View Full Version : Anyone else do the team dues system with there team?

12-16-2003, 07:13 PM
Just wondering. This is my first season captianing a real sponsoring a real sponsord, real tourney playing team. I mean I have played the little 3 man tourneys, but we are playing CFOA 5 man this year and have a serious sponsor.

So as I was saying anyone else do this? If so how do you do it? I'm doing it starting this weekend you owe $160. You can pay weekly or what ever but you owe me $160 by febuary first. That will pay for the tourney and pay for TEAM paint. This way you pay you be to be on the TEAM. You don't pay for paint and you don't pay for entry you pay to be on the TEAM. So everyone think thats a good idea?

12-16-2003, 08:15 PM
It is always best to do team paint, etc.

I've played mainly mid or back and I tend to shoot a lot of paint, but it lets the front guys stay alive to do their jobs. That means that even though I shoot it, they benefit.

Getting the players to think of things as a team effort really pays off. It changes the way the guys participate and can really improve the cohesiveness of the team.

Dues are cool so long as the people who pay them see results from them. You don't want to run 3 squads and have the two lower squads paying dues money that only the top squad can use. Then you are just charging them to play paintball.

All for one and one for all, seriously. Figure out the costs, and everyone splits it evenly. Then people start to understand the cost of playing and that it is a team sport.


12-17-2003, 10:18 AM
Good point bro, I am slowly grinding it into there brains lol.

12-17-2003, 05:17 PM
Well a tema I know they do team dues just to buy a team guns, and setups. The have enouhg gear to suit up two extra people. They bouhgt 2 Vforce masks, 2timmys, 2 halos, 2 packs with pods, etc.

12-17-2003, 05:25 PM
The way I want to work with the money for our team is like 10 dollars a week that everyone has to throw in. That's 60 bucks a week, and 10 dollars really isn't that much. It's very close to happining, me and the captain have been talking about it nfor a little while now.

12-17-2003, 05:38 PM
spongebob, where is lincolnton? what field do you play at the most? i have thought about entering the cfoa next year but i would not feel comfortable throwing a noob team together and playing with a couple of months. maybe i will run across you in my nc pb fild journeys. i am trying to visit all of the nc fields. 4 down.......

12-17-2003, 05:44 PM
Phantom-If you no were charlotte is lincolnton is about 45 north west of there. As for my field I play at Carolina Paint Slingers (http://www.carolinapaintslingers.com) Its about 45 minutes the other way from Lincolnton. Check out the website, also were are you located and which fields have you played at?

12-17-2003, 06:05 PM
i totally agree with everyone paying an eqaul share and everything for tournaments(paint, entryfees)
but in my opinion i do not like the idea of team dues. this is because many of the teams i have played with or for that matter just talk to or hang out with have more than 5 members and players are always coming and going.
i would hate having to pay all that money to a team and the not play in the event.
we have alwyas just split the cost evenly among the people who play in any one givin event.
team paint is a must though.

12-17-2003, 08:19 PM
Team Pool= Best idea ever. It gets your team closer in coincidence (that even a word..sounds good) with getting everyone geared up. 10 Man Team playing 7, thats cheap tourny fees, and cheap paint fees. Also, companies respect when you buy large amounts and they see you as a potential team sponsor, believe me when I say it, they WILL GIVE YOU DISCOUNTS. As for getting closer, I remembered I always sat in the corner while our backplayers complained about spending 150 dollars on evil to practice and cover our fronts, in the off games they used to. Now, we use official practice paint, its practically free, and we all stand in a circle and discuss the game, not how much the day cost. Equal costs=equally good time.

12-18-2003, 10:16 AM
we are voting on this same issue on Sunday.

There has always been "team fees" but it was per team and notthe whole team. That I am tring to say is we have 7 guys and play in a 3 man with 2 teams. team a and b are stand-alone. Prizes are paid to those that won and the other 3 man did not get thier enterance or paint reimbersed. I think this was sort of unfair. I would like to see an over all slush fund of money that all fees are paid from and all winnings goes back into. There will be some people that might quit because of this though. If you are the 7th seated player and there is a 5 man you will prob not play, even though you put your money in for "dues". We will see, it is up to the team, and not only me. I am thinking more on the lines of $500 per year to start with and hope our winnings will pay for the year.