View Full Version : What a night!

12-17-2003, 01:20 AM
My night was an interesting one to say the least. Started out as me getting off work and grabbing some KFC. Then some friends called, long story short, a friend of mine was going to kick his g/f's ex's butt. That blew over so nothing too big there. Then we go meet behind the mall and i for the first time was able to spin tires on my Bravada(All wheen drive system won't even let me spin in mud)
Well thats cool, but we all go to BooksAMillion to get some coffee. While waiting for 2 of our friends to show up, one of them(a chick) decided she wanted to jump a curb in her 94 Cavileer(spelling). She hits this thing alomst sideways at around 60mph bounces up and down, clips a tree with her front headlight and finally parks after a great show for the rest of us. She gets out like nothing has happened and we all are wondering if she is okay. (her boyfriend was behind her while she did this mind you) We look from where she hit the curb and notice a trail of fluid, found it to be tranny fluid. So we get her to stop and cut the car off. A Can of starter fluid, some JB weld and some Epoxy later we patched the crack in her transmission and send her on her way home....Interesting night. Anyone else have any crazy stuff about chicks jumping curbs? heh.

12-17-2003, 01:29 AM
Umm, she should probably get that tranny fixed.

12-17-2003, 04:24 AM
What no ducktape?? Jb weld is good but I dont know about a cracked tranny. might want to have a look at it in the A.M.

12-17-2003, 04:37 AM
May I ask what the heck she was doing. Ive done stupid things with my car but intentionally slamming into a curb, thats got to top me. It takes alot to split open a tranny.
Is it an automatic? If it is they get pretty damn hot, I don't know how JB weld holds up to 250 degrees. I think the tranny fluid will also slowly break down the glue, i'm not sure on that one though. Ive been told the tranny fluid has kind of a cleaning property to it.
Anyway, junk yard trannies=cheap, and her car=pos tell her to buy a camaro. The thing would have laughed at being slammed into a curb. Ive put that thing through alot :)

12-17-2003, 05:39 AM
Pretty freakin stupid if you ask me.

Cars have to many safety devices now. Accidents were God's way of killing the stupid!:eek:

12-17-2003, 08:14 AM
Not just the stupid :)

12-17-2003, 10:08 AM
Yea I would get that fixed, I mean you fixed it with JB Weld then sent her on her way home. I needs 24 hours to fully set. Yea I would def. get it fixed.

12-17-2003, 11:27 AM
Oh yeah i totally agree she needs to get it fixed. I even had to use the cheap household JB weld so thta it would set in 15 minutes. The good stuff which probably will be used either today or tomorrow can be used to fix engine blocks and cylinder walls, it could hold up to the heat and pressure of the tranny, but it takes 15 hours to set in 50 degree weather. Its 30 here so estimate 24-36 hours to set.

Either way, yeah she was really stupid, and whats worse is she didn't think she really did anything stupid....

12-17-2003, 12:44 PM
You can fix engine blocks with this, but you just don't do it. Its just somthing they did to prove how strong the glue is. Go ask any mechanic if they have ever used JB weld to fix a tranny or entine block. And an automatic tranny can get hotter than some parts of the block. Especially since we know that there is fluid hitting it.

What cracked? If she just cracked the pan BUY A NEW ONE!!!!!
Spend the $60 on a pan rather than have the JB weld break, overheat the tranny and pay $2000 for a rebuild.
I'm still in denial that anyone would use JB weld as a permenant fix.

12-17-2003, 01:04 PM
Ahhhh young blood. No one is using the JB weld as a perm fix. This was a fix to get her home. JB Weld used right, in conjunction with another epoxy could EASILY withstand the temperature generated by the tranny. You're not talking to someone who doesn't know how to work on cars. The crack is on the Transmission body, not something you want to replace. Its an old junk car they bought for her for an emergency, nothing really they care about.

12-17-2003, 08:02 PM
reminds me of that h2 thread
i forget if that was a girl driving doing that
oh well stupid none the less

12-17-2003, 09:02 PM
I think it was a girl driving. Yes, I know it can take the temperature, I still wouldn't put it on there. Whats a tranny at a pick a part if you have one around you 50 bucks?

12-18-2003, 01:38 AM
Well, so far its held great. And we're going to weld it in acouple of days. And yeah, the H2 thread was a chick driving.