View Full Version : cingular is the worst company ever

12-10-2003, 07:41 AM
dont use them, they have great coverage i will admit, but they screw you everychance they get. more than once i had to pay at least twice my bill, they lose things, and they make me mad.

Now, in march, i got shipped to iraq, before i left, i brought a copy of my orders to my local cingular dealer, and had them cut my service off. i paid the balance for the month, the guy said i was all set and thanked me for choosing cingular, gave me a reciept, and i went on my way. now, 8 months later, i get a letter from the creditors, that i have a past due balance for august! august?!?!?! i cut my service in march, how am i getting charged for august? so now i got this whole thing i got to go through to get this bad report off my credit report, uh, what a week :(

all in all, dont use them, verizon is much better, and they have better coverage, none of my friends ever had trouble with them. oh well, just a warning

12-10-2003, 07:56 AM
i have cingular i really hate them, when i was on verizon i was much happier

12-10-2003, 08:01 AM
<--- Verizon

12-10-2003, 09:26 AM
Uggg..Cingular is TEH SUCK!

Last year, for 3 months in a row, my bill was over $500. Old man (father) went crazy each time, despite my insistance that I didn't do anything. After the 3rd month, he finally started to believe me, and surprisesurprise, it wasn't my fault! The idiot @ Cingular didn't set something or other up correctly... I think we ended up getting 4-5 months credit, so all was well.. but still.

Can't forget to mention the crappiness of their service, not to mention the phones (unless you really fork out the $$)

12-10-2003, 10:16 AM
Yup, Cingular sucks. My friend has it and hates it, too bad for him he is signed up for another half year. He is always complaining about the crappy reception and half of the time I can't hear him. I have Verizon and I can't complain. Hell, I get reception in the middle of nowhere when I go camping while all my buddies don't.

Yay, Verizon. Best company and great service.

12-10-2003, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by Ironmag
Yup, Cingular sucks. My friend has it and hates it, too bad for him he is signed up for another half year. He is always complaining about the crappy reception and half of the time I can't hear him. I have Verizon and I can't complain. Hell, I get reception in the middle of nowhere when I go camping while all my buddies don't.

Yay, Verizon. Best company and great service.
Yup… I have never lost signal either with Verison. I will warn folks though to make sure you get the phones that gets all 3 types of signals though. My daughter got one that does not, and she has areas that even though are IN her coverage, she can’t get a signal… her phone is the problem.

12-10-2003, 11:05 AM
hmm i love cingular have had nothing but good things with it.
nextel is the devil and
my brother had verison and ended up throwing his phone out the window since he never had any good service. he was constantly droping calls or not able to make them at all.
and that was in chicago/suburbs

12-10-2003, 11:06 AM
anyone have verisons two-way?
if so how is it

12-10-2003, 11:34 AM
my phone always had great reception as far as that concerned, and i traveled all over the country with my phone, i just hate cingular as far as the company is concerned.

12-10-2003, 12:00 PM
Yay for verizon :)

12-10-2003, 12:18 PM
I've had nothing but good experiences with Cingular. Sprint, on the other hand, was a nightmare. I probably dropped 80% of my calls and their customer service was terrible.

12-10-2003, 01:32 PM
I'm not very happy with Verizon right now...

Part of it is due to the fact that my school is in the middle of a dead zone... in the city of Detroit... yes, a deadzone in a metro area of 5 million people...

The other part is that the phone they gave me sucks... i have a new one but havn't had time to get it reprogrammed yet... maybe that will fix things. and 20$ a pop for a new antenna every time it breaks (BAD DESIGN) is rediculous...

Never had any billing problems though, the voicemail software could be updated... not being able to delete voicemail while listening to it (or skip to the end and delete it) sucks...
