View Full Version : Anyone have extra guns just for loaning out?

12-09-2003, 02:28 PM
I've been thinking about buying like a cheap gun package just so I have something to loan out to get my friends to play. I always play with at least one other person (that is, go to the field with), and I know if I had guns to loan out, I could get more people to go. Right now I have my Dad's gear (my old gear). He doesn't play too much, so most times I lend his stuff out to my friends (work's out nice huh?). But I was thinking, when I have the money, to buy like a simple Spyder (or clone) package for around $150ish. For when we go to the fields, they'd have a decent gun and wouldn't have to pay to rent one (those guns are pretty bad too, looks like they've been sitting in a puddle of mud for 10 years- but still shoot (Tippmann)). Plus in the rare outlaw games, there'd be guns to use.

So... Anyone done this? Getting more friends to play is pretty much worth it IMO. They all like to play, but most don't want to buy a gun (altho, I've gotten a few to do so). Plus I'm in college now, all I meet is new people, it'd be nice to get some to start playing. Any thoughts?

Oh yeah... I guess it would be a back up gun too... but I don't know if I'd want to use anything else than my b**chin' Mag (and ever since I finally got my lvlX working, it hasn't given any probs).

12-09-2003, 02:30 PM
I have 2 RTPs for that purpose. I'm going to try to stockpile on EMags eventually, for team use. I want all my guys shooting the good stuff. :p

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
12-09-2003, 02:47 PM
I loan out my back up gun...xvalved automag classic on a regular basis.

12-09-2003, 02:48 PM
Depending on how much I like/know you, I have different levels of loaner gear. I have two 98 Customs, an 02 Stock Cocker, A Classic RT w/LX, and a Vision Inpulse. I also have a couple of masks, tanks, and packs to equip my guests.

It is a great way to get someone hooked on PB. I feel like a crack dealer when I do it. "The first one is free!" Bwahahahahaha!

12-09-2003, 02:55 PM
I have 2 guns always. One as my primary and the other as my backup/loaner gun. I ALWAYS make sure my loaner gun is a sturdy and well made marker, like a tippman. Right now it's my phantom. When I'm NOT playing sc, then my loader is my blazer (when it gets back from PPS).

12-09-2003, 03:02 PM
Loaner guns of mine.
A old school brass eagle long barrel comp nightmare
for the fun days
VM68EXC and a Magnum
Old spyder
and my most vicous loaner. The BladeII

12-09-2003, 03:22 PM
I let the people I am taking pick what they want to use out of what I have available at the time. So far, nobody has asked to use my splatmasters, nor the PG's. Once someone wanted to use one of my AGA's, though. And just about everyone wants to use my sydearm or squall till they get to the field and realiize that they can't spray paint with the rest of the sprayers out there. heheheheeee

12-09-2003, 03:25 PM
I have some brass eagle thing, not sure of the name. My good loaner is a shocker with otb fram and a glacier at board.

12-09-2003, 03:47 PM
LCD Angel and No-Rised Retro Mag for loaners :)

12-09-2003, 04:48 PM
I have a retro mini and dark cocker as backups/loaners. I also bring a spare Vforce shield mask to loan out as well. I think if you bring a new player and give them decent equipment, they enjoy their first experience more.

12-09-2003, 06:14 PM
at one point i had about 5 markers to lend people that went with me to play. eventually they all bought the mags i had. now i only have 2 backups a rt mag and a classic mag.

12-09-2003, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Blennidae
I think if you bring a new player and give them decent equipment, they enjoy their first experience more.

Agreed. THat's the philosophy of my college's paintball club (of which I'm an officer) as well (that, and it's less expensive than getting rentals). Then again, our purpose is to provide a good, safe, fun and AFFORDABLE enviroment for anyone at ERAU (my college) to play paintball: new players and experienced players alike.

We've had a TON of first timers come out and play this semester and each time, those w.o their own equipment got to use such guns as upgraded m98s, mags, and A5's. They all had a total blast, with some even amazing us with their inherent skill.

All are now interested in buying a marker like the one they used in their first time (some want A5's, some want m98s, and some want mags :D). Providing some of your own extra (and good quality) gear to a new player is a great way for them to play with good equipment and not feel outgunned on the field.

12-09-2003, 07:04 PM
My backup setup for people I like is a lvl x emag with nitro obviously and an egg II and a freak kit, Dye invision and a ronin 3+2 pack

For people I don't like its a blue spyder esprit with 12 volt revvy, no pack and a v force...the ones they loan out at fields

12-09-2003, 08:15 PM
Yeah I have 5 markers I let people use if they dont have their own. Not random people but people invited to come with us or ask to come with us to try out paintball. Its worked out well, we brought 3 people that never played with us last time we went out, let them use pretty decent backup gear and all 3 have since bought their own markers.

12-09-2003, 09:29 PM
So I see I'm not the ONLY person that carries enough gear with them to equip both sides of a 10 man game :)

Hey gotta get people to play somehow


12-09-2003, 09:31 PM
the only gun i have which is NOT a loaner is my phantom. That is mine, only a select few may proceed past handling it. Some people are even allowed to shoot it!

seriously though, my mag, my raptorcocker, my f-4, the PVC pumper, and my mayhem are available for use to anybody. I have been known to give my mag to random newbs on the feild.
I will probably lend out the snipergat when im not using it.

lending out quality equipment is key, it makes the person focus on the game, not on why their gun isnt working. It makes it that much more enjoyable.

12-10-2003, 02:00 AM
the only gun i have which is NOT a loaner is my phantom. That is mine, only a select few may proceed past handling it. Some people are even allowed to shoot it!

I'm the same way with my blazer. i'll let alot of people handle it, though, but under my direct supervision, and when I say, "OK, please hand her back now", you better do it immediately and not give me any lip, else I'll get ticked off, b/c my blazer is MY primary gun, and I love it to pieces. When I say it's time to hand her back, she better be handed back instantly :).

12-10-2003, 02:41 AM
I have a total of 5 masks, 6 guns, 4 hpa tanks, 3 or 4 co2 tanks, 6 or 7 hoppers, 4 packs and 20something pods. So I can put together 5 full setups including mine. I loaned my mini to a kid a few weeks ago at our corn maze game when his dragunfly crashed and burned, he was real happy with it. Since I put a new bolt in the rebel, it has become a decent loaner, instead of a paint-hungry blender(props to Spudnukl on that), just need to machine the body to accept a cocker detent and it will be set.

12-10-2003, 03:09 AM
i havnt loaned out my guns i have let people try them and use them for a game but not for the day.

12-10-2003, 03:14 AM
Yes...lucky winnah gets to borrow my back up ULE Emag! ;)Runner up gets the second prize...Warped RT Minimag. :) Working on the third prize winner. :D

12-10-2003, 11:11 AM

Classic mag with AR frame
Tippmann 98
Sypder clone

using a gun other than a neglected rental really helps get people into the sport - it's much more fun to do well, than poorly.


12-10-2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
I let the people I am taking pick what they want to use out of what I have available at the time. So far, nobody has asked to use my splatmasters, nor the PG's. Once someone wanted to use one of my AGA's, though. And just about everyone wants to use my sydearm or squall till they get to the field and realiize that they can't spray paint with the rest of the sprayers out there. heheheheeee

I think I would choose the Grinder. That is yours isn't it? :)

I used to have lots of extra gear, but then most people I know bought their own, so I sold it for upgrades.

12-10-2003, 03:35 PM
I've got a Trracer Tagmaster that I loan out for pump games. Loaners are essential when you play pump, because almost no field keeps them around anymore. Many of the guys in my club keep a second pump and/or stock gun on hand. A few have loaner semi's, too, for big games mostly. Mags and a few cockers.

12-10-2003, 04:17 PM
I have a backup Retro mag I loan sometimes and also the most reliable Tippman Pro-lite!!! A little oil in both and they shoot forever with no other maintenance or problems!