View Full Version : E-mag-RT PRO-or Angel speed ?????

12-13-2003, 04:35 PM
OK guys here is my problem,I am buying a new gun and these are my choices,but nobody I play with has a RT or E-mag.I've played with a speed it was a great gun,but AGD products are like rocks,my mag has been throwing paint for years.I was looking into the new RT customs AGD are running,but never shooting one I don't know what to expect on average BPS ,or weight wise.It isn't my biggest concern,but you know how it is a back guy goes out and all of a sudden I'm dropping cover instead of moving up.I've checked a lot of post about e-mags and know they rip and are heavy .So how does the weight and bps compare to the speed.I have also thought about the o3 shockers.

12-13-2003, 05:48 PM
Hmm I owudl suggest getting the e-mag. For about a year i played with a warped e-mag, and the weight was never really an issue. I shoot an Angel LCD now and it is great, but i do miss my e-mag. And also if u get an e-mag and get 3.2 on it, it will rip like no other.

12-13-2003, 06:03 PM
Well, I'd actually be wary of E-Mags until AGD works the bugs out of the 3.2 software. On the plus side, you can buy them stock with ULE bodies now (someone said they got one from PBGear like that). You'll most likely end up liking it more than a RT-Pro though.

Angels are great guns as well, you'll just have to shoot one to see how you like it.

12-13-2003, 06:04 PM
buy my ULE Rt-Pro ;)

see sig ;)

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-13-2003, 06:23 PM
...And again this is what you should think about.

If you threw each of those markers in the Atlantic Ocean, which one would survive?

Angel Speed - FRIED
EMag - FRIED but mechanical mode still works!
RT - go buy renegades

12-13-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
...And again this is what you should think about.

If you threw each of those markers in the Atlantic Ocean, which one would survive?

Angel Speed - FRIED
EMag - FRIED but mechanical mode still works!
RT - go buy renegades
Relevance to why you should actually buy a gun = 0

12-13-2003, 07:11 PM

Why are we throwing guns into the ocean, much less a puddle?

Why would we decide to throw a marker we spent almost a grand on anywhere besides our comfy beds at home?

Why why why?

All these reasons to buy/not buy an emag are great, except for the ones pertaining to throwing your emag into a ocean. its illogical and while i know you are trying to get a point across, i cant hack it anymore.

People that spend large amounts of money for a marker, tend to take good care of their marker. Taking good care of markers usually takes out the possibility of tossing it into the ocean, river, lake, or even bad storm.

The way I see, mags are extremly reliable whatever the situation, who ever uses it.

For someone who mantains a marker with care, anything will just about hold up.

Sorry, did not mean to direct this to whoever takes about throwing markers into the ocean, dont even look at the name, just read thru the posts. i've seen this before, and i just think something better can be said about the emag, besides that it can be thrown into the ocean


Rope a Dope
12-13-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind

Relevance to why you should actually buy a gun = 0

Thank you.

12-14-2003, 12:39 AM
I tend to agree about people taking care of their markers.I baby my guns,my real concerns on the guns leans more towards the performance aspects of the guns.I know the angels are fast from experience,but I never even shot an e-mag or rt.Shooting them isn't an option nobody seems to own one in my area.

12-14-2003, 12:55 AM
Go for the Speed. Enough said.

12-14-2003, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind

Relevance to why you should actually buy a gun = 0

I think he was just commenting on the fat that the E-Mag has a mechanical mode as backup.

That seems pretty relevent to me. Electronics go down on the Speed? You're not firing. Electronics go down on the E-Mag? You've got the backup.

12-14-2003, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by Wynken

I think he was just commenting on the fat that the E-Mag has a mechanical mode as backup.

That seems pretty relevent to me. Electronics go down on the Speed? You're not firing. Electronics go down on the E-Mag? You've got the backup.
He could have just said they have a mechanical override. Besides, boards frying is a pretty rare occurance among more recent Angels anyway.

12-14-2003, 03:36 AM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER

If you threw each of those markers in the Atlantic Ocean, which one would survive?

more importantly, the Pacific(if on the west coast)!

12-14-2003, 01:43 PM
I've played a few games with someones Angel (he was messing around with my gun, and he let me use his). It was awsome... but something about the trigger.

The E-Mag is a great gun, and even for a little guy like me they arn't heavy (with or without ULE stuff).

12-14-2003, 02:17 PM
I would suggest the angel speed. I am currently shooting a speed, after years of "magdom" and owning both an e-mag and an sfl e-mag, i have found a gun i am truely happy with.

You said that mags have been around for a long time, well so has the angel, its been around just aslong as the retro valve, and that has to say something

that tells you that the WDP platform is solid.

I love the speed, its faster than my e-mag ever was, the trigger is nice short and crisp, and well, its awesome. Also, look into a trix, i also loved mine

12-14-2003, 10:26 PM
I own an EMag and was one of the first people with 3.2 and have yet to have a problem with the software. My brother and one of our other teammates shoots a Speed. They are extremely fast shooting markers and seem to be a stable platform helping with accuracy. However I cannot remember a day when we have gone out to play and there wasn't a problem with them, nothing major but enough to be a pain in the rear.

I have put close to 60,000 rds through my E and have yet to have a chop and have never had a problem with the mechanics or the electronics ever. I like to tinker with every marker I own and so far this one has stood up the best (the main reason my brother called me an idiot when I considered selling it).

If your looking for a good marker you have made a couple of good choices. My personal opinion is for the EMag. Its consistant, stable and almost maintenace free. If you are still trying to decide, I was wondering if you have considered a viking?

12-15-2003, 03:26 PM
I've never considered the viking.I know nothing about them so I overlooked it.

12-15-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Go for the Speed. Enough said.

Yup, question answered. I've seen and shot plenty, and they all rip with no complaints.

12-15-2003, 03:49 PM
Rt pro! ive used an rt for a season two years ago, and just the past ive used an emag.

im falling back to the Rt

12-15-2003, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by wdyer14
I've never considered the viking.I know nothing about them so I overlooked it.

Id defenitely look into em. Relatively cheap ($775 for a 2k4 unmilled...Id go for an 03 personally but whatever), add $20 for eyes and $60 for covers and youre pretty much set. You get a compact, reliable, blazing fast, consistant, and air effiecient gun that needs absolutely no upgrading...not too shabby if I say so myself

12-15-2003, 09:54 PM
The RTP doesn't really fit in with the other two(although I would take my RTP over the E-mag AND the speed) If you want speed, reliability, and a company with great costemer service the 3.2 E-mag can't be beat(they found the solution to the 3.2 problem, so it is no longer an issue)