View Full Version : Need help from all of the networking wizards out there

12-21-2003, 09:17 AM
Well, my internet decides it doesnt want to work on my computer. I turn on my comp and it says there is another computer on my network with the same computer name (I have a router), but, all 4 of my comps have the same computer name. So i change my computer name, and it still doesnt work. I look at my router (Siemens), and the connectivity light it on, but under it is the activity light, which usually blinks once in awhile, is solid. I tried releasing my IP with winipcfg, and it releases and renews fine, but still no internet.

12-21-2003, 10:45 AM
And for some reason I cant access my router config. Someone please help!

12-21-2003, 12:41 PM
Can you by pass the router and connect directly to the comp

12-21-2003, 01:12 PM
Is it only the one comp that dont work or all of them?
What OS you using

12-21-2003, 01:14 PM
go to my network places, click on view network connections, the right click on your local area connection. Goto properties, click "internet protocal (TCP/IP)" then hit properties on that. In there make sure that it's set to "obtain an IP address automatically." Do the same with the DNS address. next go to start-> run and type in cmd (command on 98) press enter. type ipconfig /release..wait..then type ipconfig /renew and you should be good to go.

12-22-2003, 10:29 AM
Change all the names to something different. If want em to talk to eachother make sure they are in the same workgroup. Once you do that 1st power cycle the router. Leave it unpluged 30 seconds and then reboot all of your boxes (one at a time is proboly best) once the router is most of the way back up.

Now next bit about this is when it gives you that error, what specificaly is the error its giving you? If its just the same computer name error you should still be able to get on the Internet. If its telling you that you are pulling the same ip as another box then you are having some sort of DHCP issue. If you still get that err let us know.. and let us know specificaly what it says.