View Full Version : X-mag problem

12-14-2003, 04:08 PM
Okay heres the problem. Marker keeps stopping firing when in electro mode, switch it to mech and its fine.

When in electro the trigger seems to sometimes skip and not register the fact it has been pulled, but now it is about 20 trigger pulls before it fires off a shot.

Ace is switched off, have recharged the battery but no joy.

What I have noticed though is that my shot counter have reset a couple of times today while playing??!! What is also strange is that since the shot counter reset it is displaying ts55 then the number of shots on the counter, just thought that may be relevant. It is running the 3.25 version of the software.

Have adjusted the trigger magnet and tested to make sure it is registering every pull and that the magnet was not too close or far away for the HES.

Anyone got a clue what it may be, I'm thinking maybe a dodgy board?

Any help appreciated.

12-14-2003, 05:20 PM
As far as the skipping of shots, the same thing happened to me. I was an idiot, and didn't rea;ize my sps was turned down to 8 :(
That was a sad day in my life. As far as the 20 pulls with one shot, IDK. HOpe I could help.

12-14-2003, 05:22 PM
Thought I would add as well my SPS is set to 13 and my buffering to 70 :) eye is off... never had a problem with these settings previously :)

12-15-2003, 06:15 PM
Nothing worse than somebody searching for a similar problem than you have had only to find out they never put up what the solution was :)

Appears the board on mine was screwy, which isn't a very common occurence for a mag :)

12-16-2003, 08:21 PM
Is your battery charged and working properly? I had a problem something like that where my battery would only give out a little juice and it wouldnt shoot right... I just checked the output with a voltometer and found it out... Bought a new battery and it works fine... Try that...

12-17-2003, 03:27 AM
Wasn't the battery :( All of the team use x-mags so just tried another in it that I knew was working and it did the same thing :(

12-17-2003, 09:27 PM
i've seen something similar to this happening in newer xmags. one thing you might want to check is the PCB screw that holds the board into the gripframe. in some xmags the annodize finish will interfere with the grounding needed for the circuit to be completed from the battery. work the screw in and out a few times and maybe even get in there with a dental pick and try that.

hope that helps.

edit: you mentionted that it will sometimes reset the shot counter...that only reaffirms my suspicion because the board will reset when it's turned off... ie: a bad connection in part from that PCB screw.