View Full Version : Advertising on YOUR marker

12-20-2003, 12:42 AM
I am getting sick of having everyones name etched into my expensive marker and after market parts. Many of the guns I see have 3 or 4 logos on them. I want to put a Kaner barrel set on my mag. My intelliframe says AGD, the barrel says WGP, god forbid I buy something else and have another name on my marker. Companies should just put on a sticker that can be removed. Even WGP screwed that up by milling in an oval for their logo to stick in on cocker bodies.

12-20-2003, 12:43 AM

12-20-2003, 12:45 AM
the AGD on the intellis is tiny.. who cares

12-20-2003, 12:45 AM
thats part of deal, you pay them, to advertise for them :confused:

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-20-2003, 12:48 AM
well how would other people know what barrel it is without a logo or name on it?

12-20-2003, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
well how would other people know what barrel it is without a logo or name on it?
They could ask you :)

12-20-2003, 12:51 AM
What the hell!??
That would get rid of any reason you would buy something from Evil or Dye!!
I live so I can prodly display how much of a consumer-whore I am!!

12-20-2003, 01:10 AM
Personally I like to SUPPORT the companys I buy from. I wouldnt care if my Xvalve said AGD in huge font instead of Xvalve on it. However, I dislike the 32* logo on my drop, mostly because I dont really like 32*.

12-20-2003, 01:55 AM
I kinda have that punk rock "no label" sensibility. I tend to agree in regards to how product branding gets outta hand. For the most part i think companies, as an option, should have available a "stealth" version or way of brandishing their logo.

What i find most disconcerting is when cool lookin/patterend jerseies are just totaly dorked, bye a sub-par lookin logo.

I like how it just says "X" on my Emag. It adds an air of mysterey to it.

12-20-2003, 02:24 AM
In some cases, I like it. In cases like the Ironman Matrix where there are two big logos milled in AND you end up paying for it basically since it's the fancier parts, that's weak. I'd rather get $150 knocked off the price tag and just have it milled flat.

12-20-2003, 09:29 AM
I don't mind little logos or anything at all, but I really hate on the empire timmy the big arse empire logo milled into it.

12-20-2003, 10:11 AM

Yea personaly i think its ugly and i like the older longer timmies. But who cares about logos? As long as the product works i could have a rainbows all over it. Seriously. Lets get real here.

12-20-2003, 10:14 AM
For me, I don’t mind branding. It is a part of business. However, I don’t think branding needs to be (nor should be) the main design focus as it seems it is with far too many paintball products.

This also applies to Jerseys for me. I understand the need for Jersey design to sometimes focus on the Branding, but the serious lack of non-brand focused Jerseys put out by the major companies is frustrating. Can you imagine walking into your favorite clothing store (minus places like Old Navy) and seeing every shirt or pair of pants have HUGE branding all over them? Can you imagine not being able to buy a pair of jeans or dress pants that didn’t have the manufacturer’s branding making up the majority of the material design? How about shirts?

How about other sports clothing? I have quite a few Starter products, and I can clearly see it is starter by the labeling, but the THEME does not focus on Starter Branding. I guess folks will not know that my Dallas Cowboys Jacket was made by Starter right? I guess folks will not be able to tell my sweatshirts and turtlenecks are made by Starter, right? I guess Starter will lose business because they didn’t splash their branding all over their products as the main design element?

My point is that paintball companies need to realize that they will not “lose” business if their branding isn’t the first thing folks see when they look at their products. If it is a good product, people WILL ask who made it. It is one thing to provide “brand loyalty” products designed to advertise a given company…. But I would like to see more generic products with smaller branding or badging that does not become the main focal point of the product.

I have thought many times… “That is a really nice XXXXXX. The only problem is that I would like it without the manufacturers logo as the main focal point.” And thus I do not buy it. I would bet that if they offered the same types of products with and without their massive branding, their sales would increase…. Not decrease because they didn’t get their logo in someone’s face.

12-20-2003, 10:25 AM
Why is there so much hating on the Empire timmy? I personally have never liked how ANY timmys looked, until I saw the Empire one. That just has a sweet milling. I think the logo fits the gun well. Maybe if you guys saw it in person you would like it better?
Manike's is awesome, I like the color :)
I dont mind branding on my paintball gun, unless its ugly.
However, I hate T-shirts with branding on them. They piss me off :mad:

12-20-2003, 10:25 AM
yeah that is one thing that really pisses me off in life. My whole whordrobe is logo free. What does that mean...? That means I can pretty much only wear pocket T-shirts and preppy clothes from JcPennies like St. Johon's Bay. They don't brand me when I wear their stuff.

Oh markers I am torn. My dark cocker has a little devil on the side. I like that very much. I have an unusual product that I spent extra on to not have the run of the mill. On that case I like a small subtle design.

But man I hate when people sticker the hell outta their makers and gear. I hate when companies cut a huge logo into their markers *cough* empire *cough* at that point it is no longer a subtle styling thing.. or worse with something like the NYX trix where the product goes above the base model. You want better then base (not better looking bot better performing) then you gotta have the hugeass logo.
I dont like it at all.

While I am on a rant... every frickin place is out of electro stock. Which means come january ever stupid 13yr old kid with moms credit card is gonna be throwing a wall of paint at me with his viking/matrix/etc. This bites.

*wanders off to go cuddle his pumpgun*

12-20-2003, 10:36 AM
i dont think i have any clothes (or products) that wouldnt look the same/as good without the logo. then again i dont have a jersey and i am a bit hesitant to buy one because i dont want all these logos on them i mean my 03 dye pants with the dye logo on the side is one thing but a whole jersey with the entire design on the back is something i dont like on any of my clothes. its still funny when people ask if my gun is an angel or something when it says on the valve "E-Mag" :D

12-20-2003, 10:39 AM
three words: buy generic products

12-20-2003, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by sneakyhacker420
three words: buy generic products
three words: I already do. (for some things)

My point was why should folks HAVE to buy “generic” products to get products that don’t have a company’s logo as the main design factor? I have to say that when it comes to Paintball Jerseys the BEST designs (IMO) come from the top companies, such as JT, Dye, etc. But they ruin a viable customer base by not providing that same quality without their logo’s as the largest part of the overall design.

I seldom to never buy “generic” clothing for every day use…. But virtually NONE of my clothing have the manufacturer’s logo as the largest focal point. Yet, every brand I purchase is VERY well known, and they do not lose business because they don’t FORCE you to either purchase their product with their logo as the main focal point, or buy some generic product from a company you are not familiar with their quality…. And that does not have as nice of designs (minus logo).

12-20-2003, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by sps16
thats part of deal, you pay them, to advertise for them :confused:
Ever hear of a t shirt?

I shop at wal-mart, not because I can't afford other things, but mainly because I wouldn't be advertising for large companies that I wish not to support. If I'm not wearing a blank shirt, it's the shirt of some sort of band in which I wish to advertise for.

12-20-2003, 11:09 AM
I like all the logos. I want people to know who I buy my gear from. Crap man you must want to cry when you see some of the guns loaded with stickers from their sponsors

12-20-2003, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by magsRus
I like all the logos. I want people to know who I buy my gear from. Crap man you must want to cry when you see some of the guns loaded with stickers from their sponsors
I think statements like this show a total lack of understanding what others are actually saying.

I don’t think anyone is saying that Logos should not be a part of any product, or that they should not be the MAJOR part of any product. Heck, I often think the logos look GOOD… but the lack of CHOICE is the problem.

And acting like a calm discussion on the issue, and stating an opinion other than “whatever they toss at us is fine” is “crying” is pure bunk. More so, displaying a “sponsors” sticker or logo is NOT the same as HAVING to buy a product with the logo as the main focal point if you want to buy that company’s products. When you are sponsored by a company you had better expect to display their logo every chance you get and any way you can.

And it is fine if YOU want everyone to know who you buy your gear from. And not having a logo as the main focal point does not mean others are do NOT want folks to know who they buy their gear from. One does not mean the other. I am VERY brand loyal, but I don’t use it as a “status symbol”.

Please folks, show a little more respect for those who have differing views than you do. More so when they have shown YOU the respect you deserve for YOURS.

12-20-2003, 11:38 AM
Sadly I just make sure I buy everything from one company (DYE) ... man .. I should be their poster child!!!

12-20-2003, 12:09 PM
with sponsors you can always choose not to take the sponsorship... or place the logo on your shirt and not your marker.. but there is a series lack of "tuned" markers that arnet huge billboards. And you think all that milling comes free. I bet your paying 200 bucks for an evolution cocker just to have the body cut down and "evolution" to be engraved on it.

12-20-2003, 01:48 PM
Eh, I like the way some companies do logos, so I don't mind using their stuff (DYE for example, always sexy). And my Viking has no real advertising on it, but even if it did I doubt I would care.

12-20-2003, 02:11 PM
Wow. I never knew there were such opinions on something like this.

I personally, do not care, at all. Unless its ugly, does it really matter? I dont think so (you might, im not saying anything but my own opinion here)

12-20-2003, 03:27 PM
listen, i buy products that i know are good. I buy dye barrels, because dye is tried and true. I like dye products, and i want others to know this. I wear dye gear. I want others to know what dye is, and that i am promoting paintball thrtough their gear.

I want people to know what is on my gun. I spent the money for it, i want thay dye logo on there. I spent the money on my angel, i like having the little Angel jewel on the side of my speed.

Complaining about the logo's is useless. Companies will always include their logo, it is their right. It is a part of their product and if you dont like it then maybe you shouldnt buy their product.

The empire timmy is just that. EMPIRE! IT IS CALED AN EMPIRE TIMMY BECAUSE IT IS MADE FOR EMPIRE!!! wow shocking revelation here! did you think that maybe thats why it has the EMPIRE logo milled into it? if you want something of the same performance, then hell wait till the 2k4 is released.

Companies put their logo on their products, so people can see them, yes it is free advertising for them, but come on, who doesnt brag and say ive got a boomer on my gun, or my scepter kit owns your freak. What about my dye pants are better than those bdu's?

I mean come on people, our sport is in the public eye, there fore, logos are gunna be included. support the companies you like, boycott the others... it isnt that hard people!

12-20-2003, 03:34 PM
if u dont like the logo on it, DONT BUY IT! how else would people know who makes the part?

12-20-2003, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by magman007
listen, i buy products that i know are good. I buy dye barrels, because dye is tried and true. I like dye products, and i want others to know this. I wear dye gear. I want others to know what dye is, and that i am promoting paintball thrtough their gear.
And I don’t think anyone said you could not. I don’t even think anyone said that is “bad”.

Originally posted by magman007
I want people to know what is on my gun. I spent the money for it, i want thay dye logo on there. I spent the money on my angel, i like having the little Angel jewel on the side of my speed.
And the same is true with cars. But when was the last time FORD, or any other company made their Logo the main focus on their cars? And does that mean they can’t be identified as what they are and who made them?

And as I stated, having products with such visual logos is not the issue…. I feel the issue is not being able to buy those great products WITHOUT such a prominent logo. And what is wrong with that? Nothing. It only allows folks to piss and moan that someone else is somehow being unreasonable in their opinions and tastes. And that may friend is just wrong.

Originally posted by magman007
Complaining about the logo's is useless. Companies will always include their logo, it is their right. It is a part of their product and if you dont like it then maybe you shouldnt buy their product.
And this is very true. But folks have the RIGHT to complain about ANY part of a product. They are the consumer. And asking for more major brand products with smaller branding on them is a consumer’s right. Again, this does not interfear with your right to like what you like. It doesn’t even interfear with a company’s right to produce what they want.

But HONESTLY, what would it HURT for a major paintball company such as Dye to produce products with much less intrusive branding? Would that mean they could not also produce their “in your face” branded products? NO. But they would gain even more customers.

Yeah, those who don’t like such in your face branding are the unreasonable ones right? They are the stupid ones, right?

Originally posted by magman007
Companies put their logo on their products, so people can see them, yes it is free advertising for them, but come on, who doesnt brag and say ive got a boomer on my gun, or my scepter kit owns your freak. What about my dye pants are better than those bdu's?

I mean come on people, our sport is in the public eye, there fore, logos are gunna be included. support the companies you like, boycott the others... it isnt that hard people!
So, you are saying that if a company reduced the size of their branding to the point that it isn’t the main focus of the ENTIRE product no one would know who made it? Sorry, I don’t buy that one bit. If Dye made the same grips they make now, but removed the logo, I would bet that folks would still know Dye made them… or at a minimum folks would see the grips, like them, and ask who made them. The owner would certainly know who made them.

Branding in paintball HAS gotten out of hand. If a product needs a huge logo on it for folks to think it is good, then I say there is a problem.

And who does not brag about the products they buy and use? ME. Heck, there are a lot of folks that don’t “brag” about what type of this or that they use or buy. And that does not mean we don’t have pride in what we own or use, or that we don’t actively promote the products.

This is also not about supporting or boycotting companies. It is simply about discussing the over-use of branding (as seen by some). I love DYE Jerseys, but wish they didn’t have such prominent branding on them. Does that mean I should boycott Dye? No. It means that if Dye made the same Jersey with less prominent branding, I would probably give them my money and purchase their product. And sorry, that is far from saying that I don’t like Dye or that I think folks should boycott them.

This is a style issue, not one of “support” or “boycott”.

Originally posted by fcpchop
if u dont like the logo on it, DONT BUY IT! how else would people know who makes the part?
If you read my other posts (and this one too) you will see that “in your face” branding is not “needed” for people to know who made the part/product.

Again, I think it is GREAT that they use “in your face” branding, but think that they should also offer less prominent branding as well. And as we see in this thread, there IS a customer base that would prefer the latter. This is not a BAD thing. It is about preference.

12-20-2003, 04:14 PM
Oh.... so as to make myself clear... MY comments deal with general product branding, not just jewels on markers.

12-20-2003, 04:30 PM
Sam you make good points, but another i need to make is that, the public as a generall in paintball, likes the branding, and if the larger populus likes something, and the smaller populus doesent, then the smaller populus baisically gets the shaft.

Why else would companies print out numerous sticker sheets generates specifically for poples gear?

How many people have you seen with tons of Evil stickers on the side? or on their hoppers? They do it for the branding. Now il admit, im looking for an angel sticker to slap on the side of my speed, but my reasoning is i want to cover a scratchm but thats another point.

12-20-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by magman007
Sam you make good points, but another i need to make is that, the public as a generall in paintball, likes the branding, and if the larger populus likes something, and the smaller populus doesent, then the smaller populus baisically gets the shaft.

Why else would companies print out numerous sticker sheets generates specifically for poples gear?

How many people have you seen with tons of Evil stickers on the side? or on their hoppers? They do it for the branding. Now il admit, im looking for an angel sticker to slap on the side of my speed, but my reasoning is i want to cover a scratchm but thats another point.
I don’t see how anyone can say the larger populous likes one thing or another when they have not been given the choice. I know many people who mirror my opinions on branding. And it seems that some have posted here in this thread.

People should not confuse the lack of public outcry as being the majority thinks things are just fine….. have you ever heard of the silent majority? ;) We have seen this with recball and woodsball as well as scenario play. While they have always been the backbone of the sport, they were looked down upon here on AO as well as other forums…. And now they are beginning to get recognized for the dominant form of play that they are.

All I am saying is that because all you see is one thing, and folks buy it, does not mean there isn’t a viable marker for something else in ADDITION to that…. which currently is not even being given the chance. ;)

12-20-2003, 04:44 PM
i would buy stuff without logos if i could (in fact i do in every way possible)

but some things like barrels for example im not going to sacrifice performance because lame logos all over it but i think they should make a version of their barrel without all the crap on it for those of us who dont need every idiot coming up and asking if im a dye whore or a smart parts butt buddy (which i hear quite often from morons and id rather avoid that crap if possible while still getting performance products, its saves the hastle)

12-20-2003, 05:03 PM
I usually have 4-10 nike swooshes on at any time...then again...they do give them to me to wear for them....

12-21-2003, 08:44 AM
Advertising on your products is a fact of life in all industries. Look at your car! THey put their logos all over that! Look at your credit card, it says more then just visa or mastercard, eh?

Companies try to maximize their exposure, they have too! Of course some people want it for the "status' they feel it lays upon them.

Me I want it to just work. I put no stickers on any of my gear or cars for that matter!

Sorry my friend, you are just going to have to learn to live with the pervasiness of advertising!:(

12-21-2003, 06:29 PM
I have no problem wearing and using stuff that has my sponsors' logos all over it. Its good form, in my opinion, to advertise their products when they're giving me the chance to play.

Otherwise if you're not sponsored, its your call. Some logos are ugly, but I dont mind the Empire, Dye, or JT logos personally, and I'd have no problem wearing stuff with that on it. Its all up to you I guess, stupid argument.

12-21-2003, 06:35 PM
Well the new Bushmasters doesnt have any names on it. Im talkin about the 2k3 one.