View Full Version : Steven Segal in Paintball?

12-27-2002, 04:01 AM
Does anyone remember reading a story about how Steven Segal was involved with some marker manufacture a few years back? I think it was smart parts, but I can't remember right now.

The article was about how he was trying out a new gun and shot it at differnt targets in his backyard...

Anyone please? :) :confused:

12-27-2002, 06:45 AM
I believe Smartparts' site said he was shooting an Impusle. (According to PBREVIEW). I can't find the actual article though. Sorry.

12-27-2002, 03:00 PM
Steven Segal in Paintball

OMG:eek: Why him?

12-27-2002, 09:14 PM
Yes it was smartparts and he was shooting an impulse. I thnk the artical was something called paintball goes hollywood.:(

12-27-2002, 11:26 PM
here is a link to the article on WARPIG.com. This is a much shorter version of what I had read several months ago. I'll try and find the whole article.

link (http://www.warpig.com/paintball/articles/news/051902sp.shtml)


12-27-2002, 11:32 PM
Woohoo, Thank you Sinistarr.

I found the full link from the WARPIG website. http://www.smartparts.com/sphollywood.htm

12-27-2002, 11:33 PM
Yep, I remember that. I found it really pathetic.

12-27-2002, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by Riotz
Woohoo, Thank you Sinistarr.

I found the full link from the WARPIG website. http://www.smartparts.com/sphollywood.htm

yep, thats the one I read, couldn't find it... brain lock...


12-28-2002, 02:04 AM
God...why would they use him as a spokes-person for paintball...

Anyone but him...

12-28-2002, 01:15 PM
steven seagal is a retard

he runs like a friggin woman

and his movies r gay, especially "hard to kill"

12-28-2002, 01:19 PM
:confused: Whos Steven Sagal? :confused:

12-28-2002, 07:30 PM
Yeah I remember that. There was an article a few months back in a paintball magazine(I can't remember which) that had him playing in a game as well.

12-28-2002, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by bowser************
steven seagal is a retard

he runs like a friggin woman

and his movies r gay, especially "hard to kill" And you know that he has mental deficiancies, how? I am pretty sure he has all his faculties, so you must be making a belgerant, and self-exaulting remark. Interesting.

that would be your opinion of a woman running, not mine. Interesting.

keywords here - "his movies" - uh... are you making that kind of money acting? Interesting.

It's too bad folks have to judge and berate others for whatever reason. I am sure that Mr. Seagal has done nothing personal to you to warrant this kind of remark, and if you are in reference to his acting ability, I suggest you say that, and that it is in your opinion.

12-31-2002, 05:12 AM
It's too bad folks have to judge and berate others for whatever reason. I am sure that Mr. Seagal has done nothing personal to you to warrant this kind of remark, and if you are in reference to his acting ability, I suggest you say that, and that it is in your opinion.

I have to agree. I met and hung out with Steven for the night in Laughlin, Nevada - at one of his concerts (he is a rather good blues musician). I have studied and taught martial arts for more than 20 years now, so it was nice to chat with someone I knew a lot about before he became an actor. Steven was never an actor by trade, but I think (opinion) he has a done a good job for being thrown into the industry without any type of formal training.

By the way, if you ever get to meet Steven, just go stand next to him. He is one big boy at 6'8".

12-31-2002, 09:32 AM
Well, I kind of like his movies…. They are almost all the same, but it seems to work for him.

Acting abilities? No, I would not call him one of the “greats”, but nether was Stallone even halfway through his career. Rambo, now THAT is some great acting, right? How about Rocky? ;) But a lot of us still enjoy it for what it is. Same with Segals movies.

As for him running like a woman… I disagree. He runs like a 9 year old girl. ;) No matter how action packed or serious a scene is, when he takes off running I end up laughing. But don’t blame ME, after all, HE is the one running like that… not me. ;)

Now, as for folks talking trash about him…. Who cares? As an Actor, Politician, or any other “job” that puts you in the public eye, that goes along with the territory. Sorry. And since when have we gotten so PC on AO that no one can speak their minds? Heck, we can rip into other members, but NOT professional folks who make their money off of how we feel about them, how they look, how they entertain or don’t entertain us, etc.?

As for Segal being 6’8”… who gives a rats rear? I mean seriously, Arnold is 6’4”. Stallone is a good bit shorter than that if I remember correctly. Lee was also a short guy. And the list goes on. Heck, I am 6’4” as well! WooHoo!

And sorry he was not “thrown” into the Acting Industry.. it was a CHOICE he made… same as Chuck Norris and many other Martial Arts folks. Some are better Actors than others, but I am not going to sugar coat their acting abilities (or lack there of) because they are “nice folks”, or “great martial artists”.

But no, he is not the worst. IMHO that bald black guy who does Ti-Bo (sp?) has to be on the top of that list for me… I have never seen a single movie he did that was worth the time it took to watch…. But I am sure he is a “great guy” as well.

I don’t see a single post in this thread that is “out of line” or befitting a scolding. If the comments were made about a private person, I would agree that some things said may be a bit out of line… but when you make money by being in the public eye, comments like those posted in this thread go along with your paycheck. Actors know this, and deal with it… others should too. After all, as folks like to point out all the time…. this is only an online forum. ;) Relax.

12-31-2002, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by shartley
Well, I kind of like his movies…. They are almost all the same, but it seems to work for him.
[clipped part]
Now, as for folks talking trash about him…. Who cares? As an Actor, Politician, or any other “job” that puts you in the public eye, that goes along with the territory. Sorry. And since when have we gotten so PC on AO that no one can speak their minds? Heck, we can rip into other members, but NOT professional folks who make their money off of how we feel about them, how they look, how they entertain or don’t entertain us, etc.?
[clipped]My point wasnt about trash talking as much as it was about making statements that opinion vs fact. I don't happen to think he runs funny, for example; so saying that he runs like a woman or a girl, is not a fact, as the reader is lead to believe, but rather the poster's opinion, right? Can you "prove" he run's like a 9 year old girl? :D Do you have documented proof of what a 9 year old girl runs like? does that documentation hold true for all 9 year old girls? (hehehehehe, sorry couldn't help myself)

12-31-2002, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
My point wasnt about trash talking as much as it was about making statements that opinion vs fact. I don't happen to think he runs funny, for example; so saying that he runs like a woman or a girl, is not a fact, as the reader is lead to believe, but rather the poster's opinion, right? Can you "prove" he run's like a 9 year old girl? :D Do you have documented proof of what a 9 year old girl runs like? does that documentation hold true for all 9 year old girls? (hehehehehe, sorry couldn't help myself)
LOL That’s okay. I am not worked up over this anyway.

FACT: He runs in a style that is not seen used by most professional or amateur runners. To describe it, one might say it is an upright stance using locked arms bent at a slight angle and never coming close to breaking the horizontal plane (one might refer to the Peewee Herman dance in “Peewee’s Great Adventure".), however still maintaining limp wrists.

Now, some might not find this style of running “funny”.. but a lot of us do. :D

OPINION: As a point of light hearted comparison, it always reminds me of a little girl running (I have 3 daughters so I have a good point of reference. :D But I admit that each of them ran differently from the others.). It is definitely not the most energy efficient style of running, nor the most graceful. My father also runs really funny… he never extends his legs and it is more like a really fast walk… with a goofy look on his face. ;)

I don’t think anyone thought when it was said that he was “retarded” that this was a medical FACT. I think most people knew it was an opinion.

I don’t think when it was said that he ran like a woman, or a 9 year old girl, that it was a FACT, but that most people knew it was an opinion… and one derived by simple observation.

I know “I” am required to put disclaimers on MY posts, so that folks will not misunderstand my meanings… but can you imagine how it would be if I started going around and telling folks that they need to clearly state FACT vs OPINION? I think most of us are intelligent enough know the difference. ;) And if the reader can NOT… then they have far many more problems than possibly misunderstanding a post on AO. :D

12-31-2002, 10:34 AM
Paintball is FUN.
My mag shoots further than my cocker.
My blazer shoots further than my mag.
My Mega-Z shoots really fast.
My sniper II SC has perfect accuracy.
Steven Seagal is a good actor.

:) (insert chuckle and a grin)

12-31-2002, 10:36 AM