View Full Version : Ipod's Dirty Secret

12-11-2003, 10:43 PM
Have you ever wondered what happens when the battery on your Ipod goes bad? Well, it will after a year to eighteen months. This is what happens when you call Apple: http://www.ipodsdirtysecret.com/ Watch the movie.

I have been considering picking up an Ipod for a while, but I may have to re-think it now.

12-11-2003, 10:48 PM
I wouldn't get one.

12-11-2003, 11:09 PM
It sounded too good to be true... and I guess it is. :D Typical mac.

12-11-2003, 11:22 PM
Dang... that's just a dirty thing to do. I used to believe in Apple years back, and I've been considering getting a PowerBook because of OS X. I think I'll just get a PC laptop and throw on FreeBSD instead.

12-11-2003, 11:40 PM
Damn, thats bull. Is there any way to open it up and change the battery yourself?

12-11-2003, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
Damn, thats bull. Is there any way to open it up and change the battery yourself?

Unfortunatly, this does not appear to be an option.

12-11-2003, 11:55 PM

thats great

edit: anyone know the name of the song playing in the background?

12-11-2003, 11:56 PM
Here ya go:



12-12-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by sneakyhacker420

thats great

edit: anyone know the name of the song playing in the background?

NWA - Express Yourself

12-12-2003, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by pbzmag
Here ya go:



Thanks dude, good to know.

12-12-2003, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by MagMan5446

NWA - Express Yourself thanks, i know jack about old school rap... just public enemy and a few others

12-12-2003, 12:25 AM
sneaky- ever hear of THPS4??! that song was in there :D

12-12-2003, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by Miscue
Dang... that's just a dirty thing to do. I used to believe in Apple years back, and I've been considering getting a PowerBook because of OS X. I think I'll just get a PC laptop and throw on FreeBSD instead.

Ditto. Apple lost themselves after they canned Steve Jobs.

12-12-2003, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by AutomagRT1483

Ditto. Apple lost themselves after they canned Steve Jobs.

umm ok his new clone is doing well then. And read the links pbz posted...

12-12-2003, 02:28 AM
yeah.. i have an iPod.
i was initialy scared by that movie as well.


you can get a kit to change the batt or send it to apple for like 40 bucks.


12-12-2003, 02:49 AM
Originally posted by pbzmag
Here ya go:



that's still a lot of money to be spending on something that you only bought a year and a half ago. and off of the macrumors site "The page warns that "iPod equipment that is sent in for battery service or service requiring other repairs will be replaced with functionally equivalent new, used, or refurbished iPod equipment. You will not receive the same iPod that was sent in for service."" that just irks me.

atcer- that's only for the last 6 months of your warranty. $29.95 shipping and handling fee. once you're past warranty replacing the battery costs $105.95. iPod Repair Service (http://www.info.apple.com/support/applecare_products/service/ipod_service.html)

12-12-2003, 08:30 AM
Well if you would bother to actualy look for the facts...

There is a battery replacement for 50 bucks. And you can do it yourself.

Obviously if you send it in your going to pay for labor and handling and all. So its going to be more. But why would you?

I have one of the first ones. Its over two years old now and the battery is fine.

So patently all of this is rumor and false. And the rest is exageration.

Nothing else out there is better than the iPod. You check the warranty on anything even closely comparable and you will not find any better. Most worse. Replacement with a rebuilt after that is common. Lets compair apples to apples (forgive the pun). Apples warranty is better if not equal to anything else and on a better product.

And this is typical rumor spreading.

Typical battery life of something recharged like a lap top or something like that is about 2 years. And you will be lucky to get more than a 90 day warranty on that. And they like 100 bucks to replace. So 50 bucks every two years is about right.

So take another look and make sure you don't believe the first thing you read. Look for the RIGHT answer. These guys are spreading falsehoods.

12-12-2003, 08:41 AM

12-12-2003, 09:00 AM
LOL! Now we got iPod haterz!

Funny thing happened to me on the scootering site the other day. I was trying to fix my Carb on my oldest Vespa and having some complications. So I was describing in detail what I had done so far. And I described how I carefully torqed the carb bolts down the carb box 1/4 each at a time and all the sudden numerous "Torqe Wrench Haters" came outa the wood work. I mean they were blaming torqe wrenches for all my problems! Things like "you over tightened it BECAUSE you used a torqe wrench" and crap like that. Really nonsensical irrational stuff. Finaly some of the more savy ones came to my rescue. This all sounds familiar doesn't it? I had no idea there would be people out there that were against the use of the PROPER tool for the job. Seem some of them had a bad experience and blamed it on the tool or something. I dunno.... :(

12-12-2003, 10:23 AM
Funny, my 5 gig iPod's battery has not shown any signs of weakening for the past two or so years...

12-12-2003, 12:15 PM
sorry phil but after about 5 mins of searching i couldn't find any battery replacement for the ipod on apple's site. if i can't then your average person doesn't stand a chance in hell. IS there a kit from apple and it's just hard to find? or is it only third parties offering it? since it's an internal battery i'd guess that it's only third parties. apple probably doesn't want you taking your ipod apart. (keep in mind i know nothing about the placement of the battery)

as for the rest about warranties, yeah you're probably right. that's just me expecting to own things forever and have them still work. pretty unrealistic. i get attached to the things i buy though after all the time invested in researching which one to get and the work that went into earning the money to purchase it.

12-12-2003, 02:34 PM
Wow that really makes me angry. I'm searching for a new MP3 player right now and was considering the iPod but not after seeing that. I have a Sony MP3 player that is thier 1st generation, it's almost 3 years old. When it hit the 2 year mark, I had to send it in for service because I busted the contacts on the inside of the player. To Sony's credit, I mailed it in and they gave me an entirely new player! I know this because mine had scratches on the outside from dropping it at the gym by accident. I gotta say, Sony's customer service to me in that instance was stellar. But now, the battery in the same player is crapping out and I can't buy a replacement and Sony wants $118.00 for one. It's old anyway so I'll just get a new one.

12-12-2003, 02:36 PM
I didn't even send you to Apple for it... So not sure why your addressing me.

You must not own one? or you would/should have known to go to "Apple care" for this kind of thing... Its there. Doesn't take me 30 minutes to find either. But you have to log in there with your product so I cannot really link you. But its there.

Apple almost always sends you to a third party for aftermarket stuff. Thats why you don't find any. But often If you got to the Apple store and its something they third party and sometimes they even sell the third part stuff. Or will send you to the vendor through Apple store. They prefer to stick to the basic hardware and license out the aftermarket stuff.

Several scources alreadly listed here of aftermarket. But google turns up 156000 hits. And this is one of them.... note this battery is twice as large as the original. They been out and there for some time now...


And note it starts with "contrary to popular opinion... They started posting it that way because someone started this rumor. And all the while people like them been selling them!!!! Imagine that! ;)

And of course since I never told you to go there and why would I when they want 99 bucks and they allover the place for 50 and bigger too!

12-12-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
I didn't even send you to Apple for it... So not sure why your addressing me.

You must not own one? or you would/should have known to go to "Apple care" for this kind of thing... Its there. Doesn't take me 30 minutes to find either. But you have to log in there with your product so I cannot really link you. But its there.

Apple almost always sends you to a third party for aftermarket stuff. Thats why you don't find any. But often If you got to the Apple store and its something they third party and sometimes they even sell the third part stuff. Or will send you to the vendor through Apple store. They prefer to stick to the basic hardware and license out the aftermarket stuff.

you posted right after i did about the price of replacing batteries. thought it was a direct response. my bad. i did go to apple care. i don't own any apple products so i couldn't log in. is the content of the pages any different? my issue was that i didn't see any links at all to purchase batteries. you say they send you to third parties but i didn't see anything at all except for their replacement service. i was able to find laptop batteries but not ipod. there's a lot of people out there who won't purchase third party parts and acessories unless the original manufacturer gives them the ok.

12-12-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
Wow that really makes me angry. I'm searching for a new MP3 player right now and was considering the iPod but not after seeing that. I have a Sony MP3 player that is thier 1st generation, it's almost 3 years old. When it hit the 2 year mark, I had to send it in for service because I busted the contacts on the inside of the player. To Sony's credit, I mailed it in and they gave me an entirely new player! I know this because mine had scratches on the outside from dropping it at the gym by accident. I gotta say, Sony's customer service to me in that instance was stellar. But now, the battery in the same player is crapping out and I can't buy a replacement and Sony wants $118.00 for one. It's old anyway so I'll just get a new one.

Did you not read any of the posts. Why would you be angry? The movie is obviously wrong. The IPod is the best mp3 player out there, hands down, unless you are looking for some specific features (but what could those be?)

12-12-2003, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by MantisMag

you posted right after i did about the price of replacing batteries. thought it was a direct response. my bad. i did go to apple care. i don't own any apple products so i couldn't log in. is the content of the pages any different? my issue was that i didn't see any links at all to purchase batteries. you say they send you to third parties but i didn't see anything at all except for their replacement service. i was able to find laptop batteries but not ipod. there's a lot of people out there who won't purchase third party parts and acessories unless the original manufacturer gives them the ok.

Ok thats cool. I see what your saying. No the replacement warranty is there for buyers that were concerned. they discuss it there. The real root of this rumor was there was no replacement yet for the NEW ONES. Not the old ones. And people complained about that so they wrote one and made it a policy. They assumed people would go aftermarket for cheaper ones. Seems they were wrong. So they doing them now if you want to pay. But most older owners wonder what all the fuss is about! Just a misunderstanding is all. Many of them last for years. And thier are plenty of them out there cheap if you need one. And have been.

Oh and Mango....this iPod is NOT just an Mp3 player. Its very MUCH more than that.

12-12-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Oh and Mango....this iPod is NOT just an Mp3 player. Its very MUCH more than that.

It's also an external drive. I have heard that a computer store worker saw a kid hooking his IPod to the demo Mac and was downloading software.

12-12-2003, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by pbzmag

It's also an external drive. I have heard that a computer store worker saw a kid hooking his IPod to the demo Mac and was downloading software.

HAHA thats awesome.

12-12-2003, 08:13 PM
Yep! Its happened. Stole everything on it! Just backed the whole HD up to the iPod!!

DAm kids...

No now there is application stuff that will work like a PDA and games and such. But yea...basically its a big firewire HD. With its own format for music that makes em small really.

12-12-2003, 10:20 PM

i'm thinkin about gettin one of these!!!!

12-12-2003, 11:04 PM
all I have to say is...
"Mac Killed My Inner Child"

you'd have to see the movie of that. Frompin' awsome.

12-13-2003, 01:23 AM
Apple changed the battery thing after people started complaining about it. In the beginning, it was a non-replacable battery. I assure you.

Nice to see that nobody made any comments about my fellow stencil brothers. Graf will never die.