View Full Version : Co2 Q. Please only if you run a co2 setup. Xchamber v Stab.

12-17-2003, 10:21 PM
I have never ever run a mag off of co2, however I have about 4 mags right now. It would be great to hand a few of those rigs out to newb friends of mine. Problem is I dont want to buy 2-3 68ci tanks besides more shots on co2 so......

Please refrain from the typical "buy a cheap tank" reply.

You guys who actually use co2 what do you prefer xchamber or Stab?


12-17-2003, 10:25 PM
i prefer the stab. x-chambers just make your hands cold. If you run a stabilizer as you primary reg (take out the reg pin and seat of the mag valve) you shouldnt have many problems.

12-17-2003, 10:25 PM
I used an X chamber with a remote though(still do sometimes).The Stab would probably be better if double regging doesn't hurt you.


12-18-2003, 04:01 AM
When I used CO2 I used an X-chamber only (a rather big one), and it worked fine. No spikes and reasonable lifelength on the o-rings.

12-18-2003, 10:00 AM
Go with an x-chamber. I have used both and also ran it vertical bottle with a 16oz. Best luck was with vertical bottle, but that will limit trigger frame options and some don't lie the feel of the tank up there. The next best thing was a little aci 4 stage x chamber. These really work. The stabilizer is good, but not quite as simple. It will make your hands colder. Its in its design, unless you get the sideline one or the female. Mine would all condense and freeze up on the out side under high rates of fire. It would be kind of like licking the inside of a freezer sometimes or a metal pole in winter(If you've ever seen the movie a christmas story).

Here is why I don't prefer the stab. It is too thin of a grip, I like bigger ones, but its preference. Two, when you gas up for the day you need to adjust both regs, and make sure the stab is putting out enough for A.I.R. valve. Drop setups can be difficult to work around the stab because of how far down it drops.

The stabilizer works fine, but I was getting about equal results from the 35 dollar x chamber, or running vertical bottle which cost me nothing.

feel free to ask away.

12-18-2003, 11:11 AM
I ran CO2 on a vert bottle set up for a long time, no problems.

I also ran a sideline stabalizer for awhile. I liked both, but the stab gave more consistant velocity and never went liquid.

If you're playing in warm weather I'd just go with a vert bottle set up. It'd be cheaper for ya.

12-18-2003, 12:37 PM
I used a stabilizer and ran a remote. No problems at all, even in winter (California winter ;) ). I think the stabilizer works better than an xchamber, but it costs almost as much as a cheap HPA tank.

12-19-2003, 12:13 PM
Stabilizers are quite effective at eliminating liquid CO2.
Now here are a few drawbacks you will run into.
If you really get ripping on it, you will flood or freeze the reg.This will lead to shootdown or possibly even breaking orings as they become brittle when frozen.
If you live where it gets cold, your wintertime play will suck with CO2.Mags require a high input pressure(700ish).In the winter it is quite possible for your CO2 tanks to fall well below that pressure.Especially when you are shooting a lot.Your mag wil stop operating when this happens.
Remotes can help , but not eliminate this problem.I have seen people stowing their tank inside a layer of clothes.But let me tell you from first hand observation,if a burst disk goes while your tank is inside your clothes , it will put a serious cold burn on you.It could even hospitalize you.

I suggest at least getting antisiphon lines put into the CO2 tanks for those markers.That will help quite a bit also.