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View Full Version : Anyone done Black Oxide Coating?

12-18-2003, 05:54 PM
My friends and I, who all have classic mags have been wanting to pick up Black teflon bodies for some time, but they are cost prehibative.

We've looked at powder coating but don't have anyone local to perform it.

Today, I stumbled on to a site that talks about Black Oxide coating and the materials used in performing it. From everything I've read, this would be ideal for blackening our 4 classic grey bodies. Has anyone done or currently doing this? If so, what were your results?

If you're interested in reading on this stuff, start here:

Black Oxide Service (http://www.blackoxideservice.com)

I've found a place that sells the materials also. So I'm interested in giving this a try.

Thanks for your responses,


12-18-2003, 06:16 PM
I think its similar to Parkerizing and such as that. I did read about a process using concentrated Sulfuric Acid to oxidize the top layer of things like SS. I wonder if this is the same thing? Changes the first few layers to Sulfur Dioxide or something like that if I recall correctly (going from memory here so dangerous!) and that would be blackend. Looked promising to me and I had some pieces that I had cut off some High Rise bodies that I was going to experiment with but never have gotten around to it. And might even be similar to what AGD was doing to the last black bodies they were doing when they abandoned Teflon coating as too expensive and to prone to damage. Might be.

12-18-2003, 06:19 PM
I'm waiting on my materials qoute, but from what I've seen it would be very cost effective.

I'll post what I find here. Btw, what kind of SS is used in the 'mag bodies?



12-18-2003, 06:39 PM
I seem to remember, he said the end result wasn't as good as he expected. make sure you get your hand on some finish samples before committing to it.

50 cal
12-18-2003, 11:22 PM
I don't think mag bodies will take black oxide. Black Oxide is primarily for carbon steel based materials like found on most firearms. I've had a few pistols black oxided and they will rust quick if not oiled and kept up pretty faithfully.

If mags have higher stainless contnt, it probably won't coat very well.