View Full Version : Shunning Smart Parts

12-22-2003, 06:13 PM
shun - to keep away from; avoid scrupulously or consistently.
(Webster’s New World Dictionary)
- to keep clear of; avoid. (Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary)


What would it take for field owners and stores to consciously object to sell,
repair or permit the usage of Smart Parts products within their facilities?

Could Smart Parts product be shunned into perma un-cool?

Could "the industry" find their products
un acceptable for usage on insured paintball fields?

Would shunning any team sponsored by SP cause defections?

Smith and Wesson was pretty well spanked into bankruptcy by the
internet based consumer, for signing the St Patricks day agreement with the Clinton Administration.

The lawsuit happy Smart Parts folke seem equally contemptable...


12-22-2003, 06:16 PM
Wow, you really are a newbie.:rolleyes:

12-22-2003, 06:19 PM
It wouldn't work. Too many people shoot SP. Fields wouldn't do it. They would lose a lot of business. Paintball is all about business, nowadays....:rolleyes: :(

12-22-2003, 06:23 PM
I can't think of any way you could get it to work but if it did it would be cool.

12-22-2003, 06:25 PM
refuse to play anyone using a SP marker

make it personal

Stores react to picket lines

make selling SP product unprofitable and SP will back off

12-22-2003, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by doc_Zox
What would it take for field owners and stores to consciously object to sell,
repair or permit the usage of Smart Parts products within their facilities?

Could Smart Parts product be shunned into perma un-cool?

For these two, the answer is simple. The only universal way to get stores and field owners to stop carrying Smart Parts products is to reduce the demand for Smart Parts products. The way to do that is through educating the community.

Others have said in other threads that one of the biggest mistakes we make when we discuss this issue is thinking that the internet community represents the offline community. That just isn't so. I've talked to a number of peopleat my local fields who were blissfully unaware that any of this was going on.

The question, then, is how can we raise offline awareness of this issue. I have an idea or two, and I'd love to hear others.

First, I think it's high time that we borrowed a common tactic from the music industry--the concept of a "street team." A street team is a guerrilla marketing tactic wherein a dedicated group of people pounds the pavement, spreading grassroots interest in their cause in a coordinated manner. A web-based forum would be an ideal vehicle for such a coordinated effort. I plan to give this a try in a passive fashion this weekend. I will go to a local field, and my gear bag will prominently display a sign stating "Ask me why I refuse to buy Smart Parts products." When (If :) )approached, I'll calmly and concisely outline the events that have transpired, and ask that they consider joining me in my personal boycott. I'll also direct them to AO for additional information. AO has members all over the country; if only a fraction were to do something similar, it would have a profound impact on the overall awareness of this issue.

Second, in the Legal Defense Fund thread, Jeb_Hoge suggested spreading awareness by pooling resources and buying ads in paintball publications. I think this is a great idea, and warrants additional research. I have a call into APG regarding their rate sheet, and I'm planning on calling a few other publications tomorrow. I'll post what I find.

12-22-2003, 06:51 PM
This is the dumbest idea I have ever heard.

12-22-2003, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
This is the dumbest idea I have ever heard.

You really need to clean that out more often.

Did you get the package?

12-22-2003, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
This is the dumbest idea I have ever heard.

hey, instead of flat out bashing the guy, why dont you give some constructive critisim? at least he's trying

12-22-2003, 07:41 PM
It will never work. As long as places like pbgear and 888paintball buy their products they will have income. Not to mention a few people on a message board will likely fail to bring down a corporation.

12-22-2003, 07:42 PM
Yeah, and clarify who you're talking to. I'm not sure whether or not I should be offended. :)

Originally posted by Rumble
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
This is the dumbest idea I have ever heard.

hey, instead of flat out bashing the guy, why dont you give some constructive critisim? at least he's trying

12-22-2003, 08:08 PM
If everyone who tried something new or original listened to people that told them it was "the dumbest idea ever" where would we be as a people? Go for it Spantol, let your voice be heard.

12-22-2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by IWANTMOREMAGS
Paintball is all about business, nowadays....:rolleyes: :(

isnt everything.

Eric Cartman
12-22-2003, 08:39 PM
Spantol, 2 things
First, "turgid member"? Brilliant!
Second, well said! I couldn't offer much, but I'd be delighted to chip in for some ad space as that's one of the first truly productive ideas I've heard. I also admire your calm rational approach as opposed to resorting to swastikas and irrational diatribes. Players educating players at the fields, proshops and in industry publications is probably the most effective thing that we can do to try to have any impact on this issue.

Keep me posted on any progress with ad space & donations. There's a local forum I'd like to post that in which might garner some support for you as SP's pretty hated there at the moment.

12-22-2003, 09:20 PM
Attempting to block out half if not more of the paintball market and sport, is hands down, the dumbest idea ever. There are no ifs ands or buts, its dumb, and you people know it.

12-22-2003, 10:59 PM
Considering that SP buys at least 6 full page ads in every PB magazine, i doubt any paintball magazine editor is going to publish anything controversial.

The biggest mention in PB2X so far was one sentence mentioning the "Smart Parts issue".

SP is heavily invested in promotion and we know their books are balanced on forecasted sales. Really lousy spring sales for SP will cause an attitude shift.

Making the delivery of the pain personal takes effort.
Refusing to play a SP owner would take intestinal fortitude.

"'If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out"

To you nay sayers:

Pony up something other than negative waves.

12-22-2003, 11:17 PM
doc I really suggest you stop talking. If anything SP springs sales will go up with the release of the 2k3 shocker, and maybe the nerve. Oh wait, they also got dynasty using their guns which will only boost sales more.

12-22-2003, 11:30 PM
Tony, yer a 14 year old child

isn't bed time?

Santa's watching

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-23-2003, 02:20 AM
lol tony...by any chance do you shoot a impulse or a shocker?

12-23-2003, 02:50 AM
I agree with tony's comments. Smart parts is doing what some people will call smart business. This has happend many times in different industries. For the most part we will not feel a huge affect from all this. Most of these small companies will pay the loyalties and it the affect will not be seen by most of us. In a lot of big industries you dont find a lot of big name, small companies ... they exist but they do pay up to some bigger company. Smart parts is smartly moving in that direction at the moment and will continue to grow to the likes of Kingman, or brass eagle to be one of the top paintball companies. They will most likely never go after kingman or other large marker companies because they would lose too much money doing so. Give me a break with this "Die smart parts die" mindset :)

Just my .02's

Oh yeah and Doc... Tony may be a "14 year old child" but his short post actually speaks some truth :)

12-23-2003, 04:35 AM
Originally posted by doc_Zox
refuse to play anyone using a SP marker

make it personal

Stores react to picket lines

make selling SP product unprofitable and SP will back off

Picket lines arent as effective as you might think. I been holding a picket sign in the grocery strike for three months. Money talks, even if store or field owners disagree with Smart Parts law suits they most likely wont boycott their products. Plus there are always gonna be people saying companies like ICD and AKA are getting whats coming to them. I am firm in the belief that AKA will win, but if they dont you gotta think who's next? What group of loyal gun owners are they gonna upset next? Will they do anything about it? Probably not. But this was bound to happen sooner or later. Long live inovative companies such as AKA, WGP, WDP, and AGD.

12-23-2003, 10:14 AM
hey NoJoy, WELCOME TO AO!!! i just had to do that.:D

12-23-2003, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by LaW
I agree with tony's comments. Smart parts is doing what some people will call smart business. This has happend many times in different industries. For the most part we will not feel a huge affect from all this. Most of these small companies will pay the loyalties and it the affect will not be seen by most of us. In a lot of big industries you dont find a lot of big name, small companies ... they exist but they do pay up to some bigger company. Smart parts is smartly moving in that direction at the moment and will continue to grow to the likes of Kingman, or brass eagle to be one of the top paintball companies. They will most likely never go after kingman or other large marker companies because they would lose too much money doing so. Give me a break with this "Die smart parts die" mindset :)

Just my .02's

Oh yeah and Doc... Tony may be a "14 year old child" but his short post actually speaks some truth :)

It's smart unethical business. This industry is too small and the consumers are too close friendship-wise to several manufacturers that this should go on. Plus, Smart Parts shouldn't even own that patent. So this bullcrap should all really be null! Here ya go: Die smart parts die

It was only a matter of time before the SP die-hards showed up in here.

12-23-2003, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by doc_Zox
Tony, yer a 14 year old child

isn't bed time?

Santa's watching

And I still have realistic ideas, know more then you. Doc maybe its timed to grow up and just accept what sp is doing? Or are we going to still keep crying?

Also snyper, I own an impulse, and a 2k shocker. And yes, I have owned a mag and a cocker. So I'm not biased at all. Yes I really liked my mag also.

Eric Cartman
12-23-2003, 11:18 AM
It's smart unethical business.
That's it right there, and that should mean something. Sadly the apathy of the average consumer means that it probably won't mean anything in the long run. I'll still try to spread the word everywhere I go that what Sp is doing is WRONG no matter how you slice it.

12-23-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by LaW
I agree with tony's comments. Smart parts is doing what some people will call smart business. This has happend many times in different industries. For the most part we will not feel a huge affect from all this. Most of these small companies will pay the loyalties and it the affect will not be seen by most of us. In a lot of big industries you dont find a lot of big name, small companies ... they exist but they do pay up to some bigger company. Smart parts is smartly moving in that direction at the moment and will continue to grow to the likes of Kingman, or brass eagle to be one of the top paintball companies. They will most likely never go after kingman or other large marker companies because they would lose too much money doing so. Give me a break with this "Die smart parts die" mindset :)

Just my .02's

Oh yeah and Doc... Tony may be a "14 year old child" but his short post actually speaks some truth :)

Smart Parts isn't being 'smart' by going in this direction, they are being greedy and detrimental to the sport. More over, they will never go after kingman because they legally cannot go after kingman. Kingman is a Taiwanese firm, and can avoid having to pay any of the fees to smart parts by simply no longer importing to america. American patents don't hold true any where but in America.

And tony's threads don't speak truth, they speak baby language.:D

12-23-2003, 03:45 PM
yeah, my threads:rolleyes:

12-23-2003, 03:57 PM
I was just giving you a hard time dude. A little friendly rubbing on the young kid ;)

12-23-2003, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by barberjohn
hey NoJoy, WELCOME TO AO!!! i just had to do that.:D

Thank you. Good to be here.

12-23-2003, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by Xyxyll

It's smart unethical business. This industry is too small and the consumers are too close friendship-wise to several manufacturers that this should go on. Plus, Smart Parts shouldn't even own that patent. So this bullcrap should all really be null! Here ya go: Die smart parts die

It was only a matter of time before the SP die-hards showed up in here.

So paintball will never grow into big business? It is better to keep these "close friendships" then to expand and grow the industry!...

I am not at all an SP die-hard, give me any other company that does this and I would say the same thing. Lets all boycott brass eagle then because they took over JT and Viewloader. Sure they bought them out, but they did it to grow their company. Hopefully this extra revenue that smart parts brings in will help improve the sport who knows. That is not what I am saying is going to happen.

All I see are people that want paintball to grow, but get made when the way the industry is growing is not the way they invisioned it. Add that to the already underlining hatred that people have for smart parts, along with the thousands of mindless sheep that follow what the rest of the flock thinks... Its not a suprise people react this way but I just think its silly for them to do this. We can argue our opinions back and forth and thats all they will ever be so give me a break.

12-23-2003, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Gabriel

Smart Parts isn't being 'smart' by going in this direction, they are being greedy and detrimental to the sport. More over, they will never go after kingman because they legally cannot go after kingman. Kingman is a Taiwanese firm, and can avoid having to pay any of the fees to smart parts by simply no longer importing to america. American patents don't hold true any where but in America.

And tony's threads don't speak truth, they speak baby language.:D

How are they detrimental to the sport? Explain your statements man... Yup and the same holds true to WDP as well. I am fully aware of how patents work you dont have to tell me. I cannot use companies as examples? Fine then I will just use kingman as an example of a "bigger" company that wouldnt be worth going after... it doesnt have to be kingman :)

Baby language? The truth is that Dynasty shooting shockers now will appeal to younger kids getting into the sport because Dynasty is a "top" team. Thats what sells markers and if your too blind to see that then... well. Not to mention smart parts is built on lots of hype for everything. I see impulses everywhere I go. I see more people going out and buying smart parts markers. The majority of people against smart parts are all these small loyal groups of people that shoot markers from some of these "smaller" companies. The shocker will sell and when the nerve is around that will sell well also. Quality doesnt have to be top notch when there is enough people willing to still buy the product.

And once again I am not some kind of SP fanboy so I dont need to hear that again.

12-24-2003, 05:07 PM
SP will make lots of money and has Dynasty on their payroll, but I don't think that these actions are going to make people from outside the sport flock to play paintball. Sure, younger players will look up and see Dynasty playing with 2k3 shockers and want one, but what's the difference from previous years when younger players looked up and saw Dynasty playing with Angels?

If SP wins any case against one of these smaller companies, they WILL go after the bigger companies because they will have the case precident. Kingman and WDP may simply have to give up exporting to the US, but that is still a huge burden on both companies. I would say the US has the highest population of players and the highest potential population of future players.

With the paintball industry growing (I'm talking seperate of this SP stuff right now), television commercials, television shows, and movies are all going to become more common. It is just poor coincidence that SP will likely be at the top when all this hits the bigtime.

SP has NO ethical right to do any of that and you know it! They just "happened" to receive a patent that they should have no claim over.

12-24-2003, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by Xyxyll
SP will make lots of money and has Dynasty on their payroll, but I don't think that these actions are going to make people from outside the sport flock to play paintball. Sure, younger players will look up and see Dynasty playing with 2k3 shockers and want one, but what's the difference from previous years when younger players looked up and saw Dynasty playing with Angels?

If SP wins any case against one of these smaller companies, they WILL go after the bigger companies because they will have the case precident. Kingman and WDP may simply have to give up exporting to the US, but that is still a huge burden on both companies. I would say the US has the highest population of players and the highest potential population of future players.

With the paintball industry growing (I'm talking seperate of this SP stuff right now), television commercials, television shows, and movies are all going to become more common. It is just poor coincidence that SP will likely be at the top when all this hits the bigtime.

SP has NO ethical right to do any of that and you know it! They just "happened" to receive a patent that they should have no claim over.

Ah yes lets talk eithics, which are not really defined ANYWHERE! That is your personal "unethical" reasoning but hey I am not buying it. My opinion is that Smart Parts will be one of the top dogs in the business, but they will not take over the paintball industry to the extent that some people fear. Now in the years to come, I turn out to be completely wrong I take back everything I say.

Everything else you said went out the window when you made that last comment. Why do they have no claim over it? They were smart enough to patent something back in 96 or whenver. I dont know if I completely agree with the additions made to that patent later on but eh... Like I said before lets just go into an internet opinion war! We will never convince each other! So stop posting because you have NO ethical right to do so ;) haha see how silly that sounds?

12-24-2003, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by LaW

Ah yes lets talk eithics, which are not really defined ANYWHERE! That is your personal "unethical" reasoning but hey I am not buying it. My opinion is that Smart Parts will be one of the top dogs in the business, but they will not take over the paintball industry to the extent that some people fear. Now in the years to come, I turn out to be completely wrong I take back everything I say.

Everything else you said went out the window when you made that last comment. Why do they have no claim over it? They were smart enough to patent something back in 96 or whenver. I dont know if I completely agree with the additions made to that patent later on but eh... Like I said before lets just go into an internet opinion war! We will never convince each other! So stop posting because you have NO ethical right to do so ;) haha see how silly that sounds?

If someone were ripping off Smart Parts' Shocker design, I'd say "Go Smart Parts, kick their ***." Much like I feel about the Icon markers and Timmy clones. Smart Parts patented the shocker design in '96 or whenever. I'm not saying anything in the likes of Smart Parts shouldn't own the patent to their Shocker. What I object to (which I thought was obvious), is the unreasonable extension to the patent.

Smart Parts may have been the first company to mass-produce and market an electronic marker, but there is previous art of paint-capsule electronic shooters that outdates the Shocker. Smart Parts executives, having extensive experience in the patent industry, claimed that the right to ALL electronic markers was rightfully theirs.

First off, they weren't the first. Second, look at AGD and WGP. Both companies gave up the right to patent their revolutionary inventions in order to let the technology help the industry grow. Now Smart Parts simply watched electronic markers sprout up every which direction and then when SP felt that the peak was now, SP scandalously extended their patent and accused Kingman, ICD, WDP, AGD, AKA, and more of patent infringement. Their extension was far too broad and should not have been approved in the first place.

I feel sorry for all those companies being sued right now for violating a patent that hadn't even been in existance until SP broadened its patent.

12-25-2003, 11:29 AM
verdammt man! Smart parts is being detrimental to the industry by creating a monopoly. Please tell me you can understand that.

Also, SP patented the Shocker in '96. That is NOT what this thread is about. This thread is about the RECENT extension on that patent to not only include the Shocker, but ANY fully assembled marker that even THINKS of using any type of selinoid and electrical switch to fire the paintball, effectively creating a monopoly (there's that word again) over high-end paintball guns. THAT is the problem, the extension. So now that you actually know what we are talking about, maybe you can come up with a reasonable argument.


Merry Christmas to all from Germany!

12-25-2003, 03:19 PM
I know exactly what you are all talking about. Creating a monopoly right now... I dont think so. If they go further then I expect them to go then yeah a monopoly which is illegal anyway.

All my comments above remain the same. Dont sit here and try to "teach" me on all these things that I ALREADY know.

12-25-2003, 03:27 PM
legally it wouldnt be a monopoly, because other guns would still be being produced, just not electro guns. that is the difference. but practicallity says it would make a 'hihg-end' monopoly for tourney players. Even if they werent trying bankrupt the companies, which is my personal belief, they still could sue the hell out of them and make them pay roalities. Not only that, but the other companies would have to pay a lump sum up front to even have the 'privilege' to produce an electronic marker. So theortically, they could sue the companies so much that one would have to choose from, say a $500 BKO or a $450 Impulse. Which would you get? My point exactly.

And dont say we, the consumers, wouldnt see the effect. If they 'licensed' the idea to a company for $100,000,000 (which they could very well do), where will that come from? And then, if they made that company pay, say $25 or $50 for royalties for every electro marker they made, where will that come from as well? Us.

This is a totally legal move. That is why it is not legally considered a monopoly. But it is a practical monopoly that is, drum roll please, DETRIMENTAL TO THE SPORT.

Thank you for your time :)

12-25-2003, 08:56 PM
everyone needs to shut up and quit whining

this exploded into a huge dilemma becuase so many people never understood the true facts about what was, and still is going on

its ignorant people like you that just stoke the fire up again, igniting a blaze, letting the smoke travel among the internet, alarming other people from other forums about your faulty crap

there is no way SP is ever going to be shunned from any field, game, or tourney

they make quality producs, and will continute to make quality products

sure, i may not like their ideas, but hell, i'll but whatever i want from them


simply because i do not like what they are doing does not mean that i don't like their products

as long as people like you continute to whine about a whole story that you have not even begun to understand and just follow the path of others, i will go against the grain, letting this whole thing take its own course, and not try to take any action against it, because a few people on internet forums won't make them change their mind

and just for your information, SP revolutionized the paintball world and helped make it become what it is today

the shocker was the first electronic paintball gun ever - would the E-Mag exist if it werent for SP, no. timmy?... no..., matrix?... no..., angel?... no.

so just shut up, and read up - then come back with a reasonable answer

12-25-2003, 09:04 PM
Wow... since when has sitting back and doing nothing solved ANYTHING! Smart Parts is doing something that nobody but Smart Parts likes (Even you said you don't like it!). There are thousands of players viewing these boards. Many of these viewers have A LOT of influence over their local paintball community. I can say that I do! It doesn't matter how good SOME of their products are (The only things they make that I feel are decent are the Max-Flow (of which I have two) and the progressive), Smart Parts has enraged so many people. Now why would we just sit back and watch them hurt our precious companies. I would HATE to see AKA, AGD, and WDP get hurt. That is why I am collecting $ for the fight against Smart Parts. I am definitely not alone either. Wow, imagine if every enraged paintball player donated a dollar to the defending company. It definitely wouldn't be pocket change... Now, I wish you would take your own advice and take a look at the whole picture!

12-26-2003, 12:08 AM
The Shocker was not the first electronic gun ever, not by a long shot.


12-26-2003, 12:10 AM
ok... then my field tech was wrong :(

12-26-2003, 05:08 AM
If anyone has ever watched the lawyers of the species divide a clients assets into digestable chunks and proceed to exanguinate all bank accounts, you will appreciate the reason why a settlement is sometimes the only option.

Well, SPs founders are patent lawyers. (http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=9013&messageid=1058942255)

Isn't one of the people at Smart Parts a patent attorney?

-Yes. According to this document from the FTC, (http://www.ftc.gov/os/1997/07/davisb~1.htm) two individuals currently associated with Smart Parts were involved in an "invention submission" business, which the Federal Trade Commission shut down for "deceptive practices"

So an SP employee who intimately understands the patent system acts as self council and send out letters to a targeted manufacturer. This company hires a lawyer who is payed to repond to every shot across the bow. Any Lawsuit Internet war chest is quickly depleted.

here is a repository of SP lawsuit data:

NPS has signed an agreement with SP:

I kinda doubt you are going to buy any counter opinion advertisement space in their "magazine" (http://www.crossfiremag.com/contacts.htm)

So "Dynasty" is now a SP team...

It might make the magazines if another team shunned them at a major event.

12-26-2003, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by sneakyhacker420
everyone needs to shut up and quit whining

this exploded into a huge dilemma becuase so many people never understood the true facts about what was, and still is going on

its ignorant people like you that just stoke the fire up again, igniting a blaze, letting the smoke travel among the internet alarming other people from other forums about your faulty crap

there is no way SP is ever going to be shunned from any field, game, or tourney

they make quality producs, and will continute to make quality products

sure, i may not like their ideas, but hell, i'll but whatever i want from them


simply because i do not like what they are doing does not mean that i don't like their products

as long as <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=people&v=52&src=zon">people</a> like you continute to whine about a whole story that you have not even begun to understand and just follow the path of others, i will go against the grain, letting this whole thing take its own course, and not try to take any action against it, because a few people on internet forums won't make them change their mind

and just for your information, SP revolutionized the paintball world and helped make it become what it is today

the shocker was the first electronic <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=paintball&v=52&src=zon">paintball</a> gun ever - would the E-Mag exist if it werent for SP, no. timmy?... no..., matrix?... no..., angel?... no.

so just shut up, and read up - then come back with a reasonable answer

I dont know what was the first electro gun, but it wasnt the shocker. Either way, would it be soooo bad without electro guns on the field? C'mon now.

And was my answer unreasonable? No. I would say, seeing as you based your entire answer on your field tech's 'expertise' that you should first 'shut up and read up' and then 'come back with a reasonable answer'. :rolleyes:


12-26-2003, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Gabriel

I dont know what was the first electro gun, but it wasnt the shocker. Either way, would it be soooo bad without electro guns on the field? C'mon now.

And was my answer unreasonable? No. I would say, seeing as you based your entire answer on your field tech's 'expertise' that you should first 'shut up and read up' and then 'come back with a reasonable answer'. :rolleyes:


The field that he plays at isnt that great either ;) The field "techs" there dont know much about anything. Just thought I would say that since I know what field he is talking about.

I think i'm done discussing this whole SP thing and will just sit back and see how it plays out. I see it happening one way, others see it differently ... we will all know for sure in the next year or two.

12-27-2003, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by AGD
The Shocker was not the first electronic gun ever, not by a long shot.


Heck, if you look thru when patents were filed in the US patent system alone, there was one filed for an electronic grip frame conversion to fit tippmann blowbacks a good year before the first PVI Shocker appeared. The fact that our lord and saviour Tom knows there were electronic paintball guns before the shocker pretty much means that SP ain't gonna come knocking at the company doors with a lawsuit anytime soon (nor at BE's doors since K2 can afford some GOOOD lawyers).

As I recall the history, the BE Rainmaker was a production gun selling at walmarts while PVI was still sorting the bugs out of the shocker (before SP walked away with the design much to the annoyance to the owner of PVI). Also WDP was independantly developing the Angel in the UK even before that (which is why BE was initially looking to distribute angels in north america and then went its own route with the rainmaker, which is essentially an electronic vector).

12-27-2003, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by Gabriel
Also, SP patented the Shocker in '96. That is NOT what this thread is about.

No they didn't, PVI filed in 1996 and that application was abandoned. Then SP refilled in 1997 and that patent was granted on march 16, 1999. But BE's patent on the rainmaker (filled in June 1998) was granted SEVEN DAYS before that, by the SAME primary patent examiner at the US patent office. Apparently a lot of folks (SP included, as well as the morons at the US patent office) don't understand what prior art is (much like the dweeb who patented powerfeeds several years after Tom invented them) when patents are granted.

See this patent


It was filed in 1993 and granted in 1995 (so a YEAR before the first PVI shocker patent was filed) and covered a device to convert an existing paintball gun for multi-firing modes under an electronic circuit board control with an electric motor or servo to fire the gun. In fact, such a device did make it onto the market for Tippmann 98s. It attached over the trigger guard and had an electronic cam/motor to move the trigger, with a push button momentary switch to control it and allowed full auto firing.

12-27-2003, 12:26 PM
A buddy of mine is a Patent inspector and my sister used to work for a PA State Rpesentative in the Latrobe area.

Grassroots action could put a speed bump in SPs plans...