View Full Version : Odd problem.

12-20-2003, 12:50 AM
Let me first tell you about my lvl10 setup. It is rather wierd in itself, but its the only way that works right.

Shortest spring
carrier #1
4 shims

Anywho, I've been dryfiring a lot lately (the problem could only be when i dryfire, and perhaps I haven't had this problem in game)

Sometimes when I'm playing with sweetspotting while dryfiring, the reactivity stops. It seems like the on/off gets kinda weird, and it doesnt push back all the way. At this point I can't sweetspot more than burst 2-3. It seems like the bolt is taking extra time to reset. This happened, I set the marker down, and i played with it again 2 hours later, it was back to normal... but after a lot of messing around the problem came back. The trigger feel become much different, and it just seemed like something was not set right. Maybe I shortstroked the rt? (this is my first mag, I dont know)... Any ideas?>

12-20-2003, 12:45 PM
Can anyone help me?

12-20-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Low
Anywho, I've been dryfiring a lot lately (the problem could only be when i dryfire, and perhaps I haven't had this problem in game)

I think you might have it there. I know gas consumption is different between dry firing and actual shooting so I would think that reactivity mya be effected too. The bolt resetting thing, have you dropped any oil down the powertube to make sure the o-ring is good and lubed?

12-20-2003, 01:19 PM
Yes, the marker is VERY well oiled.