View Full Version : Blazer or Jeep?

12-19-2003, 05:22 AM
ok so I'm sitting at work minding my own buisness and someone starts raging on jeeps, my jeep specifically. While I really could care less he goes on to tell me how much superior a blazer is over a jeep. Anyway, after talking to him a while I was amazed at this mans ignorance toward anything that wasn't a chevy. So I though about it a little bit and decited I needed to see what popular opinion is on the subject. The results will not sway me one way or the other. I have my opinion and can provide facts proving it. But just for giggles.....

Aside from price, features and looks, which vehicle do you think is the tougher truck? A Chevy Blazer or a Jeep ( ANY jeep )

12-19-2003, 09:16 AM
Just ask this Chevy zealot, which of the two vehicles in contention served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and other conflicts? Which of these two vehicles started out as a hardcore military "get the job done regardless" vehicle and which started out as a station wagon? Ask him which of the two vehicles started the entire "off-roading" craze.

[The answer to that last question is the Jeep. When our soldiers cme home after WWII they wanted something that could help them get away from it all. They wanted some of their old wartime Jeeps and as a result they were made for public purchase.]

Also, let this buffoon know that the word Jeep is a bit of an acronym. In 1938 the Army held a competition for a new reconnaissance vehicle. Willys-Overland submitted a design and their model went on to become what we know as the General Purpose Vehicle (the acronym is GPV). For ease it was referred to as the "GP" or Jeep! This is similar to the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles being called HUMVEE's. BTW, The Humvees are also made bythe compay tat originated it all.

Detailed History of Willys-Overland - Jeep - AM General (http://www.humvee.net/misc/history.html)

Tell this buffoon that his blazer is a joke. It's a nice family car for taking "paths" but could never find it's own path like the Jeeps can!

12-19-2003, 09:36 AM
this is all a matter of opinion.

personally, i think MY blazer/sliverado would dessimate most jeeps. I say most, as my truck has no signifigant lift on it, as you usually see most jeeps having. just remember, theres always someone better that comes along.

personally, being a chevy guy myself, I would take the blazer, dump my life savings into it (gee, i wish i had a life savings.. ;) ) and make it the meanest off-road machine youve ever seen. man, i love the mud.


12-19-2003, 09:42 AM
you do know that ever half of the GP's in WWII were made by ford? willy's and ford both coppyed the bantam design and because they could build more faster, they won the contract. and trying to copmare today Daimler Chrysler pile of crap with vehicles like the M38, is an absolute joke.

i cant believe this, it is just like paintball. buy a name and call it "trail rated" and everyone will buy the hype:rolleyes:

one thing for you to think about, Hasty8, when you see people in the amazon, or deserts, do they drive jeeps? no, they dont. they drive landcruisers and land rovers, where if their vehicle leaves them stranded they die.

Heat, all that matters is which you like better. everyone you ask is gonna tell you things like the chevy guy you talked too, thier oppinion. do some research, test drive each of them, and buy whichever one you like best. just dont buy into the hype.....

ps, Hasty8, i dont think you realize this, but what was used by the military after the jeep? the CUCV 5/4 ton pickup, built by none other, than chevy.

12-19-2003, 09:53 AM
Joez, how many GPV contract has Ford/Chevy won and how many has the AMG companies won? And Ford was only given a sub-contract to help keep up with the demand. They did not build and supply the military with their model. What they were building was the Willy-Overland model.

True, Ford did build the first true purpose "truck" but in all reality Jeep and it predecessors have been involved with the miltary since around the 1920 - 1930's.

That being said, I agree with you. Preferrence, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I hate what most "off-road" vehicles have become. I grew up in a 1970's Suburban and remember well the tanks they used to be. As a matter of fact, I still have my grandfathers M38 GPV that he was able to bring home from WWII and can honestly say that it runs better than most Jeeps I see today.

As for the Land Rovers, there is simply zero comparision between them and either a modern Jeep or Blazer. Those things are insanely tough.

I remember seeing a video clip of a guy in California who stole a Rover and was being chased by cops. They blew his front tires with a stop strip and yet he continues to drive for about another 20 miels or so, on the front axle.

A local rover dealer bought the vehicle to display in his showroom to demonstrate the "tough as nails" nature of that particular British beast.

Big'n slo
12-19-2003, 09:58 AM
Hmm... and who owns "Land Rover" eh? ;)

12-19-2003, 10:04 AM
Ignore that "Chevy" guy.

Argueing with him will be like starting a Mags vs. Cockers argument. People have their favorites. They put a personal stake into their arguements They must therefore be right or their world makes no sense.

P.S. JEEPS RULE!!!!!!!!!!:D

12-19-2003, 10:12 AM
Ford bought Rover about two years ago I believe. Unfortunately, this means nothing. It's like saying that Ford is responsible for making the Jaguar when in fact they were both nothing more than buy-outs.

What's your point?

Big'n slo
12-19-2003, 10:15 AM
Your absolutely correct... I have no point, but I am a die hard Ford guy. :p

12-19-2003, 10:17 AM
:squints at deadeye:

ive driven both, beat the hell out of both, and chose my truck. after all, it is personal preference.. just like paintball. :) I cant count how many times I have had to pull a "jeep owner" out of mud they thought their jeep could roll right through. granted, their jeep was all stock and no balls. more recently, I had to dig my brothers jeep out of the mud because he got stuck 4 wheeling.

im not saying i dont like jeeps. thats not it at all. as a matter of fact, i think jeeps are great, but for 4 wheeling only. they are excellently built stock to just build up to a 4 wheel monster. and on the same note, i do have plans still to buy one and rebuild it.. so :p

so, in conclusion heat. go find a blazer to drive. then make your decision. dont listen to any of us! :)

12-19-2003, 10:23 AM
Military surplys HUMVEE with a nice set of Mattracks (http://www.mattracks.com/). Then I can go anywhere and do just about anything.

12-19-2003, 10:24 AM
i didnt think anybody else knew that ford owned land rover. ford didnt want to brag about that one, for fear of people viewing it as a ford and no longer wanting a rover.

and no, it really wasnt fords vehicle, but the ones made by ford still have the ford emblem stamped in the tailgate. even though they used the "go devil" engine, and not their own.

actually, if you count GM as a whole, they actually have had quite a few military contracts (they own AM general).

in reallity though, no new trucks are built like they used to be. i have a second gen full size blazer, and a first gen 4x4 toyota, and i have yet to drive a new car or truck that feels as well built as either of those.

one other thing to read is consumer reports, see how each of the suv's you are looking at measure up in terms of reliability. i think after reading about both of those and see the reliability you should go look at a 4-runner. j/k:D

12-19-2003, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by joez
i didnt think anybody else knew that ford owned land rover. ford didnt want to brag about that one, for fear of people viewing it as a ford and no longer wanting a rover.

Actually they brag about it. Check out www.ford.com! It shows all of the brands that Ford owns including Land Rover, Volvo, Jaguar and Aston Martin.

and no, it really wasnt fords vehicle, but the ones made by ford still have the ford emblem stamped in the tailgate. even though they used the "go devil" engine, and not their own.

Actually the new Land Rover was designed by BMW. It is even using a BMW engine in it.

actually, if you count GM as a whole, they actually have had quite a few military contracts (they own AM general).

Do they own AM General? I thought they just had a marketing agreement.:confused:

12-19-2003, 10:51 AM
AM General was purchased by the Renco group from the LTV Copr in 92. This pruchase is rumored to have been spurred on by the rumors that the military was going to extend the AMG contract for another 150,000 Humvee's [which it subsequentally did]. Renco still owns AM General to this day.

12-19-2003, 11:11 AM
I voted blazer. I have never heard of a jeep paintball marker. :)


yes, I know what he was talking about, I just had to try to be funny.

12-19-2003, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
I voted blazer. I have never heard of a jeep paintball marker. :)

yes, I know what he was talking about, I just had to try to be funny.

I was thinking the same thing at first glance.;)

But I voted Jeep as a whole over the Blazer.


12-19-2003, 12:01 PM
I personally would go for a blazer instead of a jeep. I know that a jeep sucks at pulling trailers or whatever. My step moms jeep can not pull anything onless she wants her whole bottom pulled out.

12-19-2003, 01:53 PM
I'd go with the old Full-size blazers over any Jeep.

The biggest reason I quote is that the full size Blazer's and Jimmy's had optional diesel engines, therefore they last forever. :)

Besides that, you can fit more in a full sized Blazer. Those would be the only two good reasons I can think of.

You should lump the Suburban in that group of Blazers, since they really are just lengthed Blazers/Jimmys, or the other way round :)

If you don't like big trucks, and don't care for diesel, it's a toss up.

12-19-2003, 02:49 PM
well here's my story. My borther and his wife until recently were both driving blazers. the 95 caught an engine fire and blew up this summer and the 98 has what I like to call auto 4 wheel drive. Since chevy had the great idea to use a button to switch to 4 wheel the thing had some problem and doing 60 on the interstate the thing would flip into 4 wheel. of course it can't swtich at that speed so it was a loud grinding sound until we could get in down to about 35 and then it would lock up all 4 and slide down the shoulder till we got down to about 20-25 mph.

I've driven blazers... they are more roomy then my cherokee, but they are junk like most suburbanite vehicles they start to fall apart at about 90-100k miles, stuff like the cigarett lighter getting stuck, tranny giving ppl headaches, the stereo shorting on something causeing the rear speakers to go out. blown front speakers, Air compressor seizing up front suspension needing an overhaul.

While you hear about jeep with 200k+ miles on them the only one I have actually ridden in is a 87 that a guy from work owns. While it has 240k miles on it... it's got worn out seats and coffee crusted to the center console from a hard break and a lazy owner.

I bet you can't find a blazer with 200k miles on it that still runs and if it runs, it's pry burning oil at a quart a tank.

In my mind it's absolutly clear which of the two is going to survive the other....push button 4 wheel drive... baaaaaaaah humbug

12-19-2003, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Heat
I bet you can't find a blazer with 200k miles on it that still runs and if it runs, it's pry burning oil at a quart a tank.

Um, mine's got 440k on it, (440,000 miles) and probally goes thru a quart in every 3k miles.

The body and inisde IS shot to hell however. And you can be sure I don't have no push button 4x4.

12-22-2003, 05:44 PM
Jeep unless its a liberty. Ewwww

12-22-2003, 05:57 PM
If I didn't care how long the vehicle would last, and if I was doing straight up off-roading, I would take a Wrangler. I would never consider any other type of Jeep.

On the other hand, if I wanted a more quality car that will last longer, at the sake of some off-road performance, I would go with a Blazer.

Honestly, it is all personal opinion.

12-22-2003, 06:00 PM
Mmmm..Jeeeppp...yay, only 15min. and I'm off..get to drive my baby again! :D (Wrangler)

It's like an addiction...who needs crack when you've got a Jeep? :cool:

12-22-2003, 08:55 PM
J ust
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:D :D :D :D