View Full Version : My MadCustomized PGP2k1

Crime Dog
12-16-2003, 02:16 PM
A big THANK YOU to Big Matt of MadCustoms for the recent work he did on my PGP. Check this out! Incredible work Big Matt! Absolutely beautiful! Can't wait to get 'er back!



12-16-2003, 02:17 PM
Very nice..... I answered you on the other forum. ;)

You will probably want to slap me though.... :D

Crime Dog
12-18-2003, 07:19 AM
We gotta quit running into each other like this Sam. People are going to start to talk. Heheheh.

Mr. Shartley here is going to be working on a set of grips for this beautiful little piece of mine. Pics when they're done and on the gun.

Thank you to BigMatt and Sam for their work on this project!

12-18-2003, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by Crime Dog
We gotta quit running into each other like this Sam. People are going to start to talk. Heheheh.

Mr. Shartley here is going to be working on a set of grips for this beautiful little piece of mine. Pics when they're done and on the gun.

Thank you to BigMatt and Sam for their work on this project!
Going to START to talk? ;)

But seriously, no problem. BigMatt did the foundation, I am simply adding to it. He does very nice work. I am just glad folks pointed you in my direction and that I could be of use.

12-18-2003, 08:15 AM
The pic didn't work for me. If you have it back, I'd like to see you play with it Sunday at BG though. Actually, if you bring it out, I might have to trade you my viking for it for a game.


12-18-2003, 09:25 AM
Pics don't work for me either :(

12-18-2003, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants
Pics don't work for me either :(
The server seems to be up and down. The next time they are up I will grab them, put them on MY server and post them here for folks.

12-18-2003, 10:12 AM
Here you go...

12-18-2003, 12:09 PM
Is that body made out of stainless? It sure doesn't look to be brass...


12-18-2003, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by cledford
Is that body made out of stainless? It sure doesn't look to be brass...

No, it has a matte nickle finish, with the letters being shiny nickle finish (the red is only a reflection).

Crime Dog
12-18-2003, 12:56 PM
What shartley said.

Thanks for puttin' those pics back up. Not sure why I can't see Big Matt's...

12-18-2003, 01:23 PM
No problem. :)

Crime Dog
01-08-2004, 04:44 PM
Here it is, in it's final form. A big thank you to Big Matt of Madcustoms, and to Sam Hartley, owner of Shartley Customs.

Grips - Black & White Composite wood. Wraparound. Oil finish. Simply...beautiful. Done by Sam Hartley, owner of Shartley Customs.

PGP itself - Matte nickel finish. Lettering is in shiny nickel. "Meaty" pump handle. Mod on bolt to prevent breaking of paintballs in barrel. Barrel honed to .688, and polished. Slots milled into feed tube.

I HIGHLY recommend MadCustoms and Shartley Customs for all your paintball gun custom needs. They're both great to work with, and provide EXCELLENT customer service.



01-08-2004, 04:46 PM
Those grips are nice!

Crime Dog
01-08-2004, 05:13 PM
They literally melt into my hand. I don't know how Sam does it...but they're a PERFECT fit.

They're super comfy to hold. That whole gun is just a joy to hold now.

01-08-2004, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Fixion
Those grips are nice!
Thanks. :)

Originally posted by Crime Dog
They literally melt into my hand. I don't know how Sam does it...but they're a PERFECT fit.

They're super comfy to hold. That whole gun is just a joy to hold now.
Thanks for posting CD. They look fantastic on the marker.

As for the fit…. I had nothing to do with that…… the grips were always in the wood…. I just removed all excess until they could be seen. ;)

Glad you like them. Now go shoot someone with them! :D I look forward to hearing the reviews from this weekend’s play. Have fun.

01-08-2004, 06:30 PM
You are a lucky man Crime Dog. What kind of wood are the grips, they are beautiful!

01-08-2004, 06:33 PM

Nice looking grips!!!


01-08-2004, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by the_next_guy_
What kind of wood are the grips, they are beautiful!
Thanks…. They are a black and white composite.

Originally posted by cledford

Nice looking grips!!!

Thanks. I am glad folks like them.

Crime Dog
01-12-2004, 12:10 PM

Ok, my review after finally playing with the PGP after Big Matt and shartley were done with it.

I played stock all day at the new Iowa Indoor Paintball place in Vinton, IA. I was using a Phantom, and a PGP all day.

I have to say...

I enjoyed the PGP more on Saturday.

It was PERFECT for the "close quarters" type of setup we were in.

The gun performed FLAWLESSLY. No breaks. Shot straight as an arrow. Didn't take the time to count how many shots I got off the 12 gram. Let me do that under controlled conditions. (I was having too much fun to keep track to be honest.)

It DID turn heads. I got quite a few compliments on it.

How'd I do? 8 eliminations all day with it. 6 straight out hits, and 2 surrenders.

One of those surrenders I had was against an experienced stock player (an experienced tourney player as well), while using...are you ready for this? He was using...a Matrix! Me, with my PGP, and I made him surrender with his Matrix.

He was flanking our team on the left side, and we had no one left on that side. I sprinted across open field, came in behind him, and rushed him from behind. He didn't know what hit him. He thought he had the room cleared. :) Talk about a good feeling.

Other two memorable eliminations with the PGP include another surrender from 3 feet away when I popped around a corner, and then less than 30 seconds later, another opponent stepped into open field directly in front of me, and thought I was on HIS team, and walked right past me. I shrugged, and promptly shot him in the back. Poor guy.

Oh, and then there was the headshot from at least 60 feet away. That was rather nice as well. The PGP was shooting darts. It was WONDERFUL.

And the grips.

Oh Sam...the GRIPS.

*died and went to heaven* It was SO STINKIN' COMFORTABLE to hold all day! I am truly a blessed man to have the PGP that I do. Thank you to Big Matt and Sam for all the work they put into it. It is a true joy to play with, and I was having an absolute BLAST playing with it all day against Matrixes, Timmys, Angels, Mags, and Shockers...

I even scored a public kudos from the field owner for my play and success with it. Sasha, member of the CPPA, and experienced tourney player told me that I was a great pump player.

I have a lot to learn yet, but man, I felt GREAT after my day of play on Saturday.

Again, THANK YOU Sam and Matt. You've provided me with a true "one of a kind" joy to play with!

(Oh, pics of me using it will be coming later today.)