View Full Version : Need some help with my warp.....by tonight

12-12-2003, 11:19 PM
Hey, I just bought a warp and it arrived today and i noticed an on off switch sticking out the side and it wasn't connected, so me and my fiddling way starts taking apart the way just to check out how it works. The wires were cut for the on off then put back together and the electrical tape was coming loose so I was going to shrink warp it back on. I take off one, then i take off the other set of electrical tape and the wire is soldered back on. As im fiddling all of the sudden im holding a broken red wire in my hand.....that i broke off the board:(, I can't get the board or motor off the warp shell. I know how to solder and got all the stuff needed to put it back on, I just cant get the board out. I have taken off everything including the screws holding the board on. Thanks.

12-13-2003, 12:57 AM
In order to get the motor out, you have to pull the brass pulley off with a puller. lube shaft lightly before pressing it back on. Also, you must unsolder the motor wires to get the board out. All finish soldering is done with the board and motor in place and mounted. Watch out for the sensor springs...you are sure to loose them at one point or another.;) :D

12-13-2003, 01:13 AM
whew, ok got everything out, resoldered everything, but now my warp wont spin unless it hit the white button. I'm running it with the sensor. Before i used to just hit the warp and it would spin now it doesnt. I think I moved a little silver plate around alittle, could this be the prob?

12-13-2003, 01:19 AM
stupid me, forgot to put those little springs in...wow...im dumb