out more...

12-09-2003, 06:47 PM
I'm actually starting to feel sick now...:(

12-09-2003, 07:03 PM
I'm so glad I'm out of public school.

At least my teachers through elementary, middle, and high school weren't mean or stupid (a few exceptions, but I never ran into them). Then again, the school system back home is pretty well run and well funded, so I guess they can afford to hire good teachers.

All I know is that while I didn't mind public school, I'm sure glad as all get-out that I'm out of it and in college.

I'm sure pyro and the other college folks will agree with me, that unless you have a**holish roommates, then college pretty much kicks butt, despite the work load and tough degree programs (if you are an engineering major :p). It's all the benefits of freedom, and such that rule. Like going to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner whenever you want to, just getting together with friends and going on a road trip if you feel like it w/o having to ask anyone for permission, etc., etc.

College rocks :D. The only thing that sucks is final exams (had my physics III final today. I'm praying I got a C or higher, so I can pass this bloody class).

12-09-2003, 07:17 PM
Missing school here sucks... really bad.

Well, for me anyway.

Honors classes suck to miss cause you get loaded with homework, missing phys. ed is stupid cause my teacher hates me and gives me a cut despite me being truly absent, italian... well, I sleep there anyway.

12-09-2003, 07:19 PM
See i dont have to play sick, if i have been having a really bad week and haven missed much school my mom will let me take a day off. She trusts that i can judge the importance of school that day.