View Full Version : minimag help

12-15-2003, 05:30 PM
i just bought a minimag and a 14inc j&j ceramic barel. ive been using a tippmann 98 custom with flatline barrel, with a hp can. i havnt recieved my minimag yet i just want to know how minimags are stock, are they accurat do they break paint, anything that will help me out. also what barrels do you like with what type of paint and velocity speed. i was thinking about getting that booyahh set up whats good about them and whats a good price to pay. also what are some recomended add-ons. thanks

12-15-2003, 05:39 PM
First off- welcome to AO.

Now, down to business.

Don't get the booyah. The company that makes them went out of business. You want to look for the Hyperframe made by Centerflag.

As for your other questions- the level 10 upgrade is a small kit that will end your ball chopping worries forever (so long as you install it correctly).

Paint? It'll shoot whatever you stick into it. If you play at ONE field all the time, find out what paint they use and get a barrel that is sized correctly to that paint. If you go to several places, get a kit so you can size your barrel to the paint.

Other than that, I suggest playing with the gun first before you start upgrading. We could load you up with upgrades but you'd never know if they were worthwhile or not. That way, you know what the gun does/doesn't do and what you want to change.

12-15-2003, 05:41 PM
As far as upgrading, I see only one necisary thing, and that a lvl 10 superbolt kit. It will never chop if set up correctly. Other than that, play with the gun, and see what you do, and don't like. Then you can proceed from there.

12-16-2003, 03:13 AM
The Xvalve is worth buying for for a minimag also with all the electros out there.