View Full Version : Hey guys can you help me out?

12-18-2003, 08:33 PM
Well about 3-4 years ago I used to play paintball all the time. Thats when everyone was usin cockers, mags, and anyone who had as angel was o0o0o ahh awsome. No one had all these electronics guns. Anyways away from the story, my mag always used to leak air out the back of the gun. I got a rebuild kit thats like 17$ and replaced everything I could find and it still leaks. After every shot, it makes a pftt sound and rite around 280 fps it leaks a lil air out the back. I was reading around here and people were sayin it could be the reg seat o ring? Something like that? And if it wasnt that isnt the reg seat? Sorry if I am getting all the terms mixed up Im trying to get back into paintballing. If anyone could help me, or point me where I need to buy something new that would be great! Thanks guys

12-18-2003, 09:27 PM
Replace your reg piston.

12-18-2003, 10:59 PM
by any chance could i replace it with this and it would work ne better?


If not what would I buy to make it good

12-18-2003, 11:04 PM
Get the one from the AGD store instead.

Classic Valve--
