View Full Version : Those that have their X-Mags - Preferred Air System?

12-15-2003, 04:39 PM
Hey guys, just found out its going to be a little longer until I get my X-mag... AGD Europe is redesigning the Warp Left Breech apparently... No worries, I'm only bitter on the outside, inside I'm creamy nuget...

Anyway, I'm thinking of what air system I'm going to use when she eventually gets here and was wondering what has been working well for you guys. I am a backer so I need something large in the 90ci range with a minimum of 4500psi.

Any thoughts?


Houston, Texas

12-15-2003, 06:14 PM
I use a Nitroduck x-stream screw in. Works really well with a CP rail and on off asa. Have a 1.5 bottle on it, never seem to get any drop off under rapid fire so recharge rate seems to keep up with the x-mag :)

12-15-2003, 06:43 PM
I use the flatline 4.5k. Works fine for me...definitely go adjustable, no matter what you choose.

12-16-2003, 02:26 AM
Flateline 68/3K.

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
12-17-2003, 11:29 AM
I use a pure energy preset 68/4500...works fine

12-17-2003, 11:43 AM
I use a 72/4500 Flatline. I figure about 6 pods and a Halo out of a full 4500 fill. 7 pods MAY work, but I'd be running on fumes.

12-17-2003, 12:03 PM
I have a 88/4500 Flatline on a shocktech Medium Drop forward. Excellent set up and weight. Definitely adjustable. :cool:

12-17-2003, 03:24 PM
It's not that particular,pretty much anything that puts out ~800psi.I switch around all the time between a Flatline,Crossfire and a P.E. and they all work fine.


Recon by Fire
12-17-2003, 04:14 PM
Max-Flow 68/4500. I might have picked somthing smaller but I already had this.