View Full Version : Check out Bills Australian site...

12-09-2003, 10:08 AM
Yep! Tie me Kangaroo down mate! :D

Billspaintball.com (http://www.billspaintball.com/vb3//forumdisplay.php?f=5)

12-09-2003, 10:53 AM
Austrailian paintball forums.


12-09-2003, 12:16 PM
all I know about Australia, which may be false, is that you can't keep your marker at your own house and that it must be locked up at the field that you play at...but that's really cool...I'd love to see some pix..

12-09-2003, 12:22 PM
Yes I have heard some rumors about the legality of Paintball markers there. But do not know the details. We should ask them I guess.

12-09-2003, 12:52 PM
or ask them if they'd like to come over here to talk with us about Australian paintball...

12-09-2003, 02:26 PM
from what i have heard you can own a pb gun but you cant take it home!

you have to leave it at the field.

and if you live in the north aand want to play a turnie in the south the field owner has to bring it for you.

it would suck

Nick O time
12-09-2003, 03:55 PM
all i heard was that once you have it in the country they won't do anything about your gun. but getting the gun in is very hard i have heard. some one was asking back in summer about someone cutting like an emag in half or sumtin like that so that they could ship it in 2 pieces to them in Austrailia. but i dunno i didn't hear that rule but i won't doubt it becuase i know they are really strict on pb guns and guns in general down in Austrailia.

12-09-2003, 05:56 PM
hey guys :D

down here the laws are under review as we speak!

In 2 states down here, (theres 8 states/territories) paintball is completely illegal.. :( including mine..

In other states you have to leave your marker at the field, or have it locked up, and licensed.

But things are starting to look good with a good possibility of new laws.. ;)

Lone Brain Cell
12-09-2003, 06:05 PM
Yeah its true,
In Queensland we can own a marker & take it home. But in New South Wales you have to leave your marker at the feild. And as Yzo says In Tasmainia its illegal.

I went to New Zealand to play in a Tournie & I couldnt take my mag with me, Well I could but I couldnt bring it home as I am "IMPORTING it. Even though it is registerd in the country.

However the laws are about to change soon & u will be able to see alot more teams from Aussie!

Look out we may come over there & teach you guys how to drink!;)

Anyway please Visit www.billspaintball.com My name on there is Knackers

12-09-2003, 06:10 PM
thats crazy!

aussie's are cool! they are cool blokes and yea...

id post something there, but too lazy to register :)

12-09-2003, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by Lone Brain Cell
Anyway please Visit www.billspaintball.com My name on there is Knackers

I already joined the site...same name as here on Ao..

12-10-2003, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Lone Brain Cell
Yeah its true,
In Queensland we can own a marker & take it home. But in New South Wales you have to leave your marker at the feild. And as Yzo says In Tasmainia its illegal.

I went to New Zealand to play in a Tournie & I couldnt take my mag with me, Well I could but I couldnt bring it home as I am "IMPORTING it. Even though it is registerd in the country.

However the laws are about to change soon & u will be able to see alot more teams from Aussie!

We've had a couple of scares in Canada, whenever they've updated the firearms legislation. Nothing as drastic as
your situation has come to pass, though!

Look out we may come over there & teach you guys how to drink!;)

Please come up! We Canucks have been trying to teach them, but they aren't learning very fast! ;)