View Full Version : Have no idea about this body

12-11-2003, 11:43 AM
I have recently purchased a Classic Mag off of Ebay and have ABSOLUTELY NO idea what kind of mainbody it is. It looks like a powerfeed left, but the 'powerfeed tube' (the tube between the hopper elbow and the main tube, where the valve and bolt reside) is angled towards the rear of the marker instead of at a 90 degree angle to the main tube. Then, as if that wasn't wierd enough, the powerfeed tube is raised up off of the mainbody tube by a little 1/2" spacer tube. Now I have been out of the sport for about 5 years and can't recall ever seeing a mainbody for a mag like this. It's a pretty cool setup, the backward angling and the raising of the powerfeed centers the loader on the marker and the raises the powerfeed tube allowing you to see the end off the barrel with the sight rail. I've attached a jpg of my mag so if any of the AO Mag-Guru's have ever seen or heard of such a body please let me know what it is. Thankx AO!!!
\\frank\home\leeb\My Documents\My Pictures\87_1.jpg

12-11-2003, 11:57 AM
Welcome to AO! The pic wasn't working for me but it sounds like a european powerfeed. It was before I got into mags. Also called high rise powerfeeds, this link has some info http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=56517

12-11-2003, 01:38 PM
I know, sorry bout the picture. It does however show how the feed is angled towards the back of the marker. Anyways, you're saying that AGD Europe had their own version of the powerfeed?

12-11-2003, 01:50 PM
yeah, I remember the raised powerfeed body...It was designed to allow you to "sight" down the barrel, and still give the benefits of the powerfeed. never saw the ones with the angled feed though. sounds like a cool setup!

12-11-2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by lbonettosd
Anyways, you're saying that AGD Europe had their own version of the powerfeed?
I'm not sure who designed or made them, that's just one of their many names;) :)

12-11-2003, 04:11 PM
Cool thanx for the info Chuck!!!!

12-11-2003, 06:50 PM
The main reason for it's demise was because it's a pain in the rear to clean out if you get paint in the tube!