View Full Version : A Big Ao Welcome To.......

11-28-2002, 12:29 PM
The incomparable, and extremely talented, Miss BEA YOUNGS:)

Bea was a slotted member of the Femme Fatales, and now plays for as many teams as will fit into her schedule, not everyone can play full-time!. She is currently looking for another all-female team in the NPPL/PSP to join. Her full-on paintball career began in 2000, and has only brought her fame as a desired player, enabling her to rub elbows with some of the most famous players and industry honchos.

Her other main interest is DJ'ing major events, and someday soon will be cutting a CD for the rest of the world. You can catch her in February at the Paintball Expo in Pomona Ca., doing the honors on the mixing boards and turntables AND doing a fashion show...swEEt! She started DJ'ing while employed by JT in 1999, at their booths, after tourney parties, and corporate shindigs. She was recognised for her smooth talents, and has been offered studio time. But Bea has put the CD on the back burner for now though, while she makes plans to move back to Florida from Calli.

Right now she is looking into major sponsors, so for next year she will be shooting a Black Magic 'Cocker (HINT HINT, TOM!), and is leaning towards JT for her mask, VL for the hopper (WARPED HINT, TOM!), and Extreme Rage for her apparrel needs. No doubt she will ask for her custom colors of bright yellow and black...get it? Bea...bee? No doubt she will look hot no matter what she wears (sorry Bea, had to throw that in:) )

For all you So-Cals and Pan-Am players, Bea will be at the 2002 Las Vegas Pan-Am, 4-8 December, and I can't wait to meet her in person.

For more personal info, pics and history, click on over to her personal website (www.beayoungs.com), to see who she is....as if you didn't know already:)

Welcome to AO Bea, I am so glad you decided to hang around with us. Dave

..And remember to, BEAggressive!

11-28-2002, 12:36 PM
Cool. Welcome to AO Bea!

11-28-2002, 12:38 PM
Welcome to the fray! :D

11-28-2002, 12:38 PM
yup..she's actually been here for a little bit...she got into a little bit of a discussion earlier that was eventually deleted (for an unspecified reason)..oh well..

11-28-2002, 12:52 PM
welcome again, when you gonna post something?:rolleyes:

11-28-2002, 01:04 PM
(**POOF**) Tom has spoken.

11-28-2002, 01:06 PM
welcome to the madness that is AO!!!!! hope to hear from ya soon.

11-28-2002, 01:08 PM
Shooting a Back Magik are you? I thought you were a Smart Parts User. ?
Anyway, stick around for a while, we actually DO have some meaningful conversations about our beloved sport. at times :)

11-28-2002, 01:14 PM
Welcome to AO! Good luck on your paintball trials and tribulations!

Creative Mayhem
11-28-2002, 01:18 PM

I hope you enjoy the lunacy....:D

C Mayhem

11-28-2002, 01:24 PM
**My original post was edited by AGD. So I'll just remove everything for the sake of truth.**

I'll still welcome you to AO however.

11-28-2002, 01:24 PM
Welcome :D Have fun here it's a great place!

11-28-2002, 01:25 PM
WELCOME!! :D I've met you a couple times Bea, but you wouldn't remember LOL! :D Glad to have you aboard!!

11-28-2002, 01:25 PM

lol, Welcome to AO :p

11-28-2002, 01:28 PM
Restola..I'll PM you about it to, as Army stated, keep it out of this *happy* thread.

11-28-2002, 01:43 PM
Hi Bea,

Good to see you here (hug). As the old saying goes, "there ain't no place like this place". I hope you continue to stop by, you could develop your own fan club here!

How about an update on your non paintball doings?

Tom Kaye


11-28-2002, 01:45 PM

tom you been watchin just a bit too much mtv.......

11-28-2002, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
*EDIT Nope, mods didn't touch it. The starter of the thread took it down because of the rudeness of certain members. He didn't think their behavior was warranted. Army

Oh god, are we going to go into this now? FYI, I asked Thordic to start that "poll thread". It's not rude if you state your opinion and beliefs. Wow this even made classic :rolleyes:

EDIT: She actually thanked me for what I had told her and that she would try to improve.

Where's my thanks for making her come here? haha :D

Happy Thanksgiving all and Welcome Bea. (I said that in another thread that was removed.) I'll email you more later Bea. Lately, it's been hard to say what you feel here without it being removed. ;) :)

11-28-2002, 01:46 PM

Keep making an issue of this and you both will be banned. We are trying to warmly welcome a highly visible member of the paintball community. Don't push me.


11-28-2002, 02:25 PM
Drama, lets see if she sticks around for it. Welcome anyways bea.

11-28-2002, 02:39 PM
whats her AO name?

11-28-2002, 02:46 PM
Welcome to AO. make sure to dissable your PM's or you will be flocked by AO users asking for autographs:p j/k hehe

11-28-2002, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by yeahthatsme
whats her AO name?


11-28-2002, 04:15 PM
I'll toss in a welcome for the second time. Always nice to have higher profile players hanging around here.

11-28-2002, 04:20 PM
Welcome to the community! Hope you enjoy yourself!

11-28-2002, 06:02 PM
HEllo Bea, I officially welcomed you in the last thread, but i didnt think you saw it, as it was deleted shortly after. No difference, i asked that you be officially welcomed again! Im glad you were... So welcome bea.. stick around please. I personally loved how you handled your self, and your personality will be a great presence here on ao... As for the other high performance people here well..

We hae Clare "Capoeria" Benivides (new femmes player)

Manny "RiceRocket" Francisca (aftershock)

Tom Kaye

Chris Havlock(crossfire tanks)


Glen "Palidin" Palmer pops in every once and a while

Amy "graycie" Low from the fallen angels

and a few others i may be forgetting...


11-28-2002, 06:17 PM
Don't forget. Jon and the Long Island AO Day crew got Rocky Cagnoni to sign up for AO. :D

Welcome aboard Bea! (If you're in NJ, I look forward to playing with/against you!)

11-28-2002, 06:48 PM
WELCOME TO AO DJBEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope you emjoy your stay..

11-28-2002, 07:26 PM
Welcome Bea!

It's always nice to see an active pro female!


(I like your web site...it's very nice!)

11-28-2002, 07:51 PM
Welcome Bea!

You're so hot... :D

11-28-2002, 10:22 PM
umm.. welcome back...

back? I can't believe you left this wonderful family.. but neiter way... hehehe...


*big warm AO HUG*

(hope Devil's not watching)

11-28-2002, 11:11 PM
Welcome Bea.

11-28-2002, 11:25 PM
welcome to AO bea. i'm not really sure what's going on with all the edited posts so i'm just gonna keep out of it. Ao is like a big family. in order to keep the peace there's just some things that we don't talk about. i take it this is going to be one of those. :(

11-29-2002, 12:13 AM
Welcome to Ao bea. I am sure you will have a fun time here and talk to some nice and cool people. Good luck to you.

The Frymarker
11-29-2002, 12:38 AM

11-29-2002, 12:44 AM
Welcome to AO!

11-29-2002, 12:48 AM
*Hey Army..you don't have to edit my posts this time* Hi Bea..just wanted to say howdy, no ill will, ya' know..i've actually met you a few times..at CalJam2001, Paintball Expo (I asked you for one of the SP Target Stickers you were handing out) and I was the guy that was staring at you as you walked up from you car on the last day of the LA Pan Am..

11-29-2002, 01:22 AM
hey Bea - love the warez you put around the pb community - i sell quite a few of your SP posters :)

I also enjoy reading your PB.com posts

welcome to AO

splat entertainment
yellowknife, nt canada

11-29-2002, 02:11 AM
Welcome to the AO Forums, Bea.

11-29-2002, 05:04 PM
hola chica

yes, i do speak english, but i like to show my small spanish knowedge off when i can(because my engolish is crap-o-la)

11-29-2002, 05:12 PM
Welcome Bea!
I enjoyed talking to you on the "Keely vs Bea" thread,it was really cool.:D
You were very sweet and polite,despite the turmoil.;)
Thanks again for the pics of you and Keely,it was nice of you to post them.

11-29-2002, 07:34 PM

11-30-2002, 02:17 AM
Hi AO!

I missed the drama... I took a break from getting online because, quite honestly, I was afraid to! It was Thanksgiving and I didn't want to spend time with my family all depressed! Believe it or not, I am only human, and female, too, so you can imagine how "sensitive" I am to some of the hurtful responses of people who just don't understand who I am... I am glad I missed the attack! =)

But, it's all part of growing up, and to make it in this sometimes cruel world we live in, we have to be strong enough to put up with the not-so-great times in life.

Regardless, I am happy to be a part of a new group of friends to learn from. It's what I want out of life which is to meet new people, make new friends, and learn as much as I can while I am still alive!

I am making my way back to Florida, moving from CA during the month of December and trying to settle in as quickly as I can so I can get back into the Paintball Mix.

And as far as the music career is concerned, well, let's just say that I am making a big decision in my life, and because lately I have been more paintball then anything else, I am moving into a full-time career in paintball. Music will always be a part of my life, but not as heavily. Just trying to make a living, being happy with what I do, and paintball makes me happy (playing and reporting on it).

Thanks, again, for welcoming me, and for caring. Anything I can do to help educate and make it more entertaining, you know where to reach me.

This whole experience of joining because of Riotz' "encouragment" has definitely been a revelation for me!

Sincerely Yours,

PS I give you props Riotz! ;)

11-30-2002, 04:18 AM

Thanks for the welcome. You're a good man, Tom.

I am going to try my best to make it to Jungle, too, for the Scenario with you and Bud! That's terrific that you'll be here then!

I wish you continued success, Tom, and you deserve it, friend. Since the first time I met you and heard about your business, I have always admired your style and etiquette. You've got a good thing going and thank you for being so sincere and genuine.

Can't wait to see you again.


11-30-2002, 04:28 AM
Hi Restola... I didn't get to see what the discussion was about that was removed, and I didn't even realize that they removed the first thread that Riotz introduced to me, but at any rate, I probably don't want to know if it's something you didn't like about me. I apologize, if that's the case, and hope that you realize that I mean no harm to anyone.

Hi DirtyBunny - will you be at Tombstone this weekend or SC Village? I'll be at Tombstone this weekend; they've got an airball field now. Tombstone is where I'll be at on the weekends (except for the weekend of the Vegas Pan Am). Thanks for the welcome and for remembering me. See you again soon, I hope.


11-30-2002, 08:23 AM
Just to help you…..

You don’t need to keep attaching your Bee image with each post. If you want it as part of your signature, just take your courser and place it on the image in your above posts…. Then right click and view properties. Take the location you see there and put that in your Signature (using your user control panel) using the image tags the location, and then directly after it. Then you will not have to keep attaching it each time, and it will not take up any more server space than your original “attaching” of it did. ;)

Hope this helps…… oh, I also sent you a PM.

Welcome, again, to AO.

11-30-2002, 11:38 AM
Welcome Bea... we love the ladies around here.

Oh and don't worry about missing the drama-
there is plenty around here.

11-30-2002, 12:20 PM
yeh, trust me, there will ALWAYS be drama around here
almost like the LC......

edit**snoop came to mine with drama :)/edit**

11-30-2002, 07:20 PM
Welcome to AO, Bea. It's always good to see well-known paintballers posting on AO. I hope you decide to stick around. :)

As for the deletion of the poll thread, I deleted it as it was meant as a poll, and the discussion was getting WAY off the topic I had meant it for. Since I had originated the thread, I was able to delete it at my discretion. I didn't feel like having the negative comments in my thread, so I deleted it. The mods had nothing to do with it, if you have a problem, feel free to PM me about it.

11-30-2002, 08:45 PM
hay djbea;
welcome. I am pretty new here myself, but the folks round here seem to be (so far - :D) pretty good. I have even been "turned to the dark-side", or so my fellow Palmerites would say, since I have acquired a couple mages since joining.

You probably don't know me from Adam, and I am finding that there is a whole new world of names that I have never heard of since joining here. (sorry, never heard of you before I read a couple threads mentioning you, recently) I get kidded about it alot, since I have been playing paintball since, just about the beginning in the early eighties, and still don't recognize names. :D so this may seem stupid, but I am glad that there are folks like you and Capiera (of the female variety) that play paintball and have acquired at least some notoriety.

Anyway - just wanted to say hay, and welcome.

11-30-2002, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
if you have a problem, feel free to PM me about it. You got a pm! :D

EDIT: You viewed it before I could resend. I don't feel like starting another post.

11-30-2002, 10:45 PM
Nope, you canceled it :)

tunaman jr
11-30-2002, 10:50 PM
im sure you will
hope to see you at some of blackcells practices
get the info from riotz...he will be glad to inform you.
actually he might be nervous about gettin bunkered by the greatest of all female paintball.;)

11-30-2002, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by djbea
Hi Restola... I didn't get to see what the discussion was about that was removed
I was merely asking what people were so mad at you for.

Perhaps the topic will come up in a more appropriate place.

Thanks for responding.

11-30-2002, 11:10 PM
SHE SPEAKS!!!!!!!!!!

anyways, welcome and i look forward to many more posts:D

11-30-2002, 11:12 PM
Hi Bea! Welcome to AO, the most addictive place in the world!

I hope you continue to stop by more often. We will look forward to conversing with you on a whole array of topics and I'm definite you will be pleased with the contributions by our members. These forums are not just exclusively for paintball talk, but to bond and become a family. :)

Best Wishes,
Clare Benavides
AGD Spokeswoman

11-30-2002, 11:32 PM
aww....you signed your post with "AGD Spokeswoman"

how cute ;)

11-30-2002, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by kevmaster
aww....you signed your post with "AGD Spokeswoman"

how cute ;)

She was just making a formal professional introduction to a well known paintball personality. Afterall, this is a "welcome to ao" thread. :)

Jeffrey Bouquio Jr.

12-01-2002, 12:17 AM
Welcome Bea. I read your posts at paintball.com. Not really a fan but your posts on AO are starting to turn me into one :)

Don't worry AGD that doesn't mean I'll ditch my mag for a Shocker:D

12-02-2002, 01:18 AM
Does this mean you'll ditch SP and start shooting a mag? :)


12-02-2002, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by TNS2k2
Welcome to AO. make sure to dissable your PM's or you will be flocked by AO users asking for autographs:p j/k hehe
More like a date ;) Hmm i might just have to send ya a PM lol

Welcome to AO theres sum wierd peopel around here(me) so watch out ooooooo scary haha ..........

12-02-2002, 11:10 AM
Welcome to AO.


12-02-2002, 02:47 PM
Welcome to the Forums Bea.

I remember hosting a get togeather game in October, and among many of the prizes I gave out, there were 2 Signed posters of yours. Those were the most desired prize at the raffles. I never got a chance to e-mail that to you, thought you might like to know.

I look forward to reading more of what you have to share.

12-02-2002, 04:48 PM
Welcome to AO Bea!

Hope things go well for your move. Looking forward to seeing you on the fields!


12-02-2002, 06:04 PM

I had the opportunity to meet this fine young lady at the Sac Pan-am stock game. She is truly a very nice person. And a great envoy for our sport. Keep up the good work

12-02-2002, 06:37 PM
Hi AO...

I am gettin' ready to travel to Vegas for the last Pan Am of the season and if I don't respond right away, it's because I am on the road, at the tourny, or not able to find a place to get hooked to the internet! I will try to reply again as soon as I can. I do see what you write and do read it, too. I care... =)

I really want to say again how thankful I am that you all are as friendly as you are. And Clare, thank you especially for welcoming me to the family... I can see from the replies that people truly have bonded and have learned alot from each other. Hopefully, I will get a chance to play with you sometime since I am moving back to FL. I am talking with Tami again about maybe joining Femmes again, but I would really like to play Amateur. Maybe she'll consider putting an Amateur team together?! =) We'll see... =)

Hi BRONT! - If you need more posters, I will send them your way... I have some left and would like to give them away before December... my sponsorship with SP ends this year and if you need some more, let me know. Just email me with your address and I will try to get them out to you as soon as I get back from Vegas.

If the AO forum wants some free posters, too, I can sign as much as I can and get them to the moderator and you all can coordinate it with Army or something. It's a good sketch board and also makes for a good dart background for those not too fond of the poster! My boyfriend hates it... he uses it just for that reason! =)

Anyway, I have another poster out by Paintball Expo and like it mucho better-o. That's what I would have liked in the first place by SP, but that's what their Art Director wanted! =) Check out the image and let me know what you think.

RamboPreacher - What's up! Thank you for posting. I am still learning who's who in paintball and when I first started meeting people in paintball through Tami Adamson, I didn't realize I was meeting such incredible figure heads in the community of paintball until I started getting more and more into the industry. It's really a blessing, too, and I am honored to know most of them. But, trust me, sometimes you are better off not knowing some of the "gossip" in the click of tournament ball. It gets to be a bit overwhelming and disheartening at times, learning about the negatives and the conflicts within. Sometimes it would be much easier if everyone could just get along and do it for the "greater good" of paintball, but as we see it in society, as well, it's not always that easy... I know we will get to know more about each other through this forum, and I have much to learn from people like yourself who have been in paintball much longer than myself. Thank you, again.

Hi Aaron-mag - thanks for getting to know me and I, too, look forward to getting to learn more about you. I really like the Automag site for its a good place to talk about stuff that really matters to us, and in this case, it's paintball. I have a couple of things I'd like to get your input on (this means all of your input that are members here). Things like what your thoughts are on forming a true paintball players union where you the PAINTBALL PLAYER have more say on what's going on the tournament scene at a national level. I will get more into that after Vegas and will have to ask Army how to start that kind of thread.

Hi Thordic - I really didn't know what happened with the thread and you're right; you should have full rights to do whatever you want to something that you started. You started it, you finish it! =) But, I didn't mind, too, too, much that it existed. I just didn't feel that it was meaningful. I mean, to each his/her own, right? Different strokes for different folks! =) I got over it and honestly, it comes along with the territory of being in the position that I am in. No worries, mate!

Thank you, Shartley, for the welcome and most of all, your help. UGH! I was trying to figure out how to do that... let's hope I got it right this time! =) (True about saving space on the server, too - good call). And I am all for constructive criticism. When I play tournys, too, when I am shot out, I always try to ask the opposing team what I did wrong and if I stuck out too much, or what. Most of the time, they are happy to advise. Same here - if you all have a criticism of me, I hope that you feel comfortable enough to tell me and trust me, I will listen.

Restola - Do you think people are really mad at me? Why hate, right? It's the whole freedom to do whatever we want in this country we live in, but I think that it was just misunderstood or miscommunicated, whichever comes first, and I'm taking the time now to reevaluate to where it comes across more clearly. Thanks for replying.

I hope I didn't take up too much screen space! I wanted to reply to every single one. Thank GOD I type fast, and really, I love replying, as most of you can see from my Paintball.com articles. I have a feeling, however, that it probably takes up too much of my time where I forget about my job that pays me! =) It'd be soooo cool to just be in this forum all day and chat with you all, but duty calls in our lives and unfortunately, we can't!

Take care, and can't wait to meet you in person (if I haven't met you yet!).



12-02-2002, 06:47 PM
No problem.... you are halfway there for your signture though... you got your image to post without having to re-post it, but it is not in your signature spot yet. Take that same code ( how you got it to show up IN your post ) and add it to your Signature using your User Control Pannel (where you edit your profile and stuff).

Oh.... and check your PMs. ;)

12-02-2002, 07:30 PM
Hi, and welcome. I have a simple question. How do you pronounce your name? Thanks.

12-02-2002, 07:43 PM
Thanks for the Hookup Bea. I sent you my address as well as what I'd do with the posters. Got a charity event I'm going to before the end of the year, and those would make great prizes. And I've got a few other get togeathers that I can hand them out at as well.

You should let me know next time you make an appearance at CPX. I know you've been there a few times. I'd love to get a chance to meet you (As I'm sure many others would as well).

12-02-2002, 07:50 PM
Uh, Hitech?
http://www.automags.org/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=542310= BEE!

12-02-2002, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by djbea

Restola - Do you think people are really mad at me? Why hate, right? It's the whole freedom to do whatever we want in this country we live in, but I think that it was just misunderstood or miscommunicated, whichever comes first, and I'm taking the time now to reevaluate to where it comes across more clearly. Thanks for replying.

Just one man's opinion here, but from my experience with this great bunch of people, I don't think anyone is mad at you. I will be the first to admit that discussions on AO can get a little spirited, as I am sure Shartley can attest :D , however, I have yet to see anyone hold an actual grudge further than a particular thread.

It's just that considering how many different, intelligent and opinionated people there are on AO, one posts at one's own risk.


12-02-2002, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Army
Uh, Hitech?
http://www.automags.org/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=542310= BEE!

LOL!!! I don't have the images autoload so I didn't see that. Thanks. Should I delete my post, or let the "world" see how stupid I can bee? ;)

12-02-2002, 08:49 PM
Hummmmm, intelligent...good looking...actually plays paintball.....hot posters...types fast.... do I feel a party coming on???


12-02-2002, 09:09 PM
Welcome to AO!!!!

Originally posted by AGD
Hummmmm, intelligent...good looking...actually plays paintball.....hot posters...types fast.... do I feel a party coming on???


I believe so Tom:D

12-02-2002, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Hummmmm, intelligent...good looking...actually plays paintball.....hot posters...types fast.... do I feel a party coming on???

I'm finally getting my own party!! WEEEEE! You are the best Tom. :D :p haha

12-02-2002, 11:35 PM
theres always a reason for a party....and we can auction Blaze's items and give the money away...auction and a party all in one...woohoo!

12-03-2002, 01:38 AM
The next tournament Tom's at and most of us will be at, we should do something like have a get-together and meet up at a buffet kind of place and/or some kind of arcade game place where we can get to know each other! Or, just go to someone's hotel room and I'll bring my turntables and play some music and even give you a chance to spin some! Chips and Soda and we're all good to go!

OR perhaps we can do something like raise some money for the charity of Tom's choosing, pot luck sort of deal, raffle some prizes at the party, dance, do karaoke!, and simply have some fun!

Make it a regular thing, a meeting of the minds, even talk about the whole NPPL/PSP/XBall-Confucious Corner, and find a way to form a true union and finally have an organization truly after the paintball player's heart?!

I have my issues about the whole thing... seems that they are getting away from the reason why people go to tournaments in the first place. To me, it's sad... money seems more like an issue instead of realizing that if they remember to look after the pballer's heart, the money will follow. It's worked for people like Tom Kaye, Bud Orr, and why can't that same theory apply for an tournament series?

I am going to try to attend the NPPL Annual Meeting at Vegas this week and make sense of it. I support the idea of the Union and finding that refuge for paintballers in that organization. We just need to get more involved and run it like a true parliamentary-procedure-like juncture, with a President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Steering Committee, etc., etc., to meet more regularly, update the rules more often, and make the sport BETTER.

What do you think? And Army, if we could, perhaps start a new thread about it... I feel that this forum, the website of automags, can make a big difference and loud noise in making something like this happen.

In addition, I wish I had a million dollars so I could help be a moderator of such an organization, of which I am trying to offer a silent hand in. I'd rather be part of something big and inspirational and have no money, then have all the money in the world and be miserable trying to be a control freak... you know what I mean?! Maybe Tom could be the one to spark just an organization? Or help NPPL by making it a better Union for Pballers? Or maybe form the Players Union for Paintball (PUP)? =) Just an idea...

<3, djb


12-03-2002, 03:20 AM
Sup, Hi Tech...

My name is BEATRICE... Bea, for short... I use to get picked on ALOT in my younger years, well, even still to this day...

Aunt Bea (Opie's Aunt! Not that fat.... yet!)
Bea Arthur (yea, I know, the Golden Girls... I am not that tall, and don't have a deep voice...! But, she was a funny actress!)
be be gun (My family calls me Bebe, too...another nickname)
BB (Tami Adamson calls me BB and I call her TT, her niece and nephew named her that, too!)
Beat Rice (Being asian, that came up ALOT - the whole RICE thing... ugh!)
My brother had some mean ones, too, not to be mentioned here!

And that's how my name is pronounced... phoenetically it's "Be-Ah-Tris" or "Bee-Tris"...

Middle Name - ANN

Last Name - Youngs (My dad is "caucasian" - from the South Bronx of New York City - white guy... - Mom - Korean from the South in Seoul).

Thanks for asking, HI TECH! =)

12-03-2002, 03:41 AM
Same mixture as me!

12-03-2002, 09:21 AM
'Cue, you aren't from the South Bronx :) Its an ethnicity all by itself :)

12-03-2002, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by djbea
Or, just go to someone's hotel room and I'll bring my turntables and play some music and even give you a chance to spin some! Chips and Soda and we're all good to go!

woohooo!!!!! I'm there!!! My buddy writes Drum & Bass, we love it. I get to play with his gear when he's home. :) They play his stuff at Baktuns in NYC, ever been there? :D

12-03-2002, 11:07 AM
What up, Sis! Welcome to AO. Good luck with everything you got going!


12-03-2002, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Miscue
Same mixture as me!

You darn half asians! What an odd mixture....

PS Another one here....:D

12-03-2002, 12:37 PM
What's up Bea! Haven't talked to you in quite awhile...sorry about that! Welcome to AO, glad you came here. Hey, I sent you a PM so when you get a chance go check it out. Oh, BTW, I'm "Andrew, the artist from Missouri" (Man, I outta just make that my title when I talk to you. LOL)


12-03-2002, 02:09 PM
Thanks for clearing that up. However, after Army pointed out the obvious, I felt a little silly asking. For some reason every time I saw it I kept thinking Be - Ah.

As for starting something like a Players Union for Paintball, it's a very difficult thing. Any kind of successful organization needs, well, a lot of organization. That takes a lot of time. You need multiple people who work for the organization FULL TIME. That's the difficult part. Cause, of course, that takes money. That money has to come from players (whether directly, or indirectly). As we all know, paintball is expensive. Getting players to part with their hard-earned cash is difficult. Not impossible, but a formidable task none the less. I think it is a good idea (I joined the IPPA when it first came out, I was playing tournaments then). If you have a chance, ask Jessica Sparks about the IPPA. Good luck. :D

12-03-2002, 11:15 PM
I'm here... and it's cool! The arena looks good, I love the place they chose, and the fields LOOK good, but as far as how they FEEL... lots of protection is needed like doubling up on the pads! Fortunately, it's not on the same place as last year, where the dust was overwhelming, but it's on the old go-kart arena... right on the concrete where they laid a layer of astro-turf down, but no padding... there's some pebble rock, too, and lots of bumps on the surface... I have a feeling there will be some of us going to the hospital for sprains and broken bones... let's hope not, but it's highly likely...

I have to say, however, that Vegas is definitely a cool place to come for paintball, for sure, but perhaps the surface we are playing on is not exactly safe and sound due to last minute changes. Dan Bonebrake has the best of intentions, however, and I know he tries very hard to make it work, and it will. Us paintballers have played on stranger surfaces, I'm sure!

I've attached one pic for you to see at least what we have to play on... wish us the best... we're gonna need it!

Playin' Paintball...

12-03-2002, 11:24 PM
Hey Bea!

Heading out in about 8 hours, I'll see you there at about noon or 1:00:)

12-05-2002, 12:33 AM
How are you, Andrew?! I saw a couple of your replies here and am glad you still think of me often! I really hope things are well for you and am very sorry for being such a stranger, but call me up and I'll try my best to sum it up quickly! Continued success to you, bro...

HI MANNY! Oliver Lang, Chris Lasoya, Opie Dan, Marcus Neilson... are here and I am wondering, why didn't you grace us with yor fine Asian-self! =) J/K I know you live a long way from here, but seeing Chris is unusual because he's coming from Colorado? Isn't he?! Anyway, Chris isn't playing the Pan Am, just visiting, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did try to jump in the 5 man... it's all good. If a team plays him that has never had the opportunity to play against him before, it'll be a thrill! I played Oliver for the first time in a tourny... I have in practice, but a tourny is a joy! Opie sprained his ankle! Some dude on Novice team Strikeforce tried to go do him and in doing so, jumped over the bunker and landed on his ankle! OW! He's done for the rest of the tourny... but, at least no injury happened because of the terrain we're playing on! See you soon!


12-05-2002, 09:41 AM
i dident post earlier because well most of the big name people that "join" AO never really become part of the community here, alot of them dont even reply back to the welcome...but i am truly amazed. I would also like to welcome you to AO, and thank you for actually being part of our community!! thats mad cool. i hope to get to meet you some time!! and i would be willing to join any paintball players union i think the players need to have as much decision in the events as the promoters do, otherwise paintball will forever be all about the money. but im really happy to see you here, getting to play all the big events is my dream praticing and playin with the big boys, its always encouraging to see someone living that dream taking time to chat and cill with others still tryin to get there. YAY FOR BEA, good luck in Vegas and everywhere else!!

12-05-2002, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by djbea
How are you, Andrew?! I saw a couple of your replies here and am glad you still think of me often! I really hope things are well for you and am very sorry for being such a stranger, but call me up and I'll try my best to sum it up quickly! Continued success to you, bro...

Will do. :) And good luck to you in Vegas, Lady.

12-05-2002, 11:45 PM
Thank you for saying that, and I am going to try to visit as often as I can... sometimes, work gets crazy and I am working 18 hour days, but it's worth it because most of what I do is promoting paintball and making it fun not only for me, but for everyone involved.

Hope to meet you one day. We're done with 10 man... we did OK, but because of bad calls from the reffing, we were shorted... but, it's all part of the growing pains of paintball, right?! Reffing... ugh! I can't wait until 15-20 years from now when the reffing will hopefully get better... I don't blame the individual persons that volunteer themselves to ref (emphasis on VOLUNTEER). Reffing SUCKS and it's a thankless job, as we all know that have done it. Someday, it will get better, but for now, we deal with it by trying our best to outplay the cheating.

Paintball.com, Warpig.com, and Paintball2xtremes are here reporting on the event. PSP and NPPL organizers are here conducting their annual meetings, too, so be on the lookout for news about that soon.


12-06-2002, 01:06 AM

Bea, my mom is Korean too. Unfortunately my father is also Korean. :) (He's got the temper thing NAILED!)

Welcome to AO!

I haven't been a member of AO for very long, but I'm loving it here. Many people here are 'friends,' but I wouldn't call them family. More like awkward cousins. :)

Did somebody say posters?!?!?!

12-06-2002, 01:29 AM
Hi New CHING-GOO?! (means friend in Korean!)

Thanks for sharing that with me... when I was younger, I use to wish that I was all one or the other, not mix, but now, I appreciate the fact that I can enjoy both cultures...

See you soon, I hope!

Take care,


12-06-2002, 01:37 AM
Hi SHartley....

I wanted to say thanks again for teaching me about the IMG code... did I do it right? At the bottom, it's with my sig now!



Oh, and you'll never believe who I ran into at Vegas PAN Am! See Pic below... =P

12-06-2002, 01:44 AM
My Korean is HORRIBLE. My grandparents have to speak to me in very basic Korean. I can understand most of what's going on but I can't speak it very well. I used to be fluent, but I've lost it while I am at school.

I speak french better. :)

My family still can't say paintball. They think I play ping pong and think it's crazy that I spend over $50 each time I go to play ping pong. :)

Can you tell us more about your history of playing?

And what does a promoter like you do?

12-06-2002, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by djbea
Hi SHartley....

I wanted to say thanks again for teaching me about the IMG code... did I do it right? At the bottom, it's with my sig now!



Oh, and you'll never believe who I ran into at Vegas PAN Am! See Pic below... =P
No problem.... and yes, you did it perfectly. I am sure it is MUCH easier for you now since all you have to do is type your post. :)

WAS.... no comment. ;)

12-06-2002, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by nippinout
...My family still can't say paintball. They think I play ping pong and think it's crazy that I spend over $50 each time I go to play ping pong. :)

That's freakin' hilarious!

12-06-2002, 10:08 AM
woo hoo!

more koreans...i didn't know there were so many! glad to have you on board!


jae park

12-06-2002, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by djbea
Hi SHartley....

I wanted to say thanks again for teaching me about the IMG code... did I do it right? At the bottom, it's with my sig now!



Oh, and you'll never believe who I ran into at Vegas PAN Am! See Pic below... =P http://www.automags.org/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=549587

Is that the venerable (almost) Jim Drew of WAS. I'll be, I pictured more of a squirrely looking guy with glasses. You know the stereotypical programmer guy, that is always portrayed in movies.

EDIT: commas are, are friendds

12-06-2002, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by djbea
Reffing... ugh! I can't wait until 15-20 years from now when the reffing will hopefully get better...

Don't hold your breath! ;) From what I can tell it has gotten worse (certainly not better) in the last 15 years. It is my personal opinion that tournament paintball has taken a few steps backward in the last 10-15 years. The only positive step are the different "divisions". And that has a long way to go.

12-07-2002, 01:54 AM
To answer my Asian Brotha, Nippinout...
My history of playing:
Femmes Fatale, August 2000, started playing tournament ball from the beginning.
Femmes Accomplishments: When I was on the roster, we took 2nd place Novice at the Aruba Open 2001, 1st place at Ultimate Madness in 2001 (when I played with Tami Adamson, Keely Watson, Jeni Pisek)
We've played all the NPPL's, and now I play all NPPL's, PSP's, and Pan Ams
Next year, I am may consider the offer to play with Bushwackers Amateur team, not sure yet, and will be at all NPPL's, some PSP's, all Pan Am's, and maybe all Best of the West... we shall see. I want to play with my boyfriend, Mike Paxson, on a team that will play consistently. I will still jump around to different teams, too, because the primary team I will be on can't always afford to travel to all the ones that I try to go to. Playing lots of tournys helps my game.
I am playing 5 man with Amateur Bush Wackers right now, and didn't think that I was going to get to play 5 man because of reporting for PB2X, but thankfully, I got the chance and hopefully, will do better than we did in 10man.
I will try to go to some scenario games, too, and also smaller local tourneys.
I am coaching a paintball camp with Ronn Stern's Paintball Camp in the Summer of 2003.

A promoter like me promotes paintball in any way, shape, or form possible. I promote on behalf of my sponsors, and then I write as much as possible for the magazines and websites that I can submit my articles to.

Aloha, JAE PARK! =)

Well, you guys are not going to believe who ELSE I ran into... See the pic!

It's our moderator ARMY!!!

12-07-2002, 02:00 AM
PITO! Jim was alright, and had good things to say. I did ask around about him, too, and most of the people I spoke to said that his product is great. He is a smart guy, too, and very intelligent. It's hard to believe people sometimes because sometimes we ourselves fall short and don't have such a wonderful resume as say Jim does, but regardless, he's human, he's got to live his life, and find a way to support it. And, he's cool about what he does in paintball. He's playing the tournament this weekend, too, and it's great to see him get involved that way. He loves to play and this is good. =)

PITO, I'm a LEFTY, too?! I remember trying really hard in middle school to break the stereotype of leftys that we wrote sloppy... handwriting, that is... and I have to say, it's not too shabby!

Take care and hope to see you soon!

12-07-2002, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by djbea

PITO, I'm a LEFTY, too?! I remember trying really hard in middle school to break the stereotype of leftys that we wrote sloppy... handwriting, that is... and I have to say, it's not too shabby!

Take care and hope to see you soon!

I had that problem, my handwriting always turns out very small for some reason, but it is neat.

Are you going to Mardi Gras Open. I plan on it, woot!!!!:D

12-07-2002, 07:10 AM
Originally posted by djbea
PITO! Jim was alright, and had good things to say. I did ask around about him, too, and most of the people I spoke to said that his product is great. He is a smart guy, too, and very intelligent. It's hard to believe people sometimes because sometimes we ourselves fall short and don't have such a wonderful resume as say Jim does, but regardless, he's human, he's got to live his life, and find a way to support it. And, he's cool about what he does in paintball. He's playing the tournament this weekend, too, and it's great to see him get involved that way. He loves to play and this is good. =)
Bea, Bea, Bea….. We never said his products were not great. Our problem with Jim Drew is not his product, it is what he SAYS.

Also, the reason we have a problem with Jim Drew is NOT because WE fall short ourselves and may not have as “wonderful” resume as Jim does. LOL Give me a break. When people have problems with others it isn’t always because the person who does not like the other person has the problem………. Sometimes people deserve not to be liked because of what THEY do. I have seen you time and again contribute people’s dislike or displeasure with things on THEM. Might I suggest that thinking everything is just fine all the time and everyone is nice, and being super friendly to everyone all the time, may indicate a problem? Moderation is the key… being too far one way or the other can be a serious problem, as well as cause folks to dislike someone…. yes even being too nice can cause a negative reaction.

And we ALL have to support our lives, Jim Drew gets no points on my book for that, nor being human. …As well as him playing in tournaments, or him loving to play paintball. I am sure he would love to play baseball too if he could put a chip in a bat and sell it to every baseball team.

Glad to see you had a good time though. That is always important.

12-07-2002, 11:06 PM
This is supposed to be a happy thread. /me wonders what happened here...

Next insult will be moderated as "Disruptive Behavior."

12-07-2002, 11:42 PM
Welcome aboard to the best forum on the 'net! I never get to make it down to big tournaments. I live wayyyy too far away (Montana).

12-08-2002, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Miscue
This is supposed to be a happy thread. /me wonders what happened here...

Next insult will be moderated as "Disruptive Behavior."

Maybe I am misreading things but I don't see anyone being insulting above. I hope you don't mean my joke about half asians. As I said I am one of those weird mixtures myself:D

I think that Bea's picture of WAS was (redundant...sorry) poking a little fun at us. We have a thread about the two of them and so she snaps a picture. Great pics by the way. Speaking of being insulting I have to say that you look very cute in all the pictures (as all half asians do of course) except for that hideous tongue ring! I'll never understand those...:P :)

12-08-2002, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
This is supposed to be a happy thread. /me wonders what happened here...

Next insult will be moderated as "Disruptive Behavior."
I am with aaron_mag on this one.

Miscue, care to explain your post?

12-08-2002, 03:42 PM
Absolutely! Tasteless/rude/insulting commentary in a thread intended to welcome a new member falls under the category of disruptive behavior... There's a time and place for tactful bantering, but not in this thread.

"And we ALL have to support our lives, Jim Drew gets no points on my book for that, nor being human. …As well as him playing in tournaments, or him loving to play paintball. I am sure he would love to play baseball too if he could put a chip in a bat and sell it to every baseball team."

Now, as an outsider looking in... I would not understand why an insulting comment such as this is in a friendly welcome thread. Although this is an opinion, and we respect opinions of others, it crosses the line and that's the problem.

Note that I have made no edits or deletes, but as a pre-emptive notice I have warned of the continuation/elevation of such commentary.

I think an un-sticky is well over due...

12-08-2002, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
Absolutely! Tasteless/rude/insulting commentary in a thread intended to welcome a new member falls under the category of disruptive behavior... There's a time and place for tactful bantering, but not in this thread.

"And we ALL have to support our lives, Jim Drew gets no points on my book for that, nor being human. …As well as him playing in tournaments, or him loving to play paintball. I am sure he would love to play baseball too if he could put a chip in a bat and sell it to every baseball team."

Now, as an outsider looking in... I would not understand why an insulting comment such as this is in a friendly welcome thread. Although this is an opinion, and we respect opinions of others, it crosses the line and that's the problem.

Note that I have made no edits or deletes, but as a pre-emptive notice I have warned of the continuation/elevation of such commentary.

I think an un-sticky is well over due...
Bwah hah hah ha

That was good comic relief. ;)

I know you must have been joking, since Bea brought the topic to this thread herself. And since when did we worry about an outsider looking in? If folks read AO, they would know what it was about… again, not even mentioning that Bea introduced that topic into her own Welcome Thread (or better put, a welcome thread created FOR her). Heck, she has brought a few issues into this thread that are not covered by a simple friendly welcome thread. Many of which would have been good thread starters themselves.

And I would LOVE for you to explain what is “insulting” in what you quoted me saying? I DO think he would love any sport that he can sell chips for… and if you think that is insulting, I am sorry. That is, after all, his business. LOL

Have you been feeling well lately? For someone who seems to pride himself in “logic” you sure missed the mark this time. Is there anything us AO Members can do to help you?

12-10-2002, 01:26 AM
To set the record straight, I was playing paintball before I ever released any products for the industry. :)

Bea was an amazingly charming young lady. She has class, style, and a refreshing attitude. I was bummed that I didn't get to see her play. :(

Nope, no glasses. I have perfect vision (even after more than 27 years of sitting in front of a monitor). My vision was good enough to see the guy bunker me in the Ricochet night shoot game. ARGH! ;)

12-10-2002, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by WickedAirSportz
To set the record straight, I was playing paintball before I ever released any products for the industry. :)

Bea was an amazingly charming young lady. She has class, style, and a refreshing attitude. I was bummed that I didn't get to see her play. :(

Nope, no glasses. I have perfect vision (even after more than 27 years of sitting in front of a monitor). My vision was good enough to see the guy bunker me in the Ricochet night shoot game. ARGH! ;)
Oh yeah, this changes everything.... :rolleyes:

Thanks for clearing that up Jim. ;)

12-10-2002, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by shartley

Oh yeah, this changes everything.... :rolleyes:

Thanks for clearing that up Jim. ;)

Shartley you are such a bewb! An who is this "we" anyway? If YOU have a problem with someone why don't you just say that YOU have a problem with them and not try to drag the rest of us into it!

And anyone reading this thread can clearly see that Bea was trying to smooth things over and YOU want to turn this into the "bash WAS thread" AGAIN (and again and again ...)

I'd roll my eyes at you but they'd get sore!


12-10-2002, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by FatMan
Shartley you are such a bewb! An who is this "we" anyway? If YOU have a problem with someone why don't you just say that YOU have a problem with them and not try to drag the rest of us into it!

And anyone reading this thread can clearly see that Bea was trying to smooth things over and YOU want to turn this into the "bash WAS thread" AGAIN (and again and again ...)

I'd roll my eyes at you but they'd get sore!

LOL Yup, that was what it was. I forgot that no one can “not like” anyone, or even state that on AO unless the object of that dislike is Shartley. Then it is quite alright! ;)

“We”? I think you might want to read what I wrote again. ;) I was using “we” as a generality for all humans, and was talking about a generality in liking or disliking someone or something… not specifically Jim Drew. LOL Not to mention that I think you can easily find what I personally think of Jim Drew on many threads on AO, and I was not the most vocal about it.

Yeah Fatman, I hear you. Your points are taken for what they are worth. And note that I didn’t feel the need to label you in any way. ;)

Yup, you really showed me…. :rolleyes:

12-10-2002, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by shartley

LOL Yup, that was what it was. I forgot that no one can ?not like? anyone, or even state that on AO unless the object of that dislike is Shartley. Then it is quite alright! ;)

Sharley the martyr! It's pick on Shartley day!

Originally posted by shartley

?We?? I think you might want to read what I wrote again. ;) I was using ?we? as a generality for all humans, and was talking about a generality in liking or disliking someone or something? not specifically Jim Drew. LOL Not to mention that I think you can easily find what I personally think of Jim Drew on many threads on AO, and I was not the most vocal about it.

There's pleny on AO about how you feel about Jim Drew - its this that I was refering to ..

Originally posted by shartley

Bea, Bea, Bea?.. We never said his products were not great. Our problem with Jim Drew is not his product, it is what he SAYS.

Also, the reason we have a problem with Jim Drew is NOT because WE fall short ourselves and may not have as ?wonderful? resume as Jim does.

And again, while Jim may say whatever BS he says ... you love to wrap the AO mantle about yourself as if you somehow represent the rest of us. And then you like to try to explain it away ("liking or disliking someone or something? not specifically Jim Drew" - sounds pretty specific to me). Its alright with me if you don't like Drew or his company or his postings or whatever it is you don't like, but let's be clear its what YOU don't like, not what WE don't like.

Originally posted by shartley

Yeah Fatman, I hear you. Your points are taken for what they are worth. And note that I didn?t feel the need to label you in any way. ;)

Yup, you really showed me?. :rolleyes:

Of course you didn't label me, I'm too hard to label. Plus you never know which version of Mr. Hyde you're dealing with at any given moment. But rest assured I have no delusions of "showing" you anything. Unlike myself you are quite predictable. You will continue thinly veil your thoughts in intellectualism and insist on getting the last word.


12-10-2002, 11:07 AM
Thank you for hijacking MY thread, again, Sam. Very thoughtful of you to keep everything on topic, and not bring your personal attacks on another member....(and yes, I am being very sarcastic).

This attitude of your is the reason I deleted your first posts, and Tom had to delete your and your wife's next posts. This is NOT YOUR THREAD FOR YOUR PERSONAL OPINIONS ABOUT JIM, BEA, OR HOW AO IS RUN.

I asked you before to take it to another thread, but you insist on interjecting insults and poor taste into your posts on my thread. Well, as an AO member with certain abilities afforded to me, I am going to close this thread because of you. If I were not a moderator, I would save this thread, send an edited version to Bea, and then DELETE IT ENTIRELY, since the happy spirit of it has been tarnished by you.

I don't understand why you insist on pushing the limits. Dave