View Full Version : NPPL Super 7 Post Impressions

08-11-2003, 01:02 AM
Hey guys, just my opinions on the NPPL Super 7 series in NJ. Yes, the mud was as bad as all say, it was probably worse, especially in the players area. Heh. Reigstry and all that was a zip thanks to the good staffing, I even got my card within a few minutes of telling the people at the registry who I was. The fields were pretty nice setups. The bunkers being incredibly small usually, and the fields having lots of lanes to shoot at, it was actually quite incredible to play. Being my first major tourny and tourny altogether it was easily the best competettion to start out with. The team (Melee) only won one game, and that was against RM. I think we played very well though, small dumb things is why we lost the other games, usually to about a guy or two left. I watched Pride play, and couldnt be more pleased with their showing of mags. YOU GUYS HAD TO HEAR ALL THE PEOPLE SAYING, look at those things! And Bea playing with them also showed that we arent ignorant to other markers. I also met Bea, shes a very kool person and man she can play, dont be fooled! As for vendors, there was a decent amount there. Not as many as I thought, but each vendor there brought more than enough to get crazy over. And yes, the new Angels are the real deal. Although the IR4 bolt kinda looks like the Level Ten bolt, heh. Well thats about it for me, if anybody else has anything to say about the tourny just post it here, I dont think people should put it down as much as they did. The mud and location werent very much, but the experience was great. - Matt (AKA That kid with the Green Jersey and ULE RTPX, :D )

08-11-2003, 01:20 AM
You won your one game against RM!? Holy smokes guys - you must have been hot that game, as RM won rookie for the fourth consecutive time, plus they beat the Am team they drew. They bashed us (Machine) pretty good on the angel field when we played them though I got two out of the zipper and I think our back left got another before the world came down on us.

08-11-2003, 02:42 AM
Heh, yep we beat em, thanks. All event I was just hearing how they are ..sandbaggers, so dont let the loss to em getcha down. Im not sure if you remember but we were the first team you guys played, on the NPPL Field. We got rolled, good playing though fellas! I remember seeing one guy with no marker that game? Heh, thats a flagrunner for ya. OH YEH, also. My Level Ten Middle Spring, snapped after the first day of playing, anybody else experiencing this? I remember Halliday saying it could happen. :D

08-11-2003, 07:09 AM
The springs will break after a while, yes. Its good to keep backups since they don't last forever.

08-11-2003, 11:27 AM
The guy with no gun's eblade went down so he ran around the field filling people's hoppers for them and passing on all the calls. The joke around our team was that it was his best game of the tournament, which probably isn't fair but it's still funny so he'll have to live with it.

Kaiser Bob
08-11-2003, 11:34 AM
I have to give Jim Drew props, he showed real sportsmanship at the event yesterday. They were chronoing in with the other team in the finals, and one of the guys on the other team had a timmy with uncontrollable bounce and couldent get it fixed, so Jim helped his opponent that he was facing in the finals get his gun legal to use. Good form Jim :)

08-11-2003, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by wobbles82
My Level Ten Middle Spring, snapped after the first day of playing, anybody else experiencing this? I remember Halliday saying it could happen. :D

Wow, me and the NPPL somehow linked. Funny how I don't think I will ever have the chance to even see a NPPL tourney game live.

Yes, my LX middle spring has snapped too. Just a coil or two, but I though these new springs lasted forever?

08-13-2003, 07:20 PM
I have to give Jim Drew props, he showed real sportsmanship at the event yesterday.

Thanks... it's a Karma thing. :) I fix all markers if I can, no matter if I make something for them or not.

Melee beat us. Our guys had a some traction problems on the break. Fresh straw on top of foot deep mud makes for some slippery fields. I made it into my bunker, but was not able to do much good because I had repeated barrel breaks from the paint swelling (humidity issues) and I managed to drop my squeegy moving to another bunker. Melee played smart and took us down one by one. It came down to myself and the other back, who momentarily looked down his wire instead of staying crossed up. That is all it took... Melee shot him out and then hunted me. I shot one player out on my cross before I got bunkered. It was a good game, and Melee deserved the win.

As far as the sandbagging rumors... that's a joke. The guys on RM have been playing tournament ball as long as I have... which means all of last year playing the 200 round limited paint events and that's it. No previous NPPL or PSP experience. NPPL would not let RM signup as a Novice team, even though they tried. If the Rookie series is locked up for sure, RM will either play Am or Pro at the next event. RM has not lost to a single AM team this year, and has beaten the current Novice leaders several times. It's time to move up, it's just a matter of how far.

08-13-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by WickedAirSportz

RM has not lost to a single AM team this year

I heard my boys from Next Level beat ya?

But yeah, you guys are killers, definately a good showing this season!

08-13-2003, 08:00 PM
I heard my boys from Next Level beat ya?

Ummm... no. They had a higher score, but they did not win. We got ref'd (much like the entire event due to the NPPL not wanting to pay up on the prize package - long political mess).

In that game, it came down to one on one and our player shot the last player out, who then spun on him. The ref wiped our player and told him to continue. So, he walks (and I mean takes 2 frickin' minutes), gets the flag and finally hangs it. While walking, he was chatting with one of the refs even... the ref at the start station said he had an obvious hit on his mask... it was a smear from the other ref wiping him off. The ref that wiped him, argued that he wasn't hit... but the head ref said too bad. I asked for the head ref to call Phil (the ultimate judge), and the ref told me "no, go find him yourself". THEN, to top it off, the ref pulls two players from the other team's dead box and hands them the flag and tells them to go hang it!

It was a sign of things to come for our team.

The NPPL is screwing teams out of the prize packages. The Rookie division is suppose to receive prizes worth "$10,000 cash value". What a joke... the car in Huntington was appraised at $3,500. The prize package in Las Vegas was $6,200. The prize package in Chicago was $4,200. The price package in New Jersey was $1,200. These are all full retail cash values. Because Team RM is standing up for the players, the NPPL is having a fit. Team RM has settled for 50% of the advertised (printed) value and has received $5,000 at each event. Chuck Hendsch stated that this event would actually be the full $10,000 retail value. We shall see. At any rate, causing a stink is getting us no love - I mean we were getting pulled for splatter. It came down to where if something was even remotely close we just left the field without even asking for a paintcheck. It made us that more determined to win this event.

08-13-2003, 08:14 PM
Wow. You guys really make me want to start playing tournies..... not.

Pay my entry fee and get the shaft? How about I just cut out the middle man and flush my money down the toilet?

I do like hearing the stories :)

Kaiser Bob
08-13-2003, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError

I heard my boys from Next Level beat ya?

But yeah, you guys are killers, definately a good showing this season!

Next Level are your boys eh? One of them gave me crap about saying his gun had too much bounce... went crying to Dave to no avail...