View Full Version : Possible stupid question

12-12-2003, 04:08 AM
I was just wondering what all of this smart parts talk is all about? I never heard anything about it until I got on AO and heard about a lawsuit. I was wondering what all the lawsuit talk and all of the people bashing them and wanting to boycott them and stuff.

12-12-2003, 04:13 AM
Check out this thread:


12-12-2003, 05:40 AM
There are no stupid questions, execpt for those that you have not asked.

The Smart Parts issure affects all of paint ball. You can already see some of the after effects. Dynasty went to SP as a main sponsor.
Sp is trying to say that they hold all the patent rights to electronic markers, and that they want money from other manufacturers that produce them. They also want a royality for each marker sold. That may not sound too bad, but if that happenes, it WILL put smaller companies out of business, and drie up the price of other makrers quite consideribly.

I think that is what is going on in a nut shell, but if you want more detailed info, then click the link in Specialblend2786's post.


12-12-2003, 02:09 PM
It figures a company like them would try this. They are just doing this because their equipment sucks. The only really good thing that ever came out of that company was the old smart mags and the magic boxes(same thing I know)I am just kind of confused why a company that has been around for as long as they have would try to do something this stupid. To me it sounds like they are trying to create a monopoly which is illegal itself. If this case is won by them I think it will just come back to bite them in the a#%!

12-12-2003, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by AGDFlash
If this case is won by them I think it will just come back to bite them in the a#%!

i think its already started, seeing as many people have boycotted Smart Parts products already.

12-12-2003, 11:03 PM
damn I didn't know that was the problem. This is crap. It would be like Tippmann wanting royalties for any company making a constant air marker. I hate smart parts now :mad:

12-13-2003, 03:08 PM
Starting today I am getting rid of all my smart parts stuff. All I have is barrels that I was never really impressed with anyway, plus J&J and dye is way better anyway. Besides didnt Angels come out before the shocker? I remember reading about the angel in the old PB2X when it was still black and white and the angel was going to be called the Angel V6 and this was in late '95. I think the first shockers came out around mid'96 around the same time as the RT. So if any body should be suing anyone it should probably be WDP but they are smarter than that.