View Full Version : angel-viking info needed

12-14-2003, 05:58 PM
I have a few basic angel questions. Since I stepped back into paintball the electronic revolution has occured. Even though I have mag, and from this point on I will always have one, I am interested in the electros now......you know for a back up marker ;) . More specifically the angels and the vikings. I have read up on the vikings, which are relatvely new. The aka website has great info about everything, so I am pretty up to date on them.
Angels on the other hand and I completely lost about. There have been so many versions released, and even more mods for them. I just want some basic info on them such as the diffrence in what each version is (lcd, led, 2k1, cobra, speed, ir3, ir4, dark, etc). What is each versions strengths and weaknesses, or what I would have to buy to upgrade each version? I have always liked the angels looks, and from what I have read the speed and reliability are great also. If at all possible could I get some going rates for each version?
I want to know which way to go when I am looking for a viking or angel. Please do not turn this thread into a viking vs angel thread, I am just gathering info on each to make a decision. Thanks for your time and any info you can give me.

12-14-2003, 06:06 PM
Angel LED is heavy and solid but doesn't break much and is an all around great gun, but there's no anti-chop mods you can get so you may break paint.

2k through 2k3 LCD's are basically all the same. Angel LED with a 2x frame an an LCD screen. The 2k3 has a new trigger and ir3 ram I believe, and is worth a bit more. Warped Sports sells an anti-chop eye for 200 with install for all LCD's.

ir3 is a nice gun, it was top of the heap for a while. It has an anti chop eye that sits on the bottom of the breach called COPS that some people don't like. It's got the 90* space frame and a full featured LCD board, and the base models have a cutless grip that goes over the bottom of the grip frame that would make it good for punching people with.

Speed is a redesigned Ir3. Different ACE system but still not a break beam style that everyone likes, but people seem to have better luck with em. Sort of a mix between an LED and an ir3 board, it gives u tons of info but does so with flashing LED's not a screen. It's got the space grip and smaller battery, redesigned internals so the air chamber that is expandable with LPC's holds air about to be shot, not air about to go through the LPR. It's faster and smaller than any other angel and is my personal favorite.

Angel 4's are like flashy speeds with all the fancy ir3 features, different milling and more $$$

That's the best I can do, welcome back to the game ;)

12-14-2003, 06:41 PM
thanks mossman, i am reading as much as possible now. so far i have read that halos and angles do not place nice together :eek: . Also, I have read a lot of complaints about the ace-cops-sensi issues also. So, overall, I am assuming that the ir3 is the best bang for the buck at this point? After all of these issues I am being pushed towards the vikings.

Angry Man
12-14-2003, 07:30 PM
Since the bolts in most angels sit pretty far back and halos are force fed hoppers, halos tend to force more than one ball into an angel's breech which causes the gun to chop when the bolt is sent forward. Other electros will only let one ball into the breech so it's not as much of an issue. So while some people have used angels and halos successfully, there are sometimes issues when using the two together.

COPS and SENSI are both pressure based, not eye-based, so they don't work as well as any real ACE. Any angel but an ACED lcd still has the potential to chop paint at any time.

IR3s are nice and cheap, and the space frame is really comfortable, but you may chop if you shoot too fast. You also may chop MORE with COPS on than with it off since it's a pretty bad system.

I'd say get a speed, since they chop less and are more efficient than IR3s, or get a WASed viking with eyes.

Or make the obvious choice and get the lightest, most efficient, fastest, and least prone to chopping of all electros...an INTIMIDATOR!!!

12-14-2003, 07:36 PM
I can tell you some about vikings.

They come stock with WAS Boards. Eyes come stock with some models, but if they don't, they are only 20 bux and the new covers are 30. Out of the box, they are the most efficient marker on the market, often getting 2000 shots off of a 68/45 tank. There is a lpr, which can be adjusted lower to be softer on paint, higher for faster cycle speeds. The 04's come with AKA's SCM, a pressure compensating LPR. All vikings come standard with a hard, type 3 anno which is alot tougher than the type 2 found on most other guns, although it may be arguably less attractive.

Although AKA is a small company, they offer great customer service, with a lifetime warranty on their markers. As far as Halo's, they work great with vikings. 03 vikings have an adjustable wire detent (f4 style) and they work great for most people. The 04 models now have a same sided double ball detent system to keep the balls from rolling down the barrel or back towards the bolt.

I have an 03 featherlite viking with a razorblade trigger and eyes, and it I am able to legally shoot it faster than anything else I have been able to get my grubby paws on.

I hope that helped.


12-14-2003, 07:50 PM
thanks andy and angry. i think i will just save my money for a wasd viking. i have heard nothing but great reviews on them. i was eyeing a setup just like yours andy. wasd with eyes, and a razor trigger. i still need to read up on the low pressure system and the reliability. angel looks better, but i take function over form this time around. maybe i will just save a little more money and get a niced milled viking. thanks again

12-14-2003, 07:59 PM
well I have owned both so let me chime in.

LED is not heavy. Basicaly the actaul performance of an angel, yes even the speed A4, really hasnt changed from the LED. So if you go angel just save your cash and get an LED.

Vikings. I owned one, all WAS, it was awsome. very fast and highly efficient it just wasnt for me. I am a mag dood through and through. I love the feel and sound of a mag humming shots off or pounding my bunker. SO I traded my Viking for an Emag. I may go back to a viking only if I need 2k shots per fill, but until then I will continue to use my emag.

Angry Man
12-15-2003, 12:42 AM
I really don't like emags just cause the trigger is weird and they are heavy and unbalanced but I hear the new software makes them fast....

Nnice choice on the viking, btw. They're ugly, they're heavy, but they're good in all other ways.

12-15-2003, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by Angry Man
I really don't like emags just cause the trigger is weird and they are heavy and unbalanced but I hear the new software makes them fast....

Nnice choice on the viking, btw. They're ugly, they're heavy, but they're good in all other ways.

What are ytou talking about. Granted trigger pull is a personal prefrence but weight isnt. I chalenge you to find a gun that is simliar in price and weiht of a viking or ULE emag.

12-15-2003, 07:50 AM
Get a Speed over an LED. they are faster (more trigger checks per second than the LED board) Lower pressure, sensi works if you calibrate it, and they are smaller and lighter.

Also, they have space frame. 90 degree frames are way more comfortable than a 45

Angry Man
12-15-2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by gtrsi

What are ytou talking about. Granted trigger pull is a personal prefrence but weight isnt. I chalenge you to find a gun that is simliar in price and weiht of a viking or ULE emag.

A ULE emag is consideraby lighter than a regular one,I agree, but I still don't like how emags (and ULE e-mags) balance because they are back heavy. And if the gun's moment of inertia is higher, you've gotta use some force to balance it out, resulting in it seeming heavier, so a light timmy seems lighter than an equally light ULE mag.

Oh, and for the price of an emag....900 bucks...plus a ULE body...200 bucks...plus an X-valve....250 bucks....I could get either a: speed, vision shocker, any intimidator, or a was'ed ultralight viking.

All those guns are lighter and have faster triggers (my preference) and all but the speed (imo) are less prone to chopping than an emag.

A stock viking is a great deal, however...I will agree with you on that. The best deal for the money is a used classic intimidator but they look hideous.

12-15-2003, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Angry Man

Oh, and for the price of an emag....900 bucks...plus a ULE body...200 bucks...plus an X-valve....250 bucks....I could get either a: speed, vision shocker, any intimidator, or a was'ed ultralight viking.

All those guns are lighter and have faster triggers (my preference) and all but the speed (imo) are less prone to chopping than an emag.


Pretty sure all the new emags come ULE'd. I disagree with the SENSI on the speed. It really sux compared to lvlX or an ACE.


12-15-2003, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by Mossman
Angel LED is heavy and solid but doesn't break much and is an all around great gun, but there's no anti-chop mods you can get so you may break paint.

2k through 2k3 LCD's are basically all the same. Angel LED with a 2x frame an an LCD screen. The 2k3 has a new trigger and ir3 ram I believe, and is worth a bit more. Warped Sports sells an anti-chop eye for 200 with install for all LCD's.

ir3 is a nice gun, it was top of the heap for a while. It has an anti chop eye that sits on the bottom of the breach called COPS that some people don't like. It's got the 90* space frame and a full featured LCD board, and the base models have a cutless grip that goes over the bottom of the grip frame that would make it good for punching people with.

Speed is a redesigned Ir3. Different ACE system but still not a break beam style that everyone likes, but people seem to have better luck with em. Sort of a mix between an LED and an ir3 board, it gives u tons of info but does so with flashing LED's not a screen. It's got the space grip and smaller battery, redesigned internals so the air chamber that is expandable with LPC's holds air about to be shot, not air about to go through the LPR. It's faster and smaller than any other angel and is my personal favorite.

Angel 4's are like flashy speeds with all the fancy ir3 features, different milling and more $$$

That's the best I can do, welcome back to the game ;)

actually you can put an ace in any angel now.

actually the eye is 250 from warped

the speeds and the a4 are low pressure also. and the angel 4 is the lightest angel out at a mere 2.29 pounds.

12-15-2003, 09:26 PM
ok, so the eye is 250, but how much does it cost to install it? i thought it would have to be milled? :confused:

12-15-2003, 09:51 PM
250 installed. only at warped la

Angry Man
12-16-2003, 02:52 AM
Just get the viking with WAS eyes...more efficient and faster.

And ACEs are all better than SENSI but only well tuned LX is better, but I'll agree that in most cases SENSI is the worst current anti-chop device.

12-16-2003, 10:06 AM
go with a viking.i have a dark viking with eyes and i have yet to find a gun as fast as or that gets as many shoots of a fill(about 24oo off a 88/45).every time i go play i have people offering me there intimidator,matrixes,shockers and so on.i had money to buy what ever gun i wanted.i did the research and couldnt find anything better then a viking.check out the aka fourm on pbnation.com

12-16-2003, 12:56 PM
i would like to thank everyone that helped. looks like when i get my mag finished a viking will be on the way. thanks for the time and info!!!