View Full Version : Does toothpaste help get rid of pimples?

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-16-2003, 04:47 PM
i got like the rocky mountains of pimples on my lower left chin and i was wondering if putting toothpaste there will sorta get rid of it.

Someone said that it will dry it up and make it disappear but...well...i'm sorta skeptical

12-16-2003, 05:16 PM
I know that toothpaste stops itching.

12-16-2003, 05:19 PM
it sounds like it would burn:(

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-16-2003, 05:33 PM
well...all i know is that it stings your eyes too

land hurricane
12-16-2003, 05:39 PM
just go to the store and for two or three bucks get a tube of acne cream. you can get it to match your skin tone too, so you don't have to say you brush your chin.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-16-2003, 06:49 PM
i tried that! i used oxy, clearasel, none of them work. i even have a perscription cream that burns the heck outa my face so i just stopped using that once my face started turning red. now i'm on perscribed pills. which is helping out a lot but not enough. i think i'm getting the acne from getting shot in the forhead too much lol.

12-16-2003, 06:54 PM
I heard the thing about toothpaste beofre one of my friends a few years ago did that seemed to work for him try it and see whats the worst that could hapen...

12-16-2003, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
i got like the rocky mountains of pimples on my lower left chin and i was wondering if putting toothpaste there will sorta get rid of it.

Someone said that it will dry it up and make it disappear but...well...i'm sorta skeptical

Wash that area daily with a rough washrag and clearasil face wash or some other facial cleanser. Don't pop the zits, either, as that can drive the infection deeper and thus take much longer to get rid of. If you've got serious acne problems, then go see a dermatologist.

Toothpaste, in my opinion, does not help, while washing your face daily with facial cleanser and using a rough washrag does wonders (cleans face by washing it and also the rough rag gets rid of dead skin and other loose and possibly pore-clogging material such as buildup from the pimple) if you make it a habbit.

12-16-2003, 07:27 PM
Why don't you use rubbing alcohol :)

12-17-2003, 08:11 AM
No pyro, you pop them THEN use alcohol:p

12-17-2003, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by magking1971
No pyro, you pop them THEN use alcohol:p

I did that back in the day when I had a bad problem, it actually seemed to work :)

12-17-2003, 04:29 PM
Popping zits is so much fun.. its like *pop* yeah thats right you dirty not allowed to say it here! Its so satisfying.
Nothing works for me either. I just pop them and I have all these bloody scars on my face. I bet you can imagine, all the women swarm around me :rolleyes:
Zits suck arse.

12-17-2003, 04:47 PM

I've tried almost every medication possble. I also tried acutane for a few months but I started getting sever side effects and had to quit it. Acutane is THE BEST way to get rid of pimples and stuff, but it dries up yous skin a lot and sometimes the side effects are bad.

Now I'm trying that dermabrasion stuff. I think thats what it's called. The lady called what she did to me a "chemical peel" I think. It stung like hell and dried my skin up for a day or two, but I haven't noticed anything happening.:(

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-17-2003, 04:49 PM
maybe once all the major diseases have been cured they will try making something for acne THAT WORKS!!!

12-17-2003, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
maybe once all the major diseases have been cured they will try making something for acne THAT WORKS!!!

Try acutane ;)

12-17-2003, 05:58 PM
i use proactive and its the only stuff that ever worked for me.. look into it

12-17-2003, 06:14 PM
Porter-Cable makes a great beltsander..:)

Maby it would work:confused: you never know... just think of all the stuff that you could try:
*rubber cement
*elmers glue
*super glue
*avation fuel
*spray paint
*tobasco sauce
*weed killer
*hot wax

(I am not responsible if you actually do try any of these):)

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-17-2003, 06:25 PM
...ok i don't think i'm going to use MOST of the items that you just listed

12-17-2003, 06:27 PM
Porter cable would definatly work, but you would have alot more problems then just pimples then :)
I just used to use rubbing alcohol, not sure how safe that is. Now ive outgrown it for the most part, the occasionally one just gets popped :)

12-17-2003, 07:28 PM
ive never had a severe case of acne, and i believe thats because i keep my face clean, and i never allowed my self to get to the point where you all are. what i do is i use the facewash that clearasil has out. this stuff is amazing. I was 3 times daily, and folow up with clearasil pads after each washing, it works well i tell ya

12-17-2003, 08:13 PM
after i play paintball i usually notice that my acne on my forhead starts to get smaller. i serioulsy think its the paint and oil. i dunno try at your own risk.

12-17-2003, 08:33 PM
st ives apricot scrub medicated for acne then follow with clearasil works for the most part i get pimples still though

12-18-2003, 06:14 PM
your acne prolly get smaller cuz u are in the sun.. Stay in the sun for a while and ur pores get cleared out real good. it helps

12-18-2003, 06:24 PM
Heh. No.
I went to philmont (10 days in the wilderness in new mexico, its a boyscout trip) and if thats not sun, then I dont know what the hell is. Oh and it doesnt work, in fact they got worse because I only had like 2 showers over those 10 days :p ( mm I smeeld so good theres nothing like the smell of your own BO )

12-18-2003, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by personman
Heh. No.
I went to philmont (10 days in the wilderness in new mexico, its a boyscout trip) and if thats not sun, then I dont know what the hell is. Oh and it doesnt work, in fact they got worse because I only had like 2 showers over those 10 days :p ( mm I smeeld so good theres nothing like the smell of your own BO )

Wait... You got TWO showers?? Lucky bum... :p

12-18-2003, 06:36 PM
no u stay in the sun for short whiles.. like half a day or so..? not like half a month

12-18-2003, 07:02 PM
seriously you got 2 showers at philmont?! i got 1 at the end. but we went swimming were we wernt supposted too doe that count as a bath? dude philmont was the ****. thats the only cool thing boyscouts ever did

12-18-2003, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by personman
Heh. No.
I went to philmont (10 days in the wilderness in new mexico, its a boyscout trip) and if thats not sun, then I dont know what the hell is. Oh and it doesnt work, in fact they got worse because I only had like 2 showers over those 10 days :p ( mm I smeeld so good theres nothing like the smell of your own BO )

dude, i've been there......and i actually think its from sweat. after a hard work out, the little acne that i have seems to not be so bad. oh and drink lots of water it helps too. (really)

12-19-2003, 11:10 AM
Here are some other things that can cause it:

Feather pillows (could be allergic)
dirty greasy pillow cases (need to be washed and changed)
going to bed with greasy face

Those are just some things that I found helped me. I used to use feather pillows and wear a down jacket. Getting rid of those helped big time. You have to change your pillow case regularly.

12-19-2003, 11:46 AM
eh, try here for your toothpaste thing:


doenst look as though it comes highly recommended.



you can seek further results with:



12-19-2003, 09:44 PM
What are some of the side affects of accutane? The normal ones like constipation, diarrhea, if you have a heart condition stroke, and face drying? And is it just for bad acne or could i take it just to prevent the little acne i get? Oh and popping the big ones is so much fun they are like pop and then theres puss all over the mirror and then it bleeds and stuff, so cool, hours of entertainment. Also i got a couple of the darn things on my chest that cant be good?

12-19-2003, 10:06 PM
just do it! why be skeptical, it's not like TOOTHPASTE is harmful otherwise we wouldn't stick it in our mouths!

12-19-2003, 10:08 PM
well, my mom sells this stuff called Mary Kay. its makeup and she's got everything for everything

i use this tube of stuff that when you put it on, it makes the spot really dry. using that with clearasil works like the bomb :)

pm if you'd want a bottle :D

12-19-2003, 10:19 PM
I got a shower at ponil.. it was freezing cold. I might have gotten a shower before that but I think ponil and when we got to base camp were my only ones.
Man thats good stuff, im going back in 2k5.
This last one we did trek 32.. the second to most strenous trek. Loads of fun, we did atleast 90 miles. Baldy is beautiful!
And slick249, you must have/have had a sucky troop. Our troop goes on 1 campout a month. Last summer break we went to florida sea base and that was fun, lounging on a boat for a week. Early summer next year we are going up to Northern Tier which is like in upper minisoda/canada or something. Its kinda like philmont only in canoes. Its going to be pretty interesting.

Anywho, I wanted to try Accutane until I looked at some of the side effects. I mean I already have most of them, if they got worse I would most likely like blow up or something. Also I thought it was suppost to get rid of pimples permentally (for the most part) but I found out they come back when you stop taking accutane. That really sucks.
Oh and I'll never get rid of my down pillow.. I love it to frickin death.. its so soft, it molds to my head.. I love it soooo much.. if I got rid of it I would die :(
Does anyone know of any synthetic pillows I can try that have a similar feel to down? Please let me know :(

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-19-2003, 10:20 PM
hmm after some testing i think that kalamai(sp?) lotion seems to be working for me. just apply to your face then go to sleep. wake up in the morning and your face is dry and not oily. wash it off and walla. pimples are slowing disappearing.

12-19-2003, 10:44 PM
I'm not used to answering questions like this... normally if something was on/in your skin and you didn't like it I would say take a scalple or x-acto knife and cut it off but in this instance I would advise not to do that.

I used to get zits every now ands then but I haven't had any problems in a few years mainyl because I got into a good habit of cleansing my face at least 2 times a day and using a oil free soap. After that they just stopped. And i'm only 16 so it's not like I just grew out of it. Be sure to stay away from things that would make your face oily.. change your pillow cases often.. don't lean on your hands when sitting or laying on the floor... stuff like that.

12-19-2003, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by Vegeta
Be sure to stay away from things that would make your face oily.. change your pillow cases often.. don't lean on your hands when sitting or laying on the floor... stuff like that.
Why dont you just go ahead and say 'be sure to not be personman' :p

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-20-2003, 12:44 AM
aww i'm too lazy to change my pillow cases! wash face 2 times a day! AHHHH!

12-20-2003, 01:49 AM
Sun and Accutane seems to be working for me (but slowly). People blow the side effects way out of proportion (Accutane) though. So far, all I've had is my face drying out a little.

In conclusion, acne sucks dick.

12-20-2003, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
i got like the rocky mountains of pimples on my lower left chin and i was wondering if putting toothpaste there will sorta get rid of it.

Someone said that it will dry it up and make it disappear but...well...i'm sorta skeptical

Time gets rid of pimples.