View Full Version : Quick Tournament Survey...

12-23-2003, 04:46 AM
Let's say there was a 5-man tournament with an entry fee/prize structure as follows:

Prizes: (1st/2nd/3rd)

DI: $8k/$2k/$1k Cold Hard Cash (18 team min)*
DII: $4k/$1k/$500 Cold Hard Cash (18 team min)*
DIII: Trophies

Event maximum of 63 teams, 8 game minimum.

Entry + Air:

DI $800/team
DII $500/team
DIII $200/team

Paint: "BYOP" (Multiple vendors on site from whom you could purchase paint, figure $45/case and up, or free if they like you.)

For the sake of argument, no more than one NPPL Pro or NXL player on a DI team, and no more than one Am player (NPPL/PSP DI/Proam) and no pros on DII teams.

Lets also say the refs were certified and paid $200/day.

And, just to throw icing on the cake, the event is at a major non-paintball location on athletic fields.

Would you play? Would you travel to play? What division would you play in?


*Prizes prorated if minimums not met.

12-23-2003, 06:29 AM
I know I sure would. The only thing that would hold me back would be travel costs. Is this just hypothetical, or are you planning such an event? ;) :D

12-23-2003, 06:34 AM
FOrget playing, I'd want to get certified and REF! :D $200/day is niiiiiiiice :D

12-23-2003, 08:30 AM
We'd definately make an attempt to be there, barring any schedule conflicts, and if it didn't take more than 6 or so hours to drive to. The event sounds like a fun time. :cool:

If your considering DI = Amateur, DII = Novice, and DIII = Rookie, we would most likey play DII, although I wouldn't rule us out of making the jump up to DI since the prize package looks pretty good.

And I like the idea of playing on athletic fields. Gotta have "poofy" grass. :p

Sounds like a good idea there Chris.

12-23-2003, 11:01 AM
id travel at most an hour to get there. And id play D3.

12-23-2003, 11:05 AM
Let's say I would do my best to be there to get some good action like we saw at IAO. I think it would make a great DVD for everyone to add to their collection.
Get in touch with me if this thing goes through.



12-23-2003, 12:28 PM
I don't play in tournaments, but I'd probably make one like that if I could field a team and it was within driving distance. I would also be just as interesting in reffing as playing. :D Depending on the team, we would probably play DIII.

12-23-2003, 02:25 PM
Myself (and probably the rest of the Drexel guys) would travel two or three hours, depending on the lodging situation to play divison 3.

Wc Keep
12-23-2003, 09:52 PM
could this actually be an idea for the setup of the college nationals?

12-23-2003, 09:59 PM
I would Ref something like this as it sounds like Refs would be screened and qualified. Thats something I would like to see and be a part of. Sounds interesting Chris.

12-23-2003, 10:04 PM
It's an idea to help spread out some of the costs of college nationals.

It would be free entry for college teams, but we'd also host a side event the following day (Sunday) along with possibly the college finals so the fixed costs get spread around more. We should have a very nice facility and very good media coverage, and the NCPA has always compensated our refs well. With increased attention from the major leagues towards certified reffing, we're looking to have a certification class prior to the event. This'll make sure we get qualified refs, give the leagues a larger pool of trained refs to pull from, and give the refs a way to be certified and make some money on top of that.

Have to see if it all comes together - I need to find about $7,000 more in the budget, which is looking like will come from raising the entry fees in the hypothetical situation by about $100/team. That still appears to be lower than most events that are FPO at $70/case+ and don't even give cash prizes.

- Chris

12-23-2003, 10:18 PM
Have one of those events 5 or 6 times a year and I'd be there in a heartbeat.

One of my biggest priorities for college next year is starting a paintball club/team. I would really like to see a national level College X-ball circuit that get's real attention. I want to see the day when I go into a college sportswear store, I see "CNU Captains Paintball" or "Nittany Lions X-ball" or whatever. That would be awsome.

12-23-2003, 10:22 PM
Where is this magical paintball land you speak of?

12-24-2003, 07:04 PM
sounds awesome, i'd do it if it wasn't too far away.

12-24-2003, 09:30 PM
Where and when? The paintball club at ERAU, Prescott (which I'm a part of. We're called TAWO, btw for those of you looking us up in the NCPA) is looking at going to the Huntington Beach tourney, even though speedball isn't our kind of ball. We figure that if we get ourselves to several NCPA tourneys then we can FINALLY get some financial backing from the school, b/c so far they've turned down EVERY SINGLE request for funding for equipment (safety equipment. they won't even subsidize us for a chrono! all our club stuff is coming straight out of our individual bank accounts, even though ERAU tells us that we can get funding) b/c we're considered a "gun club."

Grrr, I like woods and milsim and all, but even then our club is not a GUN club. We're the paintball club. We play paintball. We're working on getting a scenario team together, but we need funding. Participating in NCPA tourneys could show the school we're not a gun club . . maybe. Maybe if we're even able to place decently, then we can get some good press in that it would be bad form for the school to deny us subsidies.

Any help or advice on this from you NCPA higher-ups?

~James "Sir Brass" Robertson
-2003-2004 TAWO Representative to the ERAU SOC
-Student Justice