View Full Version : Trigger Stops for ULT?

12-23-2003, 01:36 PM
Does anyone make a trigger stop for the ULT trigger? Is it needed? From what I understand, the UTL trigger is lighter, and fires the shot sooner than the regular on/off set up. But if the ULT on/off pin still has to travel the full length (past the fire point) whats the point? Wouldn't a stop help?

12-23-2003, 01:42 PM
Ask 'thejester493'. He put a trigger stop on his, Its the only one i've shot but it was nice.

Wc Keep
12-23-2003, 01:45 PM
you add a trigger stop like you would to any trigger frame. adding a trigger stop helps make it easier to walk.

12-23-2003, 01:48 PM
I just tapped my y frame trgger for a trigger stop, and I sent it to pputowski so he can send it to xpb for gloss black annodizing! yey
I havent tried it yet but I am looking forward to it.

12-23-2003, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
you add a trigger stop like you would to any trigger frame. adding a trigger stop helps make it easier to walk.

Hey buddy... Do eleborate. Like I would on any frame? I aint never added no trigger stop to none frames. Is it sompin you can buy that fits on most triggers?

12-23-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by JEDI

I aint never added no trigger stop to none frames.

That means you have added stops ta all trigger frames.;)

Anyway,you have to drill and tap a hole for a trigger stop screw.You just have to find an accessable location to drill,many people put it on the back of the trigger itself.It varies from frame to frame.


12-23-2003, 02:23 PM
Is it a good idea though? Have there been any draw backs as far as anyone (or AGD) has found? Seems like an obvious step for installing a ULT. Does anyone have any Mag trigger stop pics?.... Guess I'll go search.

12-23-2003, 02:35 PM
Trigger stops are good if they are properly adjusted.
logic vert frame

12-23-2003, 02:40 PM
logic may be coming out with an adjustable trigger soon for the rtp and am/mm's, so i would be looking for that if i were you. or you can just buy a logic vert frame, and it come with forwar AND aft travel adjustments.

12-23-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by personman
Trigger stops are good if they are properly adjusted.
logic vert frame

i hope you weren't referring that pic to a trigger stop. thats the trigger rod.

but if you're trying to show what kind of trigger would NEED one, that picture is perfect lol

12-23-2003, 03:10 PM
if that didnt work copy paste this link

all i did was put tape on the back of the trigger and its super small and light trigger pull... now i just gotta fix my bolt stick

ill post on that in the next few days probably christmas when i have time to take my mag aparthttp://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-7/302496/triggerpulled.JPG

12-23-2003, 03:12 PM
rikkter - there is a triger stop ther just below the triger rod.
I know because i have a Logic Vert frame :)

12-23-2003, 03:13 PM
rikkter if you look below the trigger rod, there is a stop installed on the trigger

12-23-2003, 03:48 PM
yeah, the logic trigger is great. it has a stop for the trigger rod and for the trigger itself. works like a machine.

12-23-2003, 04:03 PM
I had a Benchmark grip frame years ago that Warp Sports had installed a stop screw in the back of the frame. The way they did it was to remove the trigger to get it out of the way, and then carefully drill through the trigger guard and then on into the back of the grip frame. Then tapped it and threaded a Allen key screw into that back of the grips frame and reinstall the Trigger. Leaves a neat little hole in the front of the trigger guard and all but makes the access to the back of the frame possible for the drill and tap. Was a good thing on a Benchmark. Not as convinced its needed on a Intelliframe at this point myself.

I for one wish they would add the bottom of the trigger guard hole on those intelliframes to make the grip screw easier to get out. Just had to add that.... ;)

12-23-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
I had a Benchmark grip frame years ago that Warp Sports had installed a stop screw in the back of the frame. The way they did it was to remove the trigger to get it out of the way, and then carefully drill through the trigger guard and then on into the back of the grip frame. Then tapped it and threaded a Allen key screw into that back of the grips frame and reinstall the Trigger. Leaves a neat little hole in the front of the trigger guard and all but makes the access to the back of the frame possible for the drill and tap. Was a good thing on a Benchmark. Not as convinced its needed on a Intelliframe at this point myself.

I for one wish they would add the bottom of the trigger guard hole on those intelliframes to make the grip screw easier to get out. Just had to add that.... ;)

Phil, I'd agree that an Intelli wouldnt need it, but I'm told the full stroke of the trigger isn't needed for the ULT set-up. I'm just curious if a stop would help.

12-23-2003, 04:25 PM
Well I have been remiss in not installing my ULT and getting any experience with it. So I should not comment very much on this.... But I can tell you that the fire point can be changed other ways. However I am not aware that the firepoint HAS changed with the ULT. I know it can shift a little but...This is news to me if it has changed dramatically. I suspect if the fire point is NOT in the middle of pull like it's supposed to be then that should be adjusted so that it is. Because that is optimal on a Mag. For that fire point to be in the middle of trigger swing. Not a stop to change the swing amount. But again.... what do I know! this ULT thing is all new to me. So don't listen to me on this. Cause I just have not spent any time on it yet. :D

I gonna go put mine in now tonight and see what your talking about. It's been sitting in the tool box for two months now. Time I got around to installing it! I did mess with someone elses that was already in there. And did shoot a few. Just never put my own in! :(

12-23-2003, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by badtoyz
rikkter - there is a triger stop ther just below the triger rod.
I know because i have a Logic Vert frame :)

whoah, i couldn't even see that earlier lol
i see it now tho, thanks!

12-23-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
I for one wish they would add the bottom of the trigger guard hole on those intelliframes to make the grip screw easier to get out. Just had to add that.... ;)
That is a really easy DIY project. I did that to my Emag frame in 2 minutes with just a regular, powered hand drill.

12-23-2003, 05:40 PM
True but then you got raw Aluminum there. I was wanting it there BEFORE anno. But there is always a Sharpie I suppose! ;)

OK well I stuck this ULT in this RTP and just went with four shims. Sort of a middle ground set up. I am low on air so I not wanting to mess with it too much. But it is light and shooting very well. But I cannot say I can pick up any change in the fire point here. I figure those of you that are seeing an early fire point are using a more aggressive set up? Like really really light? I not seeing it with four shims at this point. Heck I might just leave mine here where it is. Or maybe just one more shim if anything....

12-23-2003, 07:28 PM
Yea, personman sent me his trigger for anno but it looks like he did a good job on the tap. JIC anyone wants to see it...
Sorry, just can't seem to get my camera to work right tonight...:o

12-23-2003, 08:00 PM
picks look fine to me. maybe thats because i own a -1 megapixel POS web cam. and kudos to personman, that is a very nice tap, or atleast it looks nice from my perspective. mine would be like halfway on and off the trigger, im just that bad:rolleyes: .

12-23-2003, 08:35 PM
what size thread is that on personman's trigger? I picked up some 6/32 setscrews today to try this out.

Also, do you need a cup head punch to get the trigger out?

12-23-2003, 10:17 PM
Wow I was scrolling through this thread and I saw a picture of my trigger.. I was like wtf..
Thanks guys. I did it with a dremel. I'm not sure of the tap size because I threw the package away (DOH) but its tapped for a 6/32 set screw.
To get the trigger out, I have no clue. My mom used to be an optomotrist(sp) and she has a punch in her old kit. I just use a large object and hammer it on the pin until it comes out part of the way, then I use an allen wrench and push it against the floor or something to get it the rest of the way through.
I must have gotten the wrong tap size for 6/32 or something (even though it clearly said 6/32 on the package) because the threads were too tight for the set screw. I had to screw the set screw in there, with the very tight fit, repeatedly, so out of a package of like 6 set screws I have one left, because I had to kind of re tap the trigger the hard way :p
I've never tapped anything before though, I'm suprised at how easy it was.
If you have a drill press it would be better, because even with a vice grip I still cant dremel accurately. I'm very lucky I got it in the center of the trigger, because that is very unlike me. :p I managed to get away with just a few nicks from the dremel traveling, and I sanded the trigger down just a bit so it doesnt feel rough.

12-23-2003, 10:39 PM
So if you DIY a trigger stop setup, would you guys say the tap/screw is better in the trigger, than behind it in the frame poking out at the trigger? (ie. KAPP hinge)

12-24-2003, 12:10 AM
When I get caught back up again, I'm going to adapt the blade trigger from the Logic Vert frames to fit in the intelliframe.

That way people who want trigger stops, but are mechanically disinclined have a ready made solution.

The guys who have my frames will tell you, when you get the stops set right, you can really rock 'n' roll with it.

oledude came down last week to have me assemble his son's new mag, and he had an X-Valve with the ULT kit already installed in it. When I got it set up, he was totally blown away. He had played with the IFrame, but the with the stops set correctly, the trigger pull was reduced by about 3/4 (down to about a 1/16th of an inch or maybe 3/32, it was durn short).

I'll stop tooting my horn now, just thought I'd throw that out there.

Merry Christmas All :cool:

12-24-2003, 12:21 AM
Owning a ULT, I could see where trigger stops could help ALOT. I think I might have to pick up one of those vertframes from Coolhand. Anyone want to buy an Inteliframe?

12-24-2003, 12:25 AM
I put a trigger stop into my intelliframe, and I have a ULT. I never noticed that the ULT fires the marker sooner than the stock on/off... is it really true? I put the stop in when I was doing a trigger mod to remove side to side play... It makes it easier for me to shoot fast since I dont have a retro valve (my ULT is on my classic)... it stops the trigger from going the excess space after it fires the marker, which allows for my classic to recharge faster (since I'm not holding down the trigger as long)...

Its nothing fancy, I just drilled a hole in the trigger, tapped it, and put an allen set screw in it. Adjusting it to the proper length takes a little while though. Too long and you could chip the sear or round over the edge of the bolt. Too short and you defeat the purpose for having the stop...

thats my $0.02:)

12-24-2003, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by JEDI
So if you DIY a trigger stop setup, would you guys say the tap/screw is better in the trigger, than behind it in the frame poking out at the trigger? (ie. KAPP hinge)
I would say tapping the trigger is easier. You can take out the trigger, for easier acess to tapping. You dont have to ruin your 100 dollar frame, you can just ruin your $20 dollar trigger :cool:
Its also easier to adjust, IMO with the hex wrenches that have the 90* bend in them (which should be every hex wrench, unless you use one of those all in one doodads)
Meh, the only drawback I could think of, is if you have too long of a screw, then the set screw might poke out a bit, which could be annoying. Nothing a litle sand paper couldnt fix tho

12-24-2003, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by cphilip

I for one wish they would add the bottom of the trigger guard hole on those intelliframes to make the grip screw easier to get out. Just had to add that.... ;)

me too. That would make things infinitly easier.

12-24-2003, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by SpecialBlend2786

me too. That would make things infinitly easier.

You guys should look into some ball ended hex keys.

They won't make a hole appear in your frame :D , but they will make it much easier to put that screw in without one.

You can buy a combo set of both metric and standard sizes from Enco ( www.use-enco.com ) for like $8 or $10 (made by Allen too, so they are good quality).


12-24-2003, 04:46 PM
oh nice, thanks Coolhand :D

12-24-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Bad_Dog
Adjusting it to the proper length takes a little while though. Too long and you could chip the sear or round over the edge of the bolt. Too short and you defeat the purpose for having the stop...

thats my $0.02:)

Good point, I am a bit concerned about that as well. How did you decide where to draw the line? I am thinking adjust it in until it will fire, then give it another 1/4 turn or so for clearance.

12-24-2003, 09:23 PM
.... collhands... when do u think that trigger will be ready for the intelliframe???? put me on the list when it is
...cause i want one

12-24-2003, 11:10 PM
How did you decide where to draw the line?lol, I didnt... I discovered the results when I took my mag apart and the edge of the bolt was round :mad: but it's all good...
(that just means that I had to back the set screw out a little further than I would have had to before)

12-24-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Bad_Dog
lol, I didnt... I discovered the results when I took my mag apart and the edge of the bolt was round :mad: but it's all good...
(that just means that I had to back the set screw out a little further than I would have had to before)

Mind explaining how either of these is a result of too long of a stop? I dont get the connection.

12-24-2003, 11:36 PM
It was from having the stop too long; which means that the sear just barely nipped the edge of the bolt... causing it to chip away.

12-25-2003, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by greg
.... collhands... when do u think that trigger will be ready for the intelliframe???? put me on the list when it is
...cause i want one

Its not a big redesign, so I'm thinking sometime in the first part of January probably.

I've got to sneek some V2 Imp frames in there somewhere as well, to take to Kickn' with me.

Been real busy. :D

I will post here on AO when they are ready.

Merry Chistmas all.

12-25-2003, 01:53 AM
amazing...... you smart people... ill be the first on the list in january.... waht u think the price range will be??? is it gunna be just like the trigger on the vert frame????

12-25-2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by rikkter

i hope you weren't referring that pic to a trigger stop. thats the trigger rod.

but if you're trying to show what kind of trigger would NEED one, that picture is perfect lol idiot...

12-25-2003, 03:49 PM
y does cristmas suck

12-25-2003, 03:52 PM
dont mind me... x-mas sucked for me... and still is if you wanna get technical