View Full Version : Vision Impulse vs Custom RT Pro ???

12-10-2003, 09:22 PM
Well it is about time I get a new gun. I have gone from 2 spyders, minimag, cocker, e-tippmann, and havent found the gun that fits my needs yet...

Should I get...

2003 Vision Impulse


Black ULE, ULT, Intelliframe, X-Valve, J&J 2 Piece, LVL10

What pro's and con's does each gun have because its about time for christmas and I am gonna buy myself a brand new gun :).

thnx a lot

12-10-2003, 09:26 PM
R/t pro Ule. No contest. First post and should be last post.

12-10-2003, 09:27 PM
I would get the RT Pro. It will save you alot of headaches. Not to mention that the impy is crap stock, even though vision helps (a little). If you want to look at an electro aroudn that price range, go with the B2k3 PDS. It looks so much better than the impulse, its lighter, faster, more reliable, ect. The RT Pro has some advantages though. It wont stop shooting if you get it wet for instance. It's also lighter than the other guns, and wont chop a ball! It can shoot around the same speed as well.

12-10-2003, 09:30 PM
Sorry to dissagree but much as I dislike SP (and not because of the lawsuit thing) of the two selected to be chosen from, I would go with the Impulse.

12-10-2003, 09:33 PM
our team does quite a few tournaments too, so i'm basically looking for the better tourny gun.

12-10-2003, 09:33 PM
Dude...you shoulda asked if you could shoot my RT when we were at MSG. You can shoot my emag in mech mode for a few games if you want...

but yea...I'd go with the Imp too. just get rid of the stock trigger and you'd be set

12-10-2003, 09:40 PM
when did u get an emag??? and is the mech on the emag like a normal x-valve pull? or a ULT?

12-10-2003, 09:43 PM
I had the Emag before I had my EBlade. Its just the normal retro/x valve pull- Don't think you're supposed to use ULT on Emag...something with the solenoid

12-10-2003, 09:53 PM
Don't get a vision imp, get a http://stores.cipp.com/Merchant4/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=mipaint&Product_Code=10101019903

and then when the was board comes out get that, itll completely rock the rt ule custom.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-10-2003, 10:54 PM
Well...you should think of getting a gun like this. If you chuck it into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and it will still work, than it's better.

Impulse Vision - FRIED
RT PRO - Still Works!

12-10-2003, 11:11 PM
Yep, you are the offical AO moron.....

12-10-2003, 11:52 PM
get the custom rt, easy to handle, very good looking, fast as hell. also customizable:D

12-11-2003, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by UltimatePaintballer
get the custom rt, easy to handle, very good looking, fast as hell. also customizable:D

And the impulse isnt easy to handle, fast as hell, and customizable? Ugly, but hey, if he wants a tourney gun, impulse beats the RT hands down.

Although the 2k3 Bushy PDS kicks royal *** :D

12-11-2003, 11:04 AM
yes impys are fast, yes impys are electro, and yes impys do chop alot of paint because they are not AGD.

Go for the RT, it will rock and you will rarely have to clean your barrel once you have set it up!!!! But def get a decent hopper like the halo B.

12-11-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by MarkM
Sorry to dissagree but much as I dislike SP (and not because of the lawsuit thing) of the two selected to be chosen from, I would go with the Impulse.


12-11-2003, 11:11 AM
I would go with the impulse, they are fast, there are a ton of aftermarket parts, and they are really easy to work on.

12-11-2003, 11:16 AM
There's the quote of the day.

An RT Pro doesn't NEED any more aftermarket parts. It will work great out of the box.

Unfortunately, you can't say that about most impulses.

Originally posted by Downfall
I would go with the impulse, they are fast, there are a ton of aftermarket parts, and they are really easy to work on.

12-11-2003, 11:20 AM
I would say get the RT ULE Custom... Hands down. My Impy experiences have been VERY poor, and AGD products have NEVER let me down.

The first Impy I owned was a Toxic Vision (see the 1st official meeting of gun whores thread, or whatever it is for a pic), the Vision rarely worked, the board crapped out on me, it would get mysterious leaks overnight, and consistency sucked.... This was my first Impy experience, but I didn't think that they were all this bad, so I bought another.

The second Impy I bought was a Nasty Vision, completely decked with a cricket board, all ND internals, and a blade trigger. This gun was a tad better, it never completely died on me, the vision worked (still chopped a few balls), the consistency was decent, and it was fairly fast. I never got a feel for the gun, it always felt cheap and poorly manufactured, though it worked. Needless to say I got rid of it, and swore to never buy another Impy, or promote the sale of one.

Owning my own shop back in Mead, WA teching guns was one of the many daily tasks that I got tied up in. Take a guess at the number one gun in the shop to get fixed was? Thats right... the Impulse. Followed closely by cockers (mainly just needing to be re-timed), and then the ever-so-magical '03 Shocker, the next biggest pile to come rolling off of SP's production line.

The RT ULE Custom is a great tournament alternative to an electro marker. They are light, fast, consistent, accurate, and don't cause goo-fest 2003 thanks to LX. The only drawback that I see to any mag, is the horrible gas efficiency which is something you have to figure out if you want to comprimise. All-in-all, I would say get the RT ULE Custom HANDS DOWN over the Impulse.

Hope this helps a bit.

12-11-2003, 11:25 AM
I wouldn't call efficiency on a mag horrible.

6 pods and a hopper on a 72/4500 isn't bad at all. You make it sound like a Matrix... ;)

12-11-2003, 11:29 AM
ok ok ok... true dayspring, true... but you can't exactly say that they ARE efficient, lol.

12-11-2003, 11:33 AM
Mag effeciency is admittedly pretty bad :) You'd need to fill after every game to be safe unless you shoot tiny amounts of paint.

That being said...


It's missing a foregrip right now, but I'd still pick it over an Impulse any day of the week.

ULE Body, Omega Rail, Intelliframe, XValve, ULT, Dynaflow, can't-beat-it-no-matter-how-hard-you-try goodness.

12-11-2003, 11:37 AM
Are they top of the heap when it comes to efficiency? No. Are they bottom of the barrel? No.

HOWEVER, if you look at the trend, everyone is going towards efficiency now. Before this, nobody really complained about it.

We actually saw several trends in paintball in the past 2 years alone.

Speed (everyone's fast now- debounce boards, buffering, etc.)
Anti-Chop (everybody's got eyes now)
Weight (everybody's doing "ULE" stuff)

12-11-2003, 11:39 AM
I still havn't fully tweaked my Level 10 and ULT in this gun, I admit, but the effeciency was real bad when I used it. I think that there may have been a leak in the ULT, though, so after I tweak that I'll have to give my second opinion.

12-11-2003, 11:41 AM
I shot a RT Pro for a year and a half and a Vert Reg non-vision Impulse for about a year and if I had to purchase one or the other now I would buy the Impulse. I don't usually answer these kind of threads partly because there are three a day here but mostly because the right gun for you is more about personal preference than anything else. My non-vision impulse did not chop. If your hopper feed rate exceeds your rate of fire you will not chop. I followed the maintanence directions and never had a problem with my imp. I could say all of the same things about my RT. The reasons I prefer the imp are Rate of fire and smoothness of action. The impulse has virtually no kick while the RT has a sharp jarring/vibration when fired. The impulse will make it easier to achieve a higher rate of fire due to its very light trigger pull vs. the RT's heavy mech pull.

12-11-2003, 12:13 PM
Now, I'll agree that if the RT gets wet, it will still work, but who really wants to play in the rain anyway? And arent you carfull enough to NOT GET IT WET?

You are looking to spend around $400-$500, right? Save up another $100, and get an Angel LCD, yo ucould even save up another $200, and get an IR3. Beat both guns and just buy the Angel. I dont know why people always forget that if they only save up a little more, they could have a much better gun.

12-11-2003, 01:49 PM
Sometimes you get caught in a situation where you don't have that extra time to save that little bit of cash for the next step up. I know I have been there before.

And Phil, trying to tell us that a non-vision Impy doesn't chop is like saying cows don't fart. Let's get real now, we know your impy was blenderfest. :D

12-11-2003, 01:54 PM
With the ULT, I doubt the Impy has much of a speed advantage to 90% of users out there. A ULT RT-Pro is just about as fast as most electros in the right hands.

12-11-2003, 02:18 PM
I have to 2nd Thordic on that remark.

12-11-2003, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
With the ULT, I doubt the Impy has much of a speed advantage to 90% of users out there. A ULT RT-Pro is just about as fast as most electros in the right hands.

I personally don't think so.Most people are not going to walk a mech mag(if at all),ULT or not,faster than an electro.A bladed Imp is about as easy to shoot fast as there is,IMO.


And I have a Rat Imp,a number of mech Mags, and an Xmag.;)

12-11-2003, 02:35 PM
get the mag ... my impulse has been to SP 3 times in the last 4 months .. and each time it gets back it works great for a week or so and craps out again ... mags dominate any SP product .. they are realiable and the level 10 works 100x better then the vision eye ... try going to a tourny where you have to use multi color paint .. and your eye only reads solid color... also as for consistancy .. thats not allowed to be in the same sentence with impulses.. and smart parts barely backs their products .. have u ever gotten a blown solenoid with a month old gun? and then were told that it was your fault for setting the pressure above 250 psi?? they made me buy a new noid and blamed it on me ... out of the box impys suck .. mags outta the box work wonders ...
get a mag
bottom line


12-11-2003, 02:39 PM
SP sets the regs down at the factory because... your gonna laugh at this... they tech their guns using Co2... MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA..... and then when u get your gun back, and u slap on your HP and air it up and it rapes the $3 solenoid they put in em, they blame it on you like your some kinda idiot for thinking that they use HP rather than C02 at the factory... HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Co2 to tech. guns at SP... omfg roflmfao that is just to funny for me. Cheap whores!

12-11-2003, 03:04 PM
after i spent 20 minutes on teh fone telling the guy that i had my pressure set at 170... it was their fault all along?

12-11-2003, 03:34 PM
Ok so the RT does not need aftermarket parts, it shoots out of the box, that's nice but you don't even have a choice of anything unless AGD make something new. I consider that bad, with impulses there are a lot of parts available to personlize your markers look and performance. You are not going to get a good answer here, they will all be biased, after all this is an AGD board. The best thing you can do is go shoot them both and buy which ever one you like better.

12-11-2003, 04:20 PM
Did anyone bother readin my post?


Don't get a vision imp, get a http://stores.cipp.com/Merchant4/me...ode=10101019903

and then when the was board comes out get that, itll completely rock the rt ule custom.

The was board is a replacement board for the impulse that will give the gun similar features like a timmy was board, it will have a debounce setting, and an adjustable soleniod output range. The adjustable solenoid output will COMPELTELY get rid of FSDO(first shot drop off) that is related to SP cheap noids. Yes, SP did cut corner and are using noids rated for 30-100 psi and just put a new spring in them that causes fsdo, but if you have a was board and keep your ram and ram shaft clean and not overly lubed you should not get fsdo. Also, you have a lpr on your gun which should tune the pressure down towards the rated psi.

The impulse with was will destroy the RT in speed, you will be getting rof in the high teens easily. The imp and rt will have similar efficency with the impulse having alittle better efficency. Guess what? If you aren't satisfied with the efficency you can get a ND valve and ND bolt and your efficency will sky rock. The mag will be around 3 lbs. stock. This is what cphilip said when he was selling rt customs before agd came out with them. Guess what? Stock imps weigh 3 lbs. The mag will not be lighter then the imp. The mag WILL have a lower profile then the imp stock. If you get a no rise for the imp your profile will be extremely small.

The imp has more aftermarket parts to inhance the look of the gun, and even squeeze more preformence out of it if you want. There are quite a few aftermarket bodies that are avaliable for the impulse currenty. Such as the 03 rat, RJR, Cash Money, AI, Predator, Nasty, and Freak Factory. But there aren't only bodies avaliable for these guns though(except predator)? Well, how about you buy one of those guns, switch in all of your upgraded parts, put the lesser parts on the stock body and sell it. Not needed but for the people that like good looking Guns. There are various trigger frames and trigger for the impulse. ND Blade/Magno Blade(included with the pack from epbo), I-Frame(amazing frame), OTB 90* frame(magnetic, similar to space frame), Toxic, and a few others I can't remember. You will be able to set up your imp however you want.

Well, those are my reasons and in my opinion I hope you pick the impulse because it has a better oppritunity to completely rip while the mag will be stuck at 13-14 bps. The imp will be more efficenct. They will have similar weights. The imp will be chopless once you get a was board and FSDO will completely disappear. Also, if you order from EPBO they give you a FREE lifetime warrenty.

Good luck,

12-11-2003, 04:30 PM
ok well I've read both sides so far...

Vision Impulse:
No ball breaks
May break down
Can use co2
Ok efficiency

No balls breaks
OK speed
OK efficiency
Out of box performance
Can't use CO2

I'm sorta leaning towards the mag right now, but i hate that ugly site rail and forgrip.. Is there anyway I can take the foregrip off and just use the v/a to make the gun smaller. The site rail is coming off no matter what.

12-11-2003, 04:59 PM
The impulse has better than OK efficiency, I had an imp with ND upgrades and was getting almost a case out of a 68 45k tank.

12-11-2003, 05:07 PM
to me efficiency is a joke. who cares. when you get all day fills what difference does it make? kingman, i dont like the looks of the rt pro's either, if i was you i would talk to one of the good dealers on AO to see if they can hook you up with a custom made one so you dont have to fool with the silly sight rail and such.

12-11-2003, 06:17 PM
Fragtek, what on earth would be my motivation in lying to this guy I don't know? Not only did my impulse not chop but neither did my two buddies impulses chop. If your hopper feeds fast enough you will not chop.

12-11-2003, 06:19 PM
p.s. Ask this same question on www.impulseownersgroup.com and see what they say. It would be interesting to compair the responses.:D

12-11-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Phil
Fragtek, what on earth would be my motivation in lying to this guy I don't know? Not only did my impulse not chop but neither did my two buddies impulses chop. If your hopper feeds fast enough you will not chop.

you shouldnt chop at all with the vision eye ..

12-11-2003, 07:12 PM
Vision isn't the greatest, but as long as you use bright shells you'll be fine, or take my idea and get that pack at epbo and get a was board when it comes out(before xmas)

12-11-2003, 08:51 PM
I am a proud owner of both an impy and a mag and i love both, but if you are going for flat out performance go with the imp, its fast, accurate, light and compact. Yeah you can blow a noid, but you can do lots of stupid things to your gun. If you are looking for a gun that will last longer than you, have dead on accuracy and be quicker than most other mechs, go with the mag. I love both but right now i got a mag for my backup.

12-11-2003, 10:05 PM
you guys are so stupid...imps are so much better its not even close:

first of all...yes stock imps suck...but get the Rat and you dont need to upgrade anything and for $725 thats awesome
if you put at LPR on the imp..you can get it down to like 150 psi and the LRP to about 50 psi which is freakin insane

with the new equilizer board comin out for the imps from WAS...they can get up to 25+ bps! dont believe me? d/l the "Equilized" Rats video clip from forceofnature.com

imps are electros but who cares if your gun will work if you "throw it in a lake" all that matters is if it will be efficient and good to you on the field..which ive never seen an imp owner who was dissapointed

and why do you think theres so many aftermarket imps and parts? maybe cuz lots of companies wanna be known as imp makers

QUOTES FROM IOG: i own a 2k2 Smart Parts imp...i have it fully upgraded and i play back and wen i just start rippin i can get 18 bps constantly...one of my friends on my team plays front and he used to own a RT pro with intelliframe, warp feed, odyssey roller trigger and some other stuff..he loved it
but wen i let him play with my imp for a game...he was in love forever..he sold his mag for a RAT: THERE YA HAVE IT

yall dont kno wat ur talkin about...i bet most of you havent even HELD an imp rather than shootin it

12-11-2003, 10:11 PM
Kingman, wipe "no ball breaks" off of the Impy side... that's a lie, I had plenty of breach chops with my Vision impy's and a Halo on top....

12-11-2003, 10:15 PM
i use a HALO and ive chopped 1 ball in my gun since ive had it

if you use strong enough detents...they come with 2k3 imps...your fine

so just keep hatin on the imp...just hope you kno its better and keep to your guns that look like tubes

it looks like i can make a classic mag in my backyard

12-11-2003, 10:21 PM
oh..and if you blow ur noid in the imp...ur just a dumbass

12-11-2003, 10:36 PM
lol, the #1 problem with imps... blown $3 noids :)

12-11-2003, 11:07 PM
no, the number 1 problem with imps is fsdo, which can be solved with proper matenience and firing 1 shot before the game

12-11-2003, 11:09 PM
I'm talkin' about a problem that takes your gun off the field :)

12-11-2003, 11:23 PM
ok like i said....if you blow ur noid..ur just an idiot

read the manual that comes with it and you wont have problems

12-11-2003, 11:51 PM
Oh yeah...

Welcome to AO sphinx-xxx! Enjoy your stay here with us!

12-12-2003, 06:52 AM
well i blew my noid so i must be a retard as all you impy lovers are saying ... i find it funny that impulse noids are only rated to 250 psi and the matrix / timmy/ angel noids are rated to 400 psi or more ... like fragtek said .. the noids are cheap and anyone can blow a noid ..

12-12-2003, 09:25 AM
What do you expect? It's Smart Parts, they just want to make money... They don't care about making well built guns with quality parts. And it seems that everyone here agrees, even the Impy lovers, that stock Impy's are the WORST... Hmmm, It's too bad that you hafta drop $500+ into a gun to make it somewhat utilizable.

Go grab a new stock mag right off the shelf, no problems, great gun, 'nuff said.

12-12-2003, 09:44 AM
damn skippy

12-12-2003, 06:52 PM
yes anyone CAN blow a noid...but its easy not to

1. air up the reg
2. turn reg nob to 150 psi
3. turn gun on

thats it
wow thats hard aint it

12-12-2003, 06:59 PM
this is from IOG:

Originally posted by Gatyr

I wouldn't call efficiency on a mag horrible.

6 pods and a hopper on a 72/4500 isn't bad at all. You make it sound like a Matrix...

seing as i get more than double that on a smaller tank and my timppmann gets more than that on a smaller tank. hmmmmmm


12-12-2003, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by sphinx-xxx
yes anyone CAN blow a noid...but its easy not to

1. air up the reg
2. turn reg nob to 150 psi
3. turn gun on

thats it
wow thats hard aint it
Then something goes wrong with your Max-Flow and you're ****ed....

12-12-2003, 07:53 PM
there is a guy that is a SP tech in the local pro shop .. he recommended that i never clean my maxflow ... i asked him why and he said the second you touch it ... the Sh** hits the fan

12-12-2003, 08:17 PM
over at the imp owners forum they have a link to our forum and are bashing on us for saying hey i can run my mag over and itll still work or i can put my gun under water!

lol its just to good:p

12-12-2003, 08:19 PM
their just jealous

12-12-2003, 08:19 PM
Screw 'em :) They know deep down what's a truly better marker, they just dont have the cojones to admit it, or the money to put together a nice one :D

12-12-2003, 08:22 PM
Oh yeah, I had the motivation to do some photoshopping today *dont know why*, but I faded some chord bodies and destructive vikes if anyone cares to check 'em out:

Chords---> http://www.fragtek.com/pix/faded_chords/
Destructive Vikes---> http://www.fragtek.com/pix/faded_vikes/

Lata ppl!

12-12-2003, 08:25 PM


12-12-2003, 08:31 PM
that is a freaking nice job!.. Did you just highlight the area and change the thingies.. lol, the color gradient stuff.. Or did you go in there and make it red?

And i would say impy..

although I would pass on the vision, buy a nasty, and then a halo.. I love my brothers nasty imp.. Uber sexy, and performs great!

12-12-2003, 08:48 PM



12-12-2003, 08:51 PM
Impulse wins. Mags suck. *dances off clicking heels and whistling*

12-12-2003, 08:56 PM
No offense but this is the extreme bias answers i have ever seen in my life. An emag vs a high end impy is more like it but a mechanical mag....i dont think is fair. With eq coming out its not a question and even with vision board i would say imp when i owned my mag. I have owned both and I can honestly say my imp owns my own mag x10. two different guns yes but still electro vs mechanical...

12-12-2003, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by Digits
that is a freaking nice job!.. Did you just highlight the area and change the thingies.. lol, the color gradient stuff.. Or did you go in there and make it red?

And i would say impy..

although I would pass on the vision, buy a nasty, and then a halo.. I love my brothers nasty imp.. Uber sexy, and performs great!

It's a little more complex than that... You have to use the burn tool with a proper amount of opacity, if I spent more time getting the edges to really line up well I could make them look REALLLY good :)

12-12-2003, 10:03 PM
yeah, those are very impressive, well since this topic has been beaten to death with a wet noodle, lets just have a photoshop competition?

12-12-2003, 10:57 PM
Just shoot them both and see what you like...

Then go buy a 2004 Viking, because they are known to be the best for their price.

12-13-2003, 02:41 AM
Originally posted by FragTek

It's a little more complex than that... You have to use the burn tool with a proper amount of opacity, if I spent more time getting the edges to really line up well I could make them look REALLLY good :)

meh.. They already look real enough.. No need to spend more time on them. How long did each one take you?

12-13-2003, 09:40 AM
Once you get the primary cut-out done, it only takes a few minutes to create the different fades.