View Full Version : Trigger Pull Game

12-12-2003, 09:40 PM
Any of you tried it...heres a link: http://www.team-nbk.no/trigger.php its really fun. Also post your high scores cause i know the ones on the top 15 are BS...be trueful...i will admit i suck my best is 10.5 (105) i average 9.7 (97)ENJOY

12-12-2003, 09:44 PM
haha, yeah this thing is pretty cool. This was in the friendly corner forum like a few months ago....incredibly addictive. dont open it if you have homework to do!

12-12-2003, 09:47 PM
just got 11.9 fanning, time 4 walking :D

edit- i can barely get over 10 walking :( just cant get any rythm on my POS mouse, im workin on it tho
edit- 13.6 first half fanning, then walking

12-12-2003, 10:10 PM
yeah I can can get 11 pretty often and got 12.5 max, I wish it would tell you what you would burst.

12-12-2003, 10:11 PM
yea, i wish it had max ROF too, because it looks like i got about 23 in the first second a few times

12-12-2003, 10:25 PM

Brought that one back from the dead......


12-12-2003, 10:48 PM
how do you guys fan a mouse?

the best i got with walking was 10.4

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-12-2003, 10:54 PM

12-13-2003, 01:02 AM

12-13-2003, 01:25 AM
12.4, i cant seen to get higher

12-13-2003, 06:07 AM

probably not for long but i got 17.3

12-13-2003, 06:14 AM
yeah it is easy now!

12-13-2003, 09:15 AM
it isnt really accurate for me cause i dont shoot fast with my fingers in that position. ive ripped 15 before on the field but i cant get above 7 on this damn thing.

12-13-2003, 09:30 AM
15 on your mag? How do you know you shot 15? I got 10.4:(, but this is sustaining rof, if they did it over a 1 second then its like max rof

12-13-2003, 09:38 AM
15 on other guns. my mag still has the stock trigger.

12-13-2003, 11:20 AM
yeah....ok good

12-13-2003, 01:24 PM

i outshoot my mouse here... i can barely get 10 sometimes

but at the school i can easily get about 13.4

12-13-2003, 01:48 PM
17 per second.

12-13-2003, 03:09 PM
Well, at least i know I'm not goign to outshoot my Omen :)

My top score was 8.1!

12-13-2003, 06:44 PM

12-13-2003, 06:55 PM
OMG 17.1 thats fast i seriously dont see how tahts possible my new best is 12.2, but anything over 15 thats crazy how do u do it??? walking, twitching what?

12-13-2003, 07:10 PM
Worst.. game.. ever.

12-13-2003, 07:22 PM
i just got 15.5 tehn 15.6 its so much easer to do it on a mouse then on a gun.

paintball boy 20
12-14-2003, 11:52 AM
13.7 w/o cheating. How do you get over 14 on the mouse. It is just too awkward.:confused:

12-14-2003, 12:22 PM
I couldn't get over nine:( Its not really the same wiht a mouse.

12-14-2003, 12:28 PM
see the top of the list today?
566.3 or something like that

how do you cheat on a game like this?

12-14-2003, 12:34 PM
They probably took apart their mouse

12-14-2003, 01:24 PM
I don't think the proper question is "how do you cheat." I think you should rather be asking why would you cheat?

12-14-2003, 02:45 PM

ive got a screen shot just dont have anywehre to host it

12-14-2003, 04:21 PM
Its very easy to cheat if you know a little about flash and socket programming...but as pointed out earlier, why should you?

12-14-2003, 04:54 PM
ryan im coming to your house, taking your moped, filling it with the gas/oil mixture, then im going to play that game on your computer.

my fingers are fast, and yours... my god they are SLOW AS HELL! how can you possibly get over 9 without spazzing? [like jeff and his hopper lol]

you suck.

12-14-2003, 05:21 PM
i was messing around with this a few days ago. my best record was something like 735.5 bps.....not legit of course, but best real record is 19.6.

12-14-2003, 05:26 PM
just ....well.....walk it. I dunno how i'm doing 17 other than my explanation but I'm going flat out doing it. Sort of reminds me of althletics games on arcade machines in the 80's where you "button bash" but I guess I'm just used to walking the trigger. I get around 17 on my X-mag when I really go for it, but I don't in game if I don't need to.

You used to be able to hold down the "enter" key whilst playing and it brought up a cheat menu. Its been removed as far as I know, so I dunno how someone got 566.3

12-14-2003, 05:31 PM
when i get anything over 20 or so, i dont bring up a cheat menu, so im not sure how they do that. i've got my own lil secret, though frankly i assume other people do it too.

12-14-2003, 07:08 PM
i found this a while ago and yes, its incredibly addicting. my best i can do at home is 13, and at school i can hit 28 (party because of bounce:D)

12-14-2003, 07:11 PM
I got 15 at home and i got the screen shot to prove it chris :rolleyes:

12-14-2003, 07:18 PM
ive got 28 and 5 people to prove it

12-14-2003, 07:39 PM
try holding enter, its funny:p

12-14-2003, 08:17 PM
yea it is, bush and clinton right?

12-14-2003, 08:38 PM
thats funny cause of how bush got elected and clint's adultery stuff. i got 14.3 i think fanning. and the toothbrush trick doesnt work with my tooth brush.

12-14-2003, 09:03 PM

Wheres the debounce?!?

12-15-2003, 01:28 PM
toothbrush trick?

12-15-2003, 04:43 PM
you think the trigger pull game is addictive...

try this place http://www.addictinggames.com

12-15-2003, 07:44 PM
look at the score now!!! man am i fast. 28.5 is my highest with my toothbrush. but i did get 15.6 with out cheating

12-15-2003, 08:03 PM
with your toothbrush. dammit will someone tell me wtf is going on here

12-15-2003, 08:15 PM
My best walking the trigger is 13.4 with my right hand and 13.0 with my left hand, I had never walked a trigger before I played this game. By scraping my knuckles against the mouse I got 15.5 but I bet if I got better at it I could be pushing close to 20.

12-15-2003, 08:18 PM
you take a electronic toothbrush and you just touch it so its between being pushed all the way down but you are still pushing it down a little and you hold it there.

that easy to be a cheater

12-15-2003, 08:28 PM
wow somebody had to much time on there hands. that damn internet porn doesnt download fast enough for um

12-15-2003, 08:36 PM
well i heard it from another thread and wanted to take a break from studying for my finals and i tried it out. what do you know it works. o and i got cable so it does dl fast for me:D

12-15-2003, 09:02 PM
me too. cable is wicked awesome

12-15-2003, 10:00 PM
i can get about 12.9 in the ten sec.....oh well

12-15-2003, 10:39 PM
Woot my new best is 13.8 (138)

12-16-2003, 02:35 AM
13.8 here...wish it was only 5 seconds...mine'd be a lot higher...

12-16-2003, 10:45 AM
my top is 15.3 but i hang around 13ish

12-16-2003, 11:25 AM
every time i see this on here i get addicted to it and then i get mad because i cant get higher than 13.5