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12-17-2003, 11:19 AM
I owned a 68 classic powerfeed a couple of years ago on co2 and was so disappointed i sold it and bought a cocker.Recently i thought id give the mag a second chance....I've been told the mag is a totally differant monster on hp....any suggestions for mods....for a tourney mag....is it really that much better on hp?All help appreciated guys...i've been out of it 4 2 long....

12-17-2003, 11:54 AM
Buy an emag if you want a tourney gun, but if money is an issue you can prob pick up a used RT Pro for cheap and throw on a hyperframe if you like electro or you can buy a new RT Pro from AGD for cheap.

12-17-2003, 12:05 PM
I would say get a Emag or if you dont got the money go with a ULE RT AGD is doing now. I know im going to get that RT from them.

12-17-2003, 01:36 PM
If you weren't happy with your 68 Classic,putting it on HPA wouldn't have changed anything.

However,a current ULE RTP or Emag would be a HUGE difference over that and of course,any R/T valve based mag is going to require HPA as a minimum.

12-17-2003, 02:14 PM
Go with the E-mag They Rock!

12-17-2003, 02:20 PM
i've shot nitro with my mag since i bought it. It shot like a dream, never had any problems. Either did my friend who has an almmost identical mag. One day he ran out of nitro and switched to a CO2 tank for the first time just to see how it went. It was horrifying. The velocity spiked, the mag kicked back really hard with every shot,and sometimes the trigger wouldnt recock (something with the on/off pin). The thing is his gun is absolutely perfect with nitro, as is mine. Nitro makes a huge difference for some reason on mags

oh and if you want a tourney gun, go with an emag

12-17-2003, 04:06 PM
i dunno bout "you must get an E mag for a tourney gun" mess, i use my Z gripped RT in tournies, its very small and i GUARENTEE it is as fast as any electro. also, the guy who said "using HP on your classic mag wouldnt make a difference" obviously hasnt owned a classic mag, it would make a world of a difference. while im wouldnt be so shure about using a mag for a back player (because you can shoot as fast as electro's but not as effortlessly as walking a trigger is) but for front, its an awesome marker.

just my $0.02