View Full Version : Warp feed, last balls question.

09-06-2001, 08:08 AM
When you get to the end of your hopper and the balls are feeding through the warp. How do the last 8 or so balls get into the gun? What is propelling them? Once it gets past the drive mechanism, and there are no more balls pushing the rest of them up the tube, what happens to the last balls?
hey i'm new to this.. sorry.:D

09-06-2001, 08:16 AM
Nothing happens to them. They wont feed unless you tilt your gun so they drop into the barrel.


09-06-2001, 09:53 AM
Since you should start the game with those 8 balls in the tube, you put 200 in the hopper and shoot them out until you have 8 balls in the tube again. This way you are getting the same number of shots as usual with the hopper on top.


09-06-2001, 12:02 PM
Ok, just checking. Im getting mine this weekend, so I was just preparing. thanks!

09-06-2001, 04:37 PM
Yeah, I played a game the otherday, and only had my hopper full, and a tube with like 30 rounds in it. I broke a ball and had played this game without my squeegee(WHY?). So I run out of paint. So im tilting my gun upside down to get like 3 rounds, then shoot those, and tilt again... FUN! hehe. But its nice to have those extra balls just incase you need them.