View Full Version : Bolt Stick

12-15-2003, 05:52 PM
Ok, I have a serious bolt stick problem. This is pissing me off to no end and I am really close to just getting rid of my mag. I have a an x-valve with level 10. I have the ULT installed (but I don't know what that would have to do with it.) I am using an aci bulldog 2 tank preset 850 output. I get bolt stick where when I pull the trigger back nothing happens until I push the bolt back to set. I have tried several things:

1. I have the .5 lx carrier in there, anything higher (1, 1.5, 2) causes a leak down the barrel.

2. I have tried the medium sized spring and it will not work because the pressure on the spring is too high on the bolt that sometimes it won't go all the way forward and chuff. I have to have the smallest spring in there.

3. I have tried several combinations of shims, with each different carrier. 0, 1, 2, 3 shims will all cause the stick. (And anything higher than the .5 carrier causes the leak)

I took my gun to roguefactor and we messed with all of this for about an hour and it seemed to be working fine, but when I went to play yesterday towards the end of the day I was getting the stick (I had no problem in the morning). I just got done messing with it again for an hour and trying different settings and none work.

Does anyone have any idea what I should do? I have looked in the archives for answers and have tried everything but nothing works. I want my gun to work, this is why I bought a mag because I could just gas it up and go without having to worry about anything but that's not the case. If anyone could help before I get to the point where I sell it I would greatly appreciate it.

12-15-2003, 06:16 PM
I should also add that I have MAJOR reactivity with both my aci tank and my nitro duck, both preset. Sweetspotting is insanely easy and often hard to control.

12-15-2003, 06:25 PM
Have you tried putting some oil down the powertube? Roguefactor may have done it and you might not have noticed. The .5 carrier is kinda small to. I was gonna suggest going up, using the middle spring, and turning your velocity up originally. Overall I'd try more oil, turning the velocity up, and if those don't work try another o-ring.:)

12-15-2003, 06:28 PM
I've put oil everywhere in this gun. I will try that again, and I would try a higher carrier but the gun leaks down the bolt/barrel when I put the size 1 carrier in there, and what o-ring are you talking about? The one that goes into the carrier (white?) or the black one that wraps around the carrier? Or something else?

12-15-2003, 06:32 PM
set up your level 10 again using a different carrier oring(inside), no shims, smallest spring. Or send it here and I'll fix it for you no problem.;) :D

12-15-2003, 09:03 PM
ok Im gonna use this thread too I THINK it falls under this catagory...

ok retrovalve w/lx in minimag body w/ Intelliframe

smallest carrier(no dots or rings) and 1 shim(does the same thing w/ no shim) med spring(small spring chops like a SOB

gass it up...ushally doesnt leak at all, if it does its VERY little..... pull the trigger a few times or sweet spot it a little... shhhhhhh... small leak, always small, look at the bolt, barely sticking, push it back w/ finger or squeegie it ushally stops...or lessens to almost nothing

always a very very light leak and if I touch the trigger to the pin it stops, but if I take it off after wards it leaks again most the time I pull the trigger to reset it, some times it stops it, sometimes It lessens it, sometimes I need to push it back...

anybigger carrier and it leaks pretty bad, shims dont seem to matter...

am I just holding my mouth rong or something....LOL

last time I got it to stop leaking, got to the feild, leaked...got it back to normal, but it turned into a blender, rapid fire caused paint to shoot out the PF hole LOL

12-15-2003, 09:23 PM
Smallest carrier AND leaking from the barrel? I think thats the white oring thats inside the carrier, try a new one.

Tuna, I've tried several different carrier o-rings, I have like 4 of them and it still doesn't fix it.

12-15-2003, 10:35 PM
meh, nope... its after I pull the trigger that it starts....only

12-15-2003, 10:58 PM
ULT? try taking a shim off the ult

12-15-2003, 11:09 PM
nope... no ULT would have listed it :P

Im stumpped...

12-15-2003, 11:12 PM
I dunno maybe you have it setup wrong? Smaller carriers is supposed to be more gentle on paint isn't it? The smallest one should never chop then.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

12-16-2003, 07:03 PM
nope.... its pefectly fine and not chopping w/ mid spring... the SMALL spring, which gives more reactivity and makes it harder on paint due to less pressure holding the bolt back from the ball ;)

this problem occurs with any spring