View Full Version : RT Pro Questions

12-23-2003, 02:29 PM
I'm thinking of upgrading to another gun in the future, possibly after the winter season. I'm using a l/p 98c with a long NW drop, and have been looking at the AGD RT PRO automag.

But, I like how mags are so compact and small, not to mention they have a solid durable feel. I also like the fact that they're not electric, and that they can still rip if need be.

I'm just wondering how user friendly they are? I've only extensively used a very beat up 68 automag (fox paintball's rentals), and surprizingly they were still pretty good.

I also can't decide which type of hopper configuration I'd like. Since I started on a tippmann 98, i typically like to aim down the barrel when at all possible. So I was thinking about getting the powerfeed right configuration. I play in the woods a lot of the time, and I like to have a wide range of view, which the left configuration would like. But, wouldn't using an elbow be a pain when running and sliding? I've seen a lot of guns and their elbows come flying off wasting a good deal of paint.

But, the ULE body would make it lighter and more compact, which are both good things. I'm just wondering how hard it is to aim these things. It seems like everyone else does just fine doing it. I tried simulating the vert feed with an autococker (at a store :)), i just kept both eyes open. It seemed to work decently, with a little distortion from the right eye behind the vert feed.

And about the trigger... I'd probably get an intellifeed, because they seem like a solid frame, and could provide a decently fast feed rate with an otherwise junky hopper (dunno if I want a HALO just yet).

Also, how efficient are the mags? I know they aren't the best with gas, but how many shots would i get out of a 68/3000 tank? And, would my preset (high output) PMI Pure energy tank pose ANY problems for the mag?


Ah yes, I also read up on the velocity changes associated with rates of fire on the RT. I typically play in the woods, and my shooting isn't constant. I take a couple shots per person, but would like to use the RT Pro to lay down some serious paint on someone who's running. Would the velocity be inconsistent?

Thanks in advance, I look forward to any replies.

12-23-2003, 10:16 PM
Welcome to AO! Man you got alot of questions running around in there. I'll try to answer them as I find them;) Very user friendly, keep reading around here and come back if you have specific problems. It sounds like you're leaning toward vertical feed, good choice. Try sighting down the side of the barrel not the top, that should help. Te intellifeed is a great frame, linked to a revy or not. Efficiency is around 10 shots per ci on a 3000psi tank, level 10, paint brand, and barrel type will make changes in that tho. The faster, bps, you shoot the more consistant it gets. I never notice big changes in accuracy between fast and slow firing tho. Hope that helped:D

12-23-2003, 11:48 PM
The only HUGE thing that bothered me was the lowered velocity at slow rates of fire. Because I do like to take 1-2 shot bursts with long intervals between.

Would the mag be better off with an adjustable tank just in case?

And I still really can't decide to get the ULE vert feed or not. I like to aim down the middle, but the low weight is a plus. And I'm hesitant to use an elbow because I see em fly off or twist around on people wasting some paint. I'll just have to go the shop to check em out.

Oh yeah, how do the detents work on both styles of bodies (AGD and ULE)

03-30-2004, 04:13 PM
Okay, I've been asking around various forums and proshops. Hah, and each place has given me different replies, so I figured I'd come straight back here and ask the official AGD techs.

I'll get around 650-680 shots off of my 68ci 3000psi tank. That seems good enough for efficiency in my book.

I want to use my PMI preset tank. Having to buy a new tank would basically rule out getting an automag as it would cost too much.

What problems could I encounter from having to use my preset (yes it's high output)? I just wanted an official answer from the real techs.


03-30-2004, 04:44 PM
I'm not a tech, but I use a preset on my RTP without any problem. And for your hesitance about vert feed, its not a problem. I actually never really aim down the barrel, you simply get a feel on how to hold the gun. If necessary you still can aim along the side of the barrel, but I don't find that useful.

I would say that you should get the ULE body. The balance is better with the hopper centered, it weighs less, a lot more barrels available with cocker threading, and it looks nicer.

03-30-2004, 04:51 PM
Hey TD!!!

Welcome to AO. You are in the right place for answers. See my sig for my set up.

The Custom RT Pro that AGD offers is a great deal. It will allow you to get all the upgrades you want for cheaper than if you got them seperatly.

I love mine and they are very user friendly once you know what you are doing. Till you figure it out just ask us!!

As far as the hopper, I would get a warp and get the warp feed ule body. Then you can look right down the barrel like you like to do. I have a warp and would never go back to a hopper on top of my mag. For the way you play, you would be fine with a Revi.

I like my intelli especially with the blade trigger.

They are not real efficient but that is not really something I care a lot about. Sounds like you have that figured out already. Yes you can and should use a high output tank with Mags. Mine is 850 PSI.

Hope all this helps

03-30-2004, 05:04 PM
Oh, I already figured out everything about the setup... If I were to get it I'd get...

XVALVE (obviously)
Black ULE Vert Body
Black Intelliframe (blade?)
ULE rail (I've read about it, and I want it as light as possible.. tell me if I'm wrong about it...)
ULT (I've also heard you can adjust this a little more and that it'd be benefitial to have)
Empire Reloader hopper (already have it)

Then I have my PE High output tank. The tank is the only part I'm unsure about.